Chapter 3: My New Boyfriend

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It's been a couple weeks since my MRI. They didn't find anything else, but I have to stay in the hospital for a few more months. My coaches, Jenny, and also a few competitors have visited me. They gave me soft hugs and told me all the gossip, how they wish I could go back and train again and to get well soon. I didn't tell them I may not be able to come back.

Also my dad is still here, he is living in the hotel next to the hospital. Also his girlfriend showed up about a week ago. She was a short and tiny lady. She had amazing green eyes. She had long dark brown hair. She was definitely younger than my father. She also was very kind to me she gave me a bag of cookies when she first came.

I still don't have a roommate though. I think the nurses like that I have my own room so that other parents or siblings don't bother me about me being famous, but it would be nice to have someone to talk to sometimes.

Suddenly Morgan, my favorite nurse, walks in and asks me,"Good morning Abigail! Hope you feeling better today." I gave her smile. "Oh yes you also have a new visitor. Would you like me to let him in?"

I told her with a sarcasm voice," When do I not want someone to come in." She gave me a smile and turned to let the visitor in. I'm used to people visiting me now. I'm kind of getting tired of the same people visiting me though. Such as this one girl that claims that she is my number one fan. Since she found out my room number, she has stopped by at least twice a day.

The person enters the room. It was my crush, Eric, from my gymnastics gym. He looked into my eyes and gave me his very cute smile," Sorry I couldn't get here any sooner. The coaches kind of didn't want us to freak out about it."

"That's OK I understand, but I'm happy that you're here. I'm kind of getting bored with some of the nurses." I gave him a flirty smile and bit my lip.

He laughed," I bet you are. So how are you feeling since the fall?"

I stared at him I was not ready for this question yet. I noticed that I was staring so I blushed, "I'm feeling OK, but not great. Things have been very difficult since it."

"So what's really wrong with you?" he asked I could tell that he really wanted to know. I felt my eyes water, no one has asked me that yet. My tears started to get bigger. Eric leaned over and wiped the tears from my face and he whispered to me," Its OK you don't need to tell me." He brushed the few fly away hairs out of my face.

I had to get it off my chest. I was tired of lying to my friends and family. I choked out the words," I have to tell you. But you have to promise you won't tell anyone else yet."

He looked into my eyes and said,"OK..."

I looked at him and finally said,"Ok... I broke many parts of my spine and that the lower half of me is paralyzed. I also broke my left arm." I moved my arm to show him. I choked out the last words," And Dr. Lee said I may never be able to walk ever again." This is when my tears broke through, I couldn't stop.

Eric leaned over me and gave me a slight hug and kept on saying, "It's going to be OK... It's going to be OK..."After a few minutes like that Eric sat back down in his chair but held my hand rubbing my palm.

He did that for a few minutes then he looked up and said," I won't leave you till you want me too."

I looked up, my eyes were red and I had tear stains on my cheeks. I said to him," Thank you, please stay with me for awhile.

He looked down at the ground and took a deep breath. He snapped his head up again. "Abby."

I turned my head so I was looking at him again. "What is it Eric?"

He took anither deep breath and told me," This is probably not the greatest time to be telling you this, but I have to get this off my chest. Abby I really like you and I have liked you for awhile. I watched you at the gym while you were looking and I would daydream about you. I understand if you dont want to do this because if all the stress you have been under, but would you like to be my girlfriend."

I laid in my bed completly silent looking at Eric. Thoughts fasted through my mind. After a few seconds I had made up my decision. "Eric, I think you are just what I need in my life right now. Someone that I can trust to comfort me."

His smile was huge on his face and leaned down on me giving me a soft hug. After a little while he lifted up and was still smiling. Suddenly Morgan walks in and noticed that Eric was holding my hand and that I was crying and asked," Do you want me to come back later?"

"No please come in..." I told Morgan. She didn't look for sure.

She walks towards my bed, she was also eyeing Eric. She was scanning him as if he had caused me any harm. I felt his hand become tense. I squeezed back to reassure him. Morgan looks me in the eyes," We have gotten you a roommate!"

I stared at her. "Really, what's his or her's name? When will she or he be here?" I kept on beaming her questions.

Morgan was smiling at me, "You can ask her soon as I get her."

Morgan was turning to leave when I called," Wait Morgan! Can you give me a few minutes?" She didn't say anything but I know she heard me. I turned to Eric I asked him," Are you OK?"

He looks at me and says, "Yes... I'm so happy for you that you have a roommate now." I could tell that he didn't want to interrupt my new meeting with my new roommate.

"Do want to leave?" I asked him and gave him a smile saying that it was OK if he wanted to leave.

He whispered to me and said," I don't want to interrupt you meeting your new roommate." He looked down to my hand.

"It's OK you can leave if you want. But you have to promise that you'll come back." I told him and smiling.

I squeezed his hand, " Of course I'll come back."I walked and left the room.

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