No walks in the park

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I watched him get closer, my breath stuck in my throat, I couldn't even move, the fear keeping me in place.

"Take this, be smart with it, you don't have much data left" instructed Daryl, he slid my phone under the metal, I hadn't even realised that I didn't have it. I grabbed it and clutched it tightly to my chest, it must have fallen from my pocket in the police car, I hugged it and tried not to sob. Everyone's treating me and my things as something to pass around carelessly.

"You will get two options, I would personally prefer a warning, since this is your first misdemeanor, but I do want to have Hunter cool off" stated Daryl, my teary eyes watched him.

"Please, I want to go home" I whimpered, he examined me, I just sat there shivering.

"You'll be lucky if you go back tonight" he stated, his voice still so terrifyingly smooth and cruel.

"Please" I begged, I dropped my phone and grabbed the bars, I pressed my forehead against them, trying so hard to stop the tears from cascading down my face.

"Don't bother" he muttered.

"Your options aren't as bad as they could be, you can be blindfolded and forced to navigate a random area, or you can stay in the dump and obey everyone here" he offered. The options didn't sound to bad, I met his eyes, the icy cruelty making me second guess what he just said.

"Or I could just leave you naked and wondering Hunter's territory at night, up to you" he added, he said two things, now he's just throwing in a third thing.

"Maybe I should stay in here" I offered, my voice a quiet whimper, he didn't seem amused and he definitely wasn't considering it.

"So you want to stay here and be the dumps bitch?" Questioned Daryl, I shuddered at the very idea, it sounded like I'd be doing more then just following orders.

"No, no, I'll take the blindfold" I cried out, his face finally changed to show a smirk, he waved the key at me before unlocking the lock and opening the gate.

"Since you've chosen, you can't change your mind" he warned me, he left the gate open and pulled out his phone, I was taken by surprise as a flash temporarily blinded me, he messed with his phone while I rubbed my eyes.

He moved to his car and rifled through the back seat, a large SUV pulled up quietly, someone jumped out. They pulled a large bag from the back seat and gave it to Daryl, who spoke with them quietly. I wouldn't be able to escape with two cars around, I stared at the gates opening, afraid that if I stepped out Hunter will appear. More people climbed out of the SUV, I whimpered as they approached the cage, they moved to the gate, a taller man reached in.

"Don't do this! Please! Please!" I pleaded, they ignored me and grabbed my ankle, I cried out as I was dragged towards the gate, trying so hard to kick my feet out of his grasp. They all were the same in my eyes, no defining features, just caps on their heads and sunglasses which hid their eyes.

I gripped the cage, my arms aching from the effort of fighting against the men, one of them jumped onto the trailer, my heart felt about to explode, I was barely breathing.

I stared at the towering man as my body was violently pulled on, he lifted his foot, I yelped and released the bars just as his foot crashed loudly against the cage. My body was swiftly yanked from the cage by the other people, my upper body crashed onto the ground, I let out a pained cry, my legs were dropped and someone stomped on my fingers, I choked on a quiet cry. My eyes were teary, I struggled to roll away, my terror screaming at me to run, I didn't have the energy or strength. One of them were grinding their heal over my hand, I  grabbed the arm with my unharmed hand, trying desperately to pull my hand away, they were going to break it.

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