Doing it right

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I stood at the doorway, unsure if I should open it or knock. I could see faces glance at me, someone whistled for me to take off my shirt. I gritted my teeth and raised my hand, I grabbed the knob and twisted, the doors locked.

I knocked and waited, bouncing on my good foot impatiently, I hope he's not mad I fell asleep on the bench as well, I didn't know I was going to pass out! The air seemed to get colder as I waited, I knocked again, louder, waiting and growing anxious.

The door let out a faint click, and I waited, nothing happened, I pulled the knob and the door swung open, some of the watching faces quickly looked away.

"You shouldn't make me wait" came Daryl's calm voice, he was looking me up and down.

"I don't have any keys, it was locked" I muttered, he huffed and turned away, grabbing something.

"You want to be a real errand girl? Carry these papers down the street, to the old apartments, I think that's easy enough direction. They will hand you a briefcase, and you will bring that back to me. I don't think I need to tell you not to open or read anything. Though you did go to the police that once" he directed. I held the rolled up paperwork and took a nervous step towards the door.

"Oh and don't be late, I expect you back in an hour... No, you're still limping, I'll give you an hour and a half, don't dissapoint me" he added.

"I don't have a phone, I can't see how much time I have left" I told him, watching him grumble irritably to himself.

"You know how to use a watch don't you?" He asked, his eyes staring right through me. I nodded quickly and he grabbed something from a drawer, unscrewed it, changed something, then revealed a simple leather watch.

"There. Now quit wasting my time. I don't want to be left waiting" he warned, tightening the watch around my wrist firmly and shoving me out the door. I gasped, stumbling and protecting my damaged ankle.

I took a deep breath and looked down hill, past where he had me help out... Jarrod? I think it was. I could just see a broken down tall building quite a distance away. I began the trek downhill, I was left alone for once, it seems not as many people are out right now. I glanced at my watch.

An hour and ten minutes left.

I reached the building, scanning it for an entrance, or for someone waiting for me. It took a further five minutes to find the entrance and stand there, someone glanced at me, dark hair and blue eyes. He wore glasses and an annoyed scowl.

"Hello, are you the person I need to meet up with, to give the paperwork?" I asked, he examined me, suddenly storming over, I stepped back nervously. He yanked the papers from my hand and scanned through it.

"I'll be back" he growled. Ok he's in a bad mood. I shook my head and sat on a cracked concrete ledge. Checking the watch nervously. I was getting antsy as 10 minutes passed, I glanced at the steep hill of the street and gulped, that will take me ages to limp up, especially carrying a briefcase.

I thought Daryl wanted me to heal. Though I suppose with the extra time I have, I don't have to push myself to hard, it's only a 20 minute trip down, minus the 5 minutes I spent searching for someone or the entrance. So hopefully it's a 30 minute trip uphill.

I examined down the hill further, it led to some fancier suburbs, they must be expensive, and so close to the slums to. It seems more people are starting to come out now, living their lives. I glanced at the watch as five more minutes passed.

Only 50 minutes left.

Hopefully they come soon. I was relieved as the same guy stalked out, he looked around quickly and shoved a briefcase at me, then left without a word. I grabbed the briefcase and gripped the handle, eyeing the hill carefully. The case was lighter then I expected, but it'll start getting heavier the longer I'm holding it, I learnt that at school.

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