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{Trigger warning for brief self-h*rm.}

Rain poured heavily down on the ground—-the sky was a grey overcast.

     Aedona's head was spinning. She could barely keep it together. Come on, come on, her mind beckoned her.

     Donnie's hands shook as she nervously stumbled through the room in the funeral home.

    "You alright, sis?" Pyotr asked his younger sister, all dressed up.

    Donnie—-who was seventeen at the time—-flashed a fake smile to her brother. "Never better," she lied.

    The Stavayev siblings had been attending their mother's funeral.

    "I know this is hard for you…" Pyotr began, moving himself closer to his sister. He swallowed. "It's hard for me too. If you need to take a break and go outside… I'm sure everyone will understand."

    Aedona said nothing to her twenty-year-old brother. Instead, Donnie just pushed forward, past the crowd and all the way to the open casket. Her whole body trembled upon seeing her mother's lifeless body.

     Tears welled in Aedona's eyes—-she tried to fight it.

    Donnie's heartbeat was loud in her ears.

   She couldn't do it.

   She couldn't be there anymore.

    Aedona exhaled before turning away and exiting the funeral home to get a moment to just breathe.

─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

     When the group arrived at the cemetery for Inga Stavayeva's burial, it was still a rapid downpour.

    The dark clouds continued to loom over head as Aedona stood near Pyotr, silent.

    Aedona's eyes danced back and forth between all of the funeral attendees—-most of them Aedona knew.

    Most of the people at the funeral were family, friends, and neighbors.

    Aedona's eyes came to a halt on a tall blonde figure that lingered toward the back of the group. 
     Aedona had never seen her parents interact with that person before.

     The blonde looked at Aedona—-their golden eyes ripping a hole right in Aedona's soul.

     Aedona shuddered.

    And as quickly as the blonde appeared, they vanished.

    Aedona blinked her eyes a couple of times in disbelief. Weird, she thought to herself.

    As the funeral proceeded, Aedona couldn't watch anymore. She closed her eyes.

    Still, the words being said by family and friends was too much.

     First Papa and now this?, Aedona internally questioned herself.

    Pyotr sensed her unease and tried to place a comforting hand on his younger sister's shoulder.

     She shyed away.

    Aedona opened her eyes, turning, and walking away from where her mother was currently being buried.

    "Aedona!" Pyotr called after her.

    Donnie didn't look back.

    Now, tears were streaming down her face at an alarming rate.

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