Chapter One: In the beginning

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Darkness. That's the first thing I remember. It was dark, and it was cold. And I was scared.

The silhouette of a body appears as it drifts into a ray of light, refracted through water, which turns into...


The moonlight intensifies almost magically, and the ice above begins to spider-web and crack.


Snow-covered trees in every direction. The ice in the pond continues to crack until finally a hole splinters open. A young man floats out of the water, bathed in the intense moonlight. This is JACK FROST - thin, pale, barefoot, his tousled hair frosted white.

But then...then I saw the moon. It was so big and it was so bright, and it seemed to chase the darkness away. And when it did...I wasn't scared anymore.

Jack floats back down onto the ice as the hole closes up underneath him.

Why I was there, and what I was meant to do - that I've never known. And a part of me wonders if I ever will.

Jack looks around, confused, then turns toward the moonlight as it dims a bit. Jack carefully treads across the ice until he hits something with his feet. He looks down, and at his feet is a wooden staff. Curious, he picks it up. Almost immediately the staff begins to glow a cold blue in his hands. Odd. Jack almost drops it as the base of the staff comes in contact with the ground. Frost shoots out and spreads across the ice. Jack is visibly confused. He touches a few trees with his staff sending frost up their trunks. Then he swings the staff again, more confident, as he begins to run across the frozen pond. Another swing and a gust of wind swirl's him high up into the air. Jack floats for a moment only to fall back down to earth and into the trees. Jack grabs hold of a tree branch and pulls himself up to see a small town off in the distance.


A collection of simple timber houses with thatched roofs. Jack comes in for a landing, and it's a rocky one. He stands up, still elated, and brushes himself off. As Jack makes his way into town, settlers are warming their hands by a campfire. Jack doesn't recognize anyone.

"Hello. Hello. Good evening, ma'am." There was a pause "Ma'am?"

The settlers walk past Jack, not noticing him. Jack crouches down as a YOUNG BOY runs toward him.

"Oh, ah, excuse me, can you tell me where I am?"

The boy runs right through Jack as if he were a ghost. Jack staggers back in shock. He's speechless as if the wind had been knocked out of him. His emotions causing it to snow.

"Hello! Hello!"

Townsfolk continue to pass through Jack, unaware of his presence. Shaken, Jack turns and retreats into the forest.

My name is Jack Frost -- how do I know that? The moon told me so. But that was all he ever told me. And that was a long, long time ago.

We pan up as the moon shines down over the snow-covered trees.

Darkness. That's the first thing I remember. It was dark, and it was cold. And I was scared.

The silhouette of a body appears as it drifts into a ray of light, refracted through water, which turns into...


The moonlight intensifies almost magically, and the ice above begins to spider-web and crack.


Snow-covered trees in every direction. The ice in the pond continues to crack until finally a hole splinters open. A young woman floats out of the water, bathed in the intense moonlight. This is (Y/N) FROST - thin, pale, barefoot, her hair frosted white.

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