6 - The Prophecy

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Lucian POV

"Sit down gentlemen, it's time you knew the true prophecy." Gracie commanded.

Normally we would scoff at anyone who dared command us to do anything, but The Oracle, while she looks no more than 25, is very ancient and created from Old Magic. We respect her. She helped raise us.

"You were taught only partial history growing up. This is the real story."

The lights dimmed on their own, The Oracles eyes turned white as snow, and she pushed out her powers into each of our minds. Darkness consumed our eyes and her melodious voice boomed inside our head with her tale. Images of the past began to play before my eyes like a motion picture.

"Many millennia ago, Magic was not like we know it today. It was wild, untamable, raw power. The elements and spirits ravaged the land, sea, and sky. But since Magic was pure power, incredible life was created and over time these lifeforms matured and evolved.

Eventually all kinds of creatures that flourished in day and night were manifested and thrived in the lands. Some species developed gifts when they found a way to connect their souls to the Magic that coursed through their veins.

But there is always a balance that must be met. For you see, Magic, although its essence was light and pure, good in nature, there was always a sliver of darkness. A small fraction of evil.

Sadly that sliver of darkness, when kept in the shadows too long, always kept hidden from his twin sister, festered and grew in hatred and was able to create chaos within some of the beautiful creatures Magic created. Darkness was created from his own embodiment, a son, Sin.

He escaped with his son and from their essence created together the shadows of darkness, born from carnage of chaos left behind by the seeds of doubt and jealousy. As the creatures from Magic evolved, the shadows evolved with them, ever lurking in the darkness, looking for weaknesses to exploit and conquer. They fed on fears of others and relished bathing in the blood of their victims. Even the brightest lights could be dimmed in the dark.

No matter how much Magic created in good, Darkness always followed and found ways to grow and become stronger. Prosperity and peace were soon destroyed by blood and war. The creatures and species seemed to become more divided, and Magic could no longer sustain such much life by herself.

Soon darkness spread faster than light and as it consumed more of Magic's pure light, the stronger it got.

But Magic was wise and realized that the world it created was no longer ideal. There could never be peace if there was no order. Magic's light was slowly dimming, its essence being washed out by her brother Darkness.

So Magic decided to make one last gift for the world. She created from her last and purest essence the mightiest creature, a creature with the purest heart and the strongest will, a creature full of raw power, wonder and awe: the Dragons Azrael, Azullia, and Axcus, brothers bound by blood and forged from the core of the oldest magic.

The brothers were each given dominion over the core of Magic. They were now the keepers of the light and with their power, they were bestowed gifts to tame the elements and spirits that flourished in the land.

A great battle was soon upon the brothers. Darkness and his followers banded together and created a massive army as Darkness sought to rule the land and take possession of all the old magic and life itself. In a huge bloody war, the brothers and their followers fought gallantly. Axcus was injured badly, being nearly shredded by one of Darkness's own claws.

They soon learned that together they were the strongest and only when they combined all their power, all their strength, could they defeat the Lord Darkness.

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