Chapter 9: Going Outside

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"So what do you want to do today?" I ask Eric. He kept on wiggling on the couch so I knew he started to get bored.

"Um... I don't really care what we do only if we do it together, but I think we should go outside since you haven't been outside since you got home except to go see Jessica."

I have been home for about a week and I just don't want to go outside because I’m afraid of people of making fun of me. I guess Eric doesn't understand that though. I do want to get out of the house because my mom is always yelling at me to go outside. “Ya sure, we could by the lake and do whatever."

Eric suddenly picks me up from the coach and kisses me on the lips. “Thank you. I was getting stuffy in this house."

I laughed at his remark; I wrapped my arms around his neck as he walks me towards the door where my wheelchair is.

He sets me down and says to me," I'm going to grab a few things and then we'll go."

I watch him run up the stairs to my old room since now I can't climb the stairs to my room now. My room is now in the small room next to the living room. I barely can fit a small bed and a dresser in it.

Eric mainly hangs out with me at my house when he isn't at gymnastics working out. I sometimes feel bad because I can't do a lot of things that other girls can go do.

I have asked him once about it and told me that there is nothing else he would ever want to do. I couldn't really tell if he was lying or telling the truth.

Eric came back holding a blanket from my room and a picnic basket. I asked him," Got everything you need?"

"Ya I think so." He had me carry the blanket on my lap and he had the picnic basket hanging on his arm.

We got on the sidewalk that led to the lake that was in the middle of my neighborhood. He pushed me up a small hill and stopped at the top. "Hold on!"

I turned my head around so I was looking at him; I asked him, “What are you doing?" He grabbed onto the handlebars harder than nesessary.

He started jogging pushing me in front of him. My hands shot to the armrest giving it a death grib. Eric picked up his pace so he was about at a sprinting speed. I felt the wind blow past me. I got this urge to let me hands let go, but I just couldn't do that. It felt like I was finally living for once.

"Please don't kill me." I whispered to him. I heard him give a little chuckle.

"I can't lose you. You're too special."

Once we finally reached the pond, Eric slowed down to a walking pace again. Eric pushed me to a clear grassy area with a few tall trees overhead.

He walked around so he was standing in front of me. He ran his fingers across my face, gathering all the loose hairs that fell on my face. He bent down so we were at eye level. "Was that fun." he said, smiling at me.

"Ya once I got used to it." I smiled at him.

He leaned and gave me a small kiss," Good, we need to do that more often then." he gave me a wink. He grabbed the blanket from my lap.

For some reason I just can't help but to kiss him when I see him. When he raps his arms around me, it feels like nothing can get me. The pain can't seap back in or the pain of not walking. I wish i could stay in that prefect world forever, but when he let go it just all comes back in.

He grabbed the blanket from my lap. He laid it out on a soft patch of grass. He also laid the basket on one corner of the blanket. He quickly fast walked to me, picking me up and twirled me around, then softly laid me down on the blanket.

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