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"Woah, woah, woah," Pyotr blinked a couple of times in response to Bear's comment. "Let me get this straight… You're gonna kill this guy?"

     Bear nodded in response. "Da. It's been a long time coming…" She rocked back and forth on the balls of her feet. "I've been trying to get rid of him for years… A century even."

     "Do werewolves even live that long?" Donnie asked Bear with a raised eyebrow.

     Pyotr chipped in, "Honestly, I'm still stuck on the fact that they even exist."

     "Yes, werewolves exist," Bear said. "They're sworn enemies of sirens."

     "Us," Valeyran said.

     "Except for me…. I honestly still have no idea what I am," Pyotr put in.

      "Wraith," Bear responded quickly.

      "Come again?" Pyotr questioned.

      "You were curious what you were… You're a wraith," Bear explained. "First thing that tipped me off about that fact is the wraith mark on his arm." She gestured in Pyotr's direction. "Death places the mark on everyone who's bound to be a wraith." She exhaled. "And as for your question, Donnie… Werewolves have a life span longer than any human… Roughly about three hundred years."

     "How do you plan to kill him then?" Pyotr questioned.

      "I never said he was immortal," Bear replied. "He can die just like any human can." She turned away as if she was about to leave camp.

      "Where are you going?" Donnie called after Bear, confused.

      "To make a negotiation," Bear simply said before leaving under the cover of the night.

     ─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

      Bear watched as the night swirled around her. She shoved her hands deep within her jacket pockets.

     Snow continued to fall down from the sky.

     The bitter cold continued to cut through every single thing around it, but Bear was unfazed—-the cold was nothing upon her undead skin.

      "You must be Kryvichyn…" Aaron Ebner's voice sounded through the night.

       "Ebner," Bear called out as she turned to face the corporal. "I thought you'd be a no show."

      "What can say… I'm a man of my word, Mr. Kryvichyn." Aaron bounced a little, a his breath turning into a mist like substance when it hit the air. He shivered for a little. "I still don't know why you picked here off all places to meet…"

      Bear sucked a breath in, letting the cold air dance about her tongue. "It's my terf… I know this place."

     Aaron pulled a little face at this. "It's because you're a beast of the wilds, yes? You prowl the forests… Cutting down innocents just like you do on the battlefield?"

     Bear rolled her eyes. "I didn't come here to talk about what I do with you, Ebner."

      Aaron faked a smile. "Oh, yes. You're right." He clapped to his guards who brought out Roman.

      Roman staggered—-he had a bruise above his left eye.

      "Roman," Bear called out. Her gaze drifted away from her injured comrade back to Aaron. "Let him go, Ebner. We had a deal."

      "Yes. I'm well aware. It just so happens I'm a man of my honor." Aaron snapped to his guards.

      The guards let go of Roman, making the siren collapse onto the snow, breathing heavily.

       "Now," Aaron started to say, pulling a gun from his belt. "For the next matter of business." He pointed the gun at Bear.

      What does he think he's gonna accomplish?, Bear thought to herself. Those bullets will do nothing to me.

      Aaron shot the gun off, a bullet burying itself in Bear's shoulder.

      Bear collapsed to the ground almost instantly, in complete and utter shock. The world was spinning around her. Everything started to go black—-but before it did, she was able to form one final thought: essences of Xuviphas.

─┉─¡! • !¡─┉─

    Aedona stood near the entrance to the camp, nervously awaiting Bear and Roman's arrival.

     The problem? Only Roman came back.

      Roman had ran into the camp, heavily panting as if he was somewhat injured.

      Donnie's heart sunk upon only seeing Roman. "Where's Bear?"

    Roman was silent for a moment as he breathed heavily.

     Pyotr, Valeryan, and Dagmar approached the two to see exactly what was going on.

     Finally, Roman answered Donnie's question. "Ebner and Artyomov… They took Bear," Roman said, trying to catch his breath still.

     Pyotr exhaled, heavily. "For fucks sake."

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