Dull outlook

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I looked up at a knock on the door, I stared at it for a moment. It slowly opened and a face peaked through.

"Oh you are here, nearly panicked thinking you had snuck off" chuckled a familiar face.

"Been a while Mr hulk" I chuckled, he grinned and brought in a pizza box with a foil wrapped garlic bread. He set it down on the bed and stood awkwardly.

"Nice place you've been uh... Given" he mumbled, I looked around.

"Could be worse" I sighed, opening the pizza box, I couldn't quite figure out the type of pizza, it looked healthy, covered in greens, but meat and sauce was also on it. I suppose I would need some vegetables, to be healthy while doing the job, he should have gotten me a chicken salad or something though, would cost the same...

"Have a good night" finally spoke Mr hulk, I nodded, watching him leave. The pizza still tasted nice, I'm ashamed to have eaten everything in front of me. I feel bloated...

Morning came pleasantly, I stretched in the bed as sunlight filtered over me, whining and curling up, trying to block it out.

"Taylor, it's time to head out" spoke a voice through the bleary mists of my sleep, I sat up and rubbed my eyes, looking to Daryl, he stood in the doorway with his arms crossed. I sighed and got up, eyeing a pile of stuff at the end of the bed.

"Get dressed and eat the fruit. We're leaving in 10 minutes" he said, I nodded, he waited for a moment, watching me.

"Yes sir" I finally said, my voice croaky with sleep. I grabbed the water bottle and drank it down, before wiping my mouth and moving to the pile, the door shut behind him. I quickly dressed, digging into the kiwi fruit and banana. I put the rubbish on top of the pizza box.

He entered exactly 10 minutes later. I stood and followed him, I prefer him happy with me, then he's not threatening me and actually being sort of nice. The car ride as smooth as always, we pulled up to the neutral zone. The garage door shutting behind us.

"Get showered, and brush your teeth. I have some papers to go through, so ice your ankle, I'll tell you what to do when I need you" he explained.

"Yes Daryl" I mumbled, leaving the car and heading for the bathroom. I kept quiet, doing everything that I'm supposed to, my hip cramping if I moved to far left. A part of me felt like I was back at home being told to clean myself up by my mum, but Daryl is definitely not like my mum.

He came down an hour later, I looked up at him, having been staring blankly at the wall, bored but to self aware to act on the boredom.

"Taylor. You'll be delivering something new to the same place you got the briefcase from, an hour and a half is how long I expect it to take" he instructed, I nodded and he handed me a box, I needed to keep both hands on the cut out handles, it'll be annoying to carry downhill, but uphill would be worse, so I should be relieved about that.

I glanced at the watch then I stood and carried it through the door, heading downhill. With my limp not as noticeable, it made it easier, I kept my eyes off the watch, not wanting that anxiety added to it. I made it to the entrance without issue this time, the glasses wearing guy was standing there again. He took the stuff and left, I stood awkwardly, nobody said I should bring anything back.

"Is there anything I need to bring back?" I called, the old door opened and he stared out at me.

"No. Fuck off" he snapped, I flinched at the harsh tone and nodded, quickly hurrying off. I headed uphill, eyes forward, I cried out as someone barged past and knocked me against a building.

"Hey" I gasped, the disheveled stranger looked back at me, his red eyes looked crazy. He smelt wierd and scowled.

"You trying to fight me whore?!" He snapped, I went wide eyed.

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