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    War was something Aedona Stavayeva despised.

     Even though many claimed it to be 'profitable', Donnie had seen it for it was--a horrible series of events that caused massive bloodshed.

     World War I had been raging for over a year now and Donnie wished it would just be over.

     Donnie was a military nurse--she had seen firsthand the horrors war brang. Donnie had gotten into that field because of her brother, Pyotr.

     Pyotr insisted he serve in the war, effectively worrying his younger sister about his well-being.

     Donnie had said she'd serve as a nurse to keep an eye on her brother--after all, they were all that each other had left.

      Their father had died when they were young after a hunting accident.

      Their mother had died a few years back from tuberculosis.

       Pyotr had already had many close calls when it came to combat related injuries. After his wounds were treated, he'd laugh it off; then his sister would promptly swat him on the arm and tell him to stop putting himself directly in danger's path.

       The war had brought the Stavayev siblings to Poland--more specifically the Osowiec Fortress.

     While setting up at the fort, soldiers conversed with each other, awaiting the coming battle.

     Aedona had began setting up a station for those who would need medical care. She softly hummed to herself as she set up her supplies.

      "Hello...?" A soft voice called from the mouth of the medical tent.

       Donnie turned around to see a young boy with dark hair and hazel eyes.

        Freckles dotted the boy's face like stars in the night sky.

        The boy had been in soldier's outfit, which confused Donnie.

        He can't be a soldier, can he?, Aedona began to question to herself. He's no more than twelve years old.

       "Privyet," Donnie greeted the boy. "Can I help you with something?"

       "Uhh... Da," the boy said, swallowing the lump that had formed in his throat. "I-I just-" He trailed off.

        Donnie exhaled. "Let me guess..." She paused before continuing. "You're nervous... About the coming battle?"

       The boy nodded. "D-da. I am."

       Aedona raised a red eyebrow. "Are you a soldier?"

        The boy nodded. "I am."

        "How old are you?"

        "Twelve, ma'am," the boy answered.

          So, I guessed right, Donnie commented to herself. "You're twelve?"

          The boy nodded.

          Donnie asked, "What's your name, soldier?"

           "V-Valeryan," the boy stammered.

           "Shouldn't you be at home with your family, Valeryan?" Donnie questioned.

           Valeryan shook his head. "Nyet. I'm um..." He swallowed. "I'm an orphan. My parents died in a fire when I was five. I've been on my own since then. I joined the military to..." He trailed off.

          "You joined for a warm meal and a roof over your head," Aedona guessed.

          Valeryan silently nodded.

          "I take it that it's your first battle, then?"

          "Yes. It is," Valeryan answered.

           Aedona took a deep breath, before kneeling in front the terrified boy, placing a hand on his shoulder. "Well, Valeryan, everything will be okay."

          "You promise?" The boy quired.

           Aedona's expression softened. "I promise."


           "The Germans will come... They've been making their move eastward..." Donnie began to say. "But, if I know our boys... They'll give the Germans a run for their money."

         "Our boys will kick their asses," Yulia said as she passed by.

         Yulia was another nurse stationed at the fort and Aedona definitely did not have a crush on her.

        Donnie had been working with Yulia since the war had started.

         When Donnie first met Yulia, her heart had skipped a couple of beats. Her face had felt like it was burning. Donnie had stumbled over her words.

        She might've been flustered, but she didn't have a crush on Yulia--she knew that.

       Pyotr had teased Donnie about it. He joked, saying that his sister was in love with Yulia.

       Aedona had quickly shot it down, insisting that wasn't the case. She had said she didn't like other women like that.

       Pyotr had laughed, not believing her. He had went on to say that if he had seen an beautiful man, he wouldn't deny his attraction to him.

        Sure, Aedona found herself staring at Yulia when the other woman wasn't looking. And sure, Donnie thought Yulia was nice to look at, but she was by no means 'in to' Yulia.

       Valeryan didn't seem to convinced by Yulia and Donnie's statements.

       "How about you stick close to the tent? I'll keep an eye on you. ...make sure you're safe," Donnie suggested.

     "Spasibo," Valeryan thanked Aedona.

      "You're welcome. Y-" Aedona was cut off by the soldier who yelled, "the Germans are approaching!"

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