Chapter 1: Won't Stay Down For Long

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She did a perfect cartwheel into a prefect all the way down split. She stood up and gave a big smile to the crowd. She took a deep breath preparing for my last tumbling pass. She got a great push off and I started preparing herself for a double twist. She jumped into the air preparing to twisting she could hear the crowd cheering all around her. She was straightening out to land. When she hit the floor, her momentum sent her flying, landing on her back.

My name is Abigail Gray, I am an elite gymnast. Just before, I was at the VISA Championship; I was the youngest gymnast ever to be in this competition. I am only sixteen years old. Also if I didn't fall on floor I would have been the world's youngest girl gymnast to place gold. It was the last pass on floor too. I had so much energy left for that last pass, but I put too much energy into that move. I rebounded way into the air sending me flying onto my back. Making the whole floor vibrate with it.

The crowd gasped. I laid motionless on the floor. Suddenly my coach ran to me and said to me," It's going to be OK....Abigail."

From behind all the yelling from the crowd, I could hear my mom yelling," Abigail! Abigail!" At that moment I started crying. I didn't mean to make anyone upset. I was watching as everyone came running up to me. That my dreams have just disappeared, there was no way that I will be able to go to the Olympics now. I would have to be 20 to be able to have that chance again.

Finally I was greeted by my mom. She was crying and she had a tissue close to her eye. She stared at me but didn't say a word. Then suddenly the paramedics came and started yelling at people to move away. I screamed," Mom!" But the paramedics were pushing her farther and farther away.

I felt a buzz in the back of my head. I reached for the the throbbing head with the hand that didn't hurt. I felt my hair and then a thick goo texture. Bring my hand back so I could see what was on it. My face went into shock as I saw my hand covered in my blood.

A younger woman greeted me saying," It's going to be OK sweetie. Do you know where it hurts?" I lifted my hand up to the woman so she could see it, but my vision was starting to blur. My head was also starting to throb even worse. Suddenly it all just turned black.

I woke from the sense of itchness from a brace that surrounded my neck. I tried to left my head, but tubes and wires would not let me move. Which gives me more of a reason to want to pull them out. I turned my head to see that my mom that had fallen asleep in her chair. I felt sharp pain go through the back of my head. I reached up towards my head and felt a banage around my forehead. I whispered to her because I didn't have enough energy to speak," Mom... mom wake up."

It took her a minute to wake up, but when she did she gave a loud scream and hugged me. She kept on saying that she thought I was gone and that she didn't know what to do without me. Suddenly a younger woman, I think she was the same girl at the competition came in and adjusted a knob. She looked at me and said," Oh honey your finally up. You gave us a scare you know." She picked up her caller and said into it," She's up." she gave me a smile. Then she turned to leave.

I turned to my mom and asked her," How long have a been asleep?"

My mom said out loud," I think at least five days sweetie." She smiled at me and said," The doctors thought that you were going to be sleeping for another week." I tried to move and suddenly a horribly pain shot up my back and my arm. My mom said to me," Don't move it will injure you even more."

When I was going to ask what was wrong with me, a doctor walked in and said to me," Hello Abigail. It's nice to see you awake. My name is Dr. Lee. I'm going to take care of you for the next couple of months."

I stared at him, I was about to start crying, but I asked him," What's wrong with me, that you have to take care of me for a couple of months?" Every secound of me being in this hospital is making me feel even worse. Also ruining my chances of the Olympics.

Dr. Lee sat in the chair near my bed, he rubbed his forehead. After a few moments he finally spoke up and said," Your spine broke in many places. Which has effected your lower half to become paralyzed. Um... you also broke your left wrist." I looked down at my legs and noticed that I couldn't feel anything. I tried to wiggle my toes, but not any of them even budge.

I started to bawl, why did this have to happen to me. Why couldn't it happen to someone else? This is so not fair. I found the courage to say," When will I be ready to start walking again?"

He stared at me and I saw that also his eyes are watering. He looked towards my mom that was also crying. He returned his gaze back to me he cleared his voice and said," Abigail you really need to listen to me because this is very serious." he cleared his voice before continuing." We don't know if you're ever going to be able to walk again... after everything that has happened to you"

I just stared at him; I could hear my mom gasping for air. I closed my eyes and just looked at my eyelids wishing that I was still sleeping. Before long I heard the door close behind Dr. Lee. I turned my head towards my mom. I opened my eyes to see my mom bent over with her face in her hands. I tried to find my voice but I couldn't. We cried together for the rest of the night.

I must have fallen asleep sometime in the night because I woke up with the same woman from yesterday standing in the hall holding my mom and patting her on the back. I could tell that she was telling her something but I couldn't tell. I looked in front of me to found a salad and some water in front of me. I just noticed that I was starving.

I ate the salad with my good hand. And also only took a sip of the water before the nurse came in and said," Good morning!" It wasn't a good morning at all. "Oh I forgot to tell you my name yesterday. My name is Nurse Morgan, but you can just call me Morgan."

I whispered to her," It's nice to meet you." I don't know how anyone can be happy in a hospital when you have to watch people suffer.

"And also there are a couple of people that brought you gifts while you were asleep." she pointed to the other side of the bed. I turned my head to see a couple of stuffed bears, a ton of balloons, and piles of get well cards. They were probably from my fans. I usually would have read them but I don't think I could survive reading about my injure.

I noticed one of the balloons was from my coach. I asked Morgan if she could give me it. She softly handed it to me it read," Everyone at the gym hopes you get better soon. We will come visit you as much as you want. You will always be a part of our family. We miss you and we hope you get better as soon as possible." At the bottom it had everyone's autograph even from the little child's in the rec classes.

Thank you to @Danceurheartout for helping me do the intro and also @mollygrace3 for coming up with the title. And hope you guys enjoy it. And remember to vote and comment! :D

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