Chapter 19: Please Can I Have Three Wishes

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For about five hours after the argument I worked on all different kinds of handstands. Like regular handstands, walking handstands, backward walking handstands, and press handstands. I'm still surprised at how easy it is was to get my press handstand back.

For the last half of a hour we did our daily conditioning rotations. Halfway through our conditioning Brett walked in and told us," Meet me in the snack room after this station."

We all nodded at him; not making a sound. After he had turned around and closed the door, we continued our exercises. We all knew what he was going to talk to us about. Probably about sportsman ship and we should treat each other like family. He talks to us about this almost every month and its always the exact same speech.

I slowly finished my arm curls while my other teammates finished their exercises and then walked in groups to snack room. After I had finished my exercise the only person that was left was Ashley. She was laying on her stomach on the exercise ball wiggling around. "Are you done yet slow poke?"

I set the weights softly onto the ground next to my wheelchair. "Yes I'm done." Ashley stood up from ball and started heading towards the door. I quickly followed after her. I called after her,"You know you use your muscles more when you go slower."

"Okay. Whatever you say." She lead us through the waiting room into the snack room where younger siblings could sit and play games while they wait. Ashley pushed a chair out of the way so I had room for my wheelchair. I pushed my wheelchair to the table while Ashley took a seat to the left of me.

A few of the other girls sat at the other side of the table; whispering about something. They would take glances a me. I tried to ignore them and go into my own fantasy world where my life was perfect. My dad never had left me, I could walk, Eric was the perfect boyfriend, and everyone liked me. There would also a chocolate river that would flow through the middle of it.

Brett walked through the door and softly closed the door behind him. He walked over to the end of the line of tables. I gave him all of my attention because I haven't heard this speech for awhile. Some of the younger girls behind me were still whispering about something while Brett was scanning us.

He raised his voice and said," Okay gals listen up. This isn't going to be the same speech as we usually have." He then glares at the girls behind me and they shut up. "You probably had saw or heard the heated conversation I had with Eric and Mia. I just want to keep everyone updated so here it is. Mia will not be welcomed back and Eric will be back tomorrow. The only reason Eric will be back is because of his loyalty to this gym and this was our first issue with him. I also don't want this incident leaving this gym because I don't want the media getting ahold of it and make our gym sound bad." All of our eyes were glued to him and our heads were nodding up and down. "So remember that we have to treat each other like family or this gym won't be as fun as it is or were going to have more of these boring meetings. So the moral of this story is to treat everyone like you would want to be treated. Okay break!"

We all laughed at him while we started to clear out to the locker room. I threw on my gymnastics t-shirt and my flip flops. I grabbed my phone from my locker and checked to make sure no one had texted me. I had two new messages: one from Eric and the other from my mom.

I automatically deleted Eric's message. I didn't want to read anymore of his begging messages about how it wasn't his fault. Brett said it wasn't his fault though, but I still want him to learn his lesson.

I opened up the text from my mom. It told me that she was going to pick me up. I quickly texted her back and said that I just got done and will be out soon. I slammed my locker closed and turned to my left where Ashley was still getting ready. "Hey Ashley my mom is picking me up today."

"Okay I'll text you later tonight." She blew me a kiss when I rolled out the door.

I rolled down the hallway and through the front doors. My mom's car was sitting right next to the door. She had a huge smile on her face. Once she saw me, she jumped out of the car to help get me in.

Once I was seated in the passengers seat and my mom was in the driver's seat, my mom looked at me and asked," How was your day?"

"It was okay. Mia got kicked out of the gym and Eric may had broken his hand." I told her.

"Wow Brett must have been all mad today."

"Actually he calmed himself pretty good after he yelled at them."

My mom pulled out of the parking lot and turned on to the interstate. "I have something at home that will hopefully cheer you up." She told me.

On the way home I looked out the window at the other drivers that we pass while lip singing the slow music that was playing on the radio. I laughed at myself because I probably look like one of those singers on music videos where they stare out that pretty landscape outside their window and probably lip sing their song.

After ten minutes we were parked in our driveway. My mom helped me into the house. She parked me in the living room. "Okay close your eyes and no peeking. I'm going to go get them now." she announced into the room like there was a group of people, but in reality it was just me.

I sat in my wheelchair for a few minutes with my hands covering my eyes. I listened to my mom cluttering around with something. I've always hated surprises when I was little. For Christmas I would go around the house and search for where my mom hides the presents, but I never seemed to find them. Now my mom just lets me pick out what I want for Christmas and then won't let me have them until Christmas. I heard my home sit down on the living room table that was right infront of me.  "Okay you can open your eyes now."

I slowly let my hands fall back to my lap. I opened my eyes to see my mom holding two crutches with arm bands. My hands shot to my mouth. A joy filled my body which made it shake. Happy tears started to leak through my eyelids.

"I knew you be excited." She then leaned down to give me a hug. "Doctor Lee stopped by to give these to you. He wants you to use these all the time so your legs will be strong enough for you to start walking full time again." She had a few tear stains on her cheeks.

Through my tears I asked her," Can I try them on?"

"Of course honey." She then kneeled down by my side. She set one of the crutches down by her. I held out one for my arms to her. She slipped the arm band around my wrist. She then slowly slipped it up so it was right above my elbow. She tighten it with a screw that was the side. "Does that feel good?"

I nodded at her and grabbed onto the handle on the crutch. She then did the exact same with the other crutch. After she was done with everything, she helped me out of the wheelchair. I just stood there for a few seconds until I was ready to take a few steps. One step, two steps, three steps, four steps... I was walking all over the place. I had a huge smile on my face and so did my mom.

"Hey mom can you take a picture of me?" I asked her while I was concentrating on walking.

"Sure honey." She grabbed my phone from the living room table. "Okay smile."

I smiled at her and she took the picture. I walked over to her and sat down at the coach. She handed me the phone. "I just want to send this to a couple of friends." I typed into the message box,"Look what I got!!!" I added in the contacts: Ashely, Brett, Jessica, Dad, and Er... I'm not going to talk to him yet. I sent it to those four people, but now I wish I had sent it to Eric. I know this is prbably best for me right now. I don't need to make myself angry or sad by talking to him right now. I can do that when I'm not so happy.


Planning on posting so much more!!! Please remember to comment and vote!!!

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