Epilogue (Bonus- 1) (mature content)

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Author's pov

-3 and half years later-

Aarushi was looking at the father-daughter duo.

Saanvi was in Abhinav's arms.
Her hands were snaked around his neck and her head was resting on his shoulder.
She is such a Papa's girl.

"Saanvi, your papa is not going anywhere. Atleast brush your teeth." Aarushi said for the 3rd time.

"Papa....." Saanvi said looking at Aarushi.

"Yes yes. Ofcourse. Go papa. Make your daughter brush her teeth." Aarushi said sarcastically while rolling her eyes at Abhinav.

Now she knew what Abhinav was feeling when Ayansh won't leave Aarushi.

Saanvi doesn't like it if her mother touches her father.
If Aarushi does that then she will wail or start crying because she thinks that Aarushi will seperate her from her father.

Abhinav knew that he can't say anything to Aarushi right now in front of Saanvi.

"This is great. When she is hungry then only she will come to me otherwise for everything papa papa papa." Aarushi huffed while talking to herself.

She was busy in folding the quilt and making the bed when her phone rang.

She looked at the caller id and it was Vivaan.

She knitted her eyebrows in confusion.


"Uh..hello!" Came out Vivaan's voice.

"I kinda needed your help... "


"Divya is giving me cold treatment and I swear I didn't do anything. " Vivaan quickly added the last part.

"Oh. Ok got it. Mood swings are really normal in pregnancy. Just do whatever she wants you to do. If she is still not happy then a back hug and a kiss can do a lot." Aarushi suggested while thinking about her pregnancy days. How much she annoyed Abhinav. But he never lost his patience.

Aarushi's pov

I was in kitchen when Abhinav back hugged me.

"Omg Mr. Abhinav Mehra is here. Don't you think you should be with your princess?" I said sarcastically.

Abhinav didn't said anything but started planting soft wet kisses on my neck.

"A-abhi.... " A shiver ran through my whole body.

I was controlling my moans as I felt him biting and sucking on on sensitive spot.

"Papa!!!!" Saanvi called Abhinav.

"Sorry! But I promise I will make it up to you." Abhinav pecked my lips before going to Saanvi, who was calling him from living room.

Ok I am a bit jealous.
Because I also has a right on my husband. But here Saanvi doesn't even let me go near Abhinav.

During pregnancy, because of my baby bump I couldn't hug Abhinav and after Saanvi was born, we couldn't spend time together much because I had to look after Saanvi and Abhinav had to look after Ayansh so he doesn't feel left out.

"Mumma, see I wrote all the answers. Now you just have to check it." Ayansh said entering the kitchen with a book in his hand.

I had given him some questions to solve as his exams were near.

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