Rocky calm

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I hugged my knees with one arm, resting my chin. With my free hand I ran my finger over the rough rock, I flinched at the sound of someone screaming. Gripping the rock tightly in my hand. I closed my eyes, feeling the rock digging into my hand as I heard sounds of violence. I can only think someone is being punched a lot.

I couldn't understand the words being shouted, I think it's Daryl but I've never heard him sound so loud and it's terrifying. I stared across the cracked concrete, cars honking. Could I sneak off to the bus stop? I eyed the bus pass the empty stop. No, they're both here, so there must be gang members watching me...

I can't keep making those mistakes.

The song really does seem familiar, but it's finished and a new one has turned on, oh! I think I know what the song was!

"No! No! You can't!" I heard someone shouting inside the building. I pressed tightly between the boxes, looking to the side as slow and calm footsteps walked out the door, Kevin was giving Daryl some wipes and Daryl casually began wiping blood from his hands and the blood splatters on his face. He met my miserable gaze.

He chuckled and shook his head. He gave the dirty wipes to Kevin who stuffed them into a plastic bag and tied it shut. He waved someone over and told them to destroy it. Hunter came out next, blood splatter along his shirt and a bloodied metal rod in his hand.

"Motherfucker tried to stiff us. Then they get some thugs involved? Fucken coward" spat Hunter. He held the metal pole, I eyed the dripping blood warily.

"Pretty hard to run off with something as rare and heavy as that. He knew he fucked up. The big boss will want to deal with them. So we should get going" spoke Daryl. Kevin walked to me and held out his hand.

"I think the song was that guy Sebastian one? The happy one?" I said questionably, I dropped the rock and he chuckled, pulling me to my feet.

"Correct" he said, Daryl walked towards Kevin's car, parked just out of sight to where I was sitting. He hopped in a back seat and Kevin rubbed his chin.

"Taylor. Get in the back seat, Daryl owes me a coffee" he chuckled. I simply did as he said, exhausted from doing so much and my panic attack, I feel so empty and weak. I pulled on the seatbelt and avoided looking at Daryl.

The car began to move, I glanced around and it seems the school traffic is gone. I looked out the window, looking at the streets, each one seeming normal, yet I feel like every person I see is just some secret gang member. I could hear Daryl tapping his phone screen, I wonder if I'll get my phone back...

Shit, don't cry, I wiped my eyes quickly. I can't even talk to Juliet or mum, and dad thinks I'm some drug addict whore...

"Remember, I like mine sweet" tutted Kevin, giving Daryl an almost playful look. Daryl grumbled and got out of the car, I hadn't even realised we'd stopped.

It was quiet waiting, some music playing from a cd, I don't know anyone who has used a cd in their car, I suppose Kevin just likes it better. It's a good song though, some almost instrumental cords and it dosen't sound like the singing is altered by any software.

I glanced over as I felt movement, Daryl sitting in the car now, holding a tray on his lap, a drink for himself and one for Kevin, he held out a bottle of water.

"Here, you probably need this" he said, I mumbled a quiet thanks, unscrewing the lid and taking a long sip, I didn't realise I was so thirsty. I sighed and wiped my mouth. The car slowly left the car park and headed back to the slums. They parked in the garage and I pulled on the door handle.

Child locked.

Daryl chuckled, stepping out of the car, he left his door opened and walked inside, I shuffled over the two empty seats and left the car. Closing it quietly, the other cars were all here, so that's not great.

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