Chapter 16: Falling Apart

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Once I had made it home, Ashley helped me get into my wheelchair. I thanked her when I had settled myself into the chair. I had calmed myself down during the car ride, but I was still an absolute mess.

"If you need to talk to someone call me." Ashley said while squeezing my left shoulder.

"Thanks again." I told her and quickly spun around. I quickly started pushing myself towards my house.

Once I had made it up the ramp, I heard Ashley yell to me," Hey, do you give me permission to punch Eric?"

I turned around so I was facing her again and said," Sure, do whatever you want to him." I opened the front door of my house and rolled myself into the living room.

My mother was sitting on the couch with a bowl of chips on her lap. She was also watching the new episode of The Walking Dead." What are you doing home so early?" She turned around on the couch so she could face me. Right when she saw my monstrous face her face became shocked. "Are you ok, Abby?"

You can't tell I'm not ok from the tears running down my cheeks. I pulled myself down the hallway to my room. With all the strength I had left I called to my mom," I don't want to talk right now."

I rolled into my room and slammed the door behind me. Parking my wheelchair in front of my bed and lifting myself into my messy bed. I laid on my stomach letting my pillow suck up my tears. My sobs escaped my body; making my chest rampledly rize and fall. How could Eric do that to me? I thought he loved me. Abby, you don't need him. It was all that bitch Mia's fault. Yet Eric let it happen so he was to blame also. Can I ever forgive him? Really am I fighting with myself?

I felt something moving on the other side of the bed. I turned my head to the side; I wiped my tears away with my shoulder so my vision wasn't blurry. There sat Buster giving me his puppy eyes. What should I do with Eric? I mentally said to him. He gave me a woof and then a growl. I wonder if he actually understands me.

He slowly walked up to me and curled up against my neck. I softly laid my head on his tummy. I closed my eyes hoping that I would fall asleep. Suddenly my sweatshirt pocket starts to vibrate nonstop. I pulled it out and saw that Eric had texted me like 10 times and called me a bunch of times. I opened one of the messages and it said It’s not what you think. Please txt me back<3.

I didn't dare to check the other messages or gods forbid that I would listen to the voice mails. I winded back me arm about ready to throw my phone against the wall, when I felt it start to vibrate again. This time it wasn't Eric, it was Jessica. I opened it and it said Hey guess what! I get 2 leave the hospital 2morrow.

Eric P.O.V

Abby had just quickly walked out of the door and maybe out of my life. I spun around to face Mia she had an evil smile on her face. I raised my hand to smack that smile off her face. Instead I let my hand fall back to my side. Even if I'm mad I have no right to hit a girl.

I stared into Mia's evil eyes and said with the meanest tone I could muster, "You are an evil witch and I never want to see you again!" I would have said the other word that rhymed with witch that starts with a B, but the rec kids are in the gym and I didn't want them to hear.

I spun around on my heel and started walking very fast to the locker room. I opened the locker and grabbed my tennis shoes. Once I had put them on, I slammed my locker door extremely hard. The clatter rang through the concrete room. I felt relief at once I had slammed the door. I wonder if hurting something really does bring relief.

I sped down the hallway to the front doors; a heat wave hit me in the face. Right when I stepped out the door cameramen surrounded me. Cameras were flashing all around me and people were yelling questions at me," What happened in there? What did you do to Abby? Are you planning on going to the Olympics next year?"

I didn't answer them or even look at them. I only looked straight forward to me destination which was my car. I also didn't smile at the cameras like I usually would. I love the attention, of people knowing my face and wanting autographs. It puts me on top of the world it feels like.

Halfway to my car a cameraman steps into my path. The flash from his camera blinds me. I grabbed onto his right shoulder, shoving him to the left onto his butt. The other people gasped and stopped taking pictures for a second. It didn't last very long though the camera went full blast. I ran to my car and slammed the door shut. I quickly started my car and sped out of the parking lot.

My knuckles were turning white from the tight grip I had on the steering wheel. Everything was a blur. I just remember getting a 20 pound weight from the storage closet and I got attacked by Mia. I was pushed up against the wall and stuck. When I saw Abby I got a sudden adrenaline rush and pushed her away.

"Shit!" I slammed on the brakes right before I slammed into the car in front of me. I need to stop thinking about her. I hurried home and walked into my huge house.

"Is anyone home?" I yelled through the entire house. The only person that answered was the maid. My dad was probably at another business meeting and my mom is probably wasting more money on clothes. It seems like we aren't even a family. Their never home and if they are there always in their offices. For dinner I usually just have cereal. The maid isn't much company, she just does her job and leaves. I wish that my family wasn't rich and that we may at least get to see each other twice a week.

I ran up the spiraling staircase and turned left into my room. My bedroom was a master and had a bathroom that had a hot tub and a shower inside. I never use the hot tub though. I face plant onto my bed and instantly started thinking about Mia. I can't believe I let this happen and now I lost the one thing I actually care about.

I clenched my eyes shut and squeezed my fist. I stood up very fast and punched the closest wall. The pain shot through my hand. I brought my hand to my chest hoping I didn't break it.

I am defiantly having mood swings right now! I'm from depressed to angry to sobbing. I lay back down on my bed, tears flowing down my cheeks. I looked down at my hand which is starting to swell a little, but defiantly not broken.

I pulled out my phone from my jacket. I started sending texts to Abby. My vision was starting to blur so I really couldn't really see what I'm texting. My mind was facing everything that went through my mind I sent to Abby. “You don't understand what happened. Please text me back<3 I already miss you! Baby please talk to me! I'm going to let you think, but when you want to talk I'm here. Love you and always will<3"

What have I done?

Abby POV

Ring, ring, ring! I turned back on the lamp that sat on my nightstand. Who is calling me at this time? I looked at my phone screen. One it was only 8:30 and there was no way that I'm going to fall asleep again. Two it was Brett that called me.

I answer his call and said into the phone," Hi."

"Hi Abby. How are you?" He calmly said back to me.

"I'm ok. It's been a rough day."

"I noticed that you left early today. Do you want to tell me what happened?"

I took a deep breath. I have always felt comfortable talking to Brett. Without thinking I told him, "Eric cheated on me with Mia..."

The line stayed silent for a few seconds. “I’m sorry. I really don't know what to say. I'm not very good at this emotional stuff." He chuckled a little bit. "Anyway I'm canceling gym tomorrow and I'll talk to them the day after. I'll make sure he gets what he deserves."

"You don't have to cancel gym!" Brett has never cancelled gym since the day I met him. Even if there was enough snow to cover houses, he didn't cancel.

"No I want to. I'm going to let very thing calm down. Then I will release my wraith on them! I just want you to know I care so much about you and I want to do this for you."


"Try to get a good night sleep, ok?"

"Ya, good night Brett."

"Goodnight Abs."


It may had been a boring chapter for you guys and I'm sorry!!! I just had to wrap up somethings. Please COMMENT AND VOTE!!! It is really helpful for me on what I have to improve on:)

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