Chapter Twenty-One: Twenty years later

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Twenty years after Pitch's defeat.

It has been Twenty years since our Heros defeated Pitch Black the Boogie Man. Everything was going well Jamie has grown up and had kids of his own. Jack and (Y/n) have gotten a lot closer since they got their memories back. The other guardians have still done what they always do. But right now Pitch was planning his revenge.

"I am going to get my revenge on those guardians and those Frost's!" He was upset he couldn't win last time but this time he will. The hole started to open up again as some kids started to gain fear again. Will Pitch win or will the guardians win?

Jack and (Y/n) were chasing each other around as well as making it snow. It was almost easter but the two winter spirits, the guardians of fun didn't care.

"Get back here (Y/n)!" Jack yelled at his friend.

"You're going to have to catch me, Jack!" (Y/n) yelled back at her friend. She laughed at the memory.

Jack caught up to her grabbing her arm and turning her to face him. They were panting. "Well, you won Jack what do you want?"

Jack smirked as he already knew what he wanted. "I want you to be my girlfriend!"

(Y/n) blushed. "I was waiting for you to ask me out you dork!" she gently punched his arm then kissed him on the lips.

Jack was shocked then he slowly kissed her back. "I love you (Y/n) (L/n) ((Last name)) Frost."

"I love you too Jackson Overland Frost." The two laughed as they used their old and new names together.

It was soon nighttime. The two winter spirits were goofing off until they saw the northern lights.

Jack and (Y/n) flew to the North Pole as quickly as they could. They were worried something might have happened.

"My fellow Guardians - It is our job to watch over the children of the world, and keep them safe - to bring wonder, hope, and dreams. And so, I've called us all here for one reason, and one reason only - the children are in danger." Came North's voice in their heads. "An enemy we have kept at bay for two decades has finally decided to strike back. We alone can stop him."

North, Jack, (Y/n), Tooth, Bunny, and Sandy all stood in the globe room. "Why are we here North?" Jack asked for, everyone present.

"I think Pitch is planning something again. I know it's been quiet but we need to be prepared. I feel it in my belly." North said as he pointed to his belly.

"I thought this time we may have gotten him gone for longer. But if he's back we need to get back to our hideouts." Tooth responded remembering what happened Twenty years ago.

North nodded in agreement. "Alright everyone fall out!"

Everyone left North's workshop to go back to work. Jack and (Y/n) decided to split up to make it easier on them and cover more ground.

North America

(Y/n) had made it to North America to give snow in the parts that normally would get snow. As she was giving snow to (hometown), she felt like someone was watching her every move. "Show yourself!" She said as she span around trying to see the person. Suddenly Pitch came out of the shadows and to her. She held her staff and pointed it at him. "Pitch!" She hissed his name with venom.

Pitch smirked at her. "Hello, Frost. Where's your other half?" He asked her.

"None of you're business Pitch!" She growled at him.

Pitch disappeared then reappeared behind her and put a hand on her shoulder. "I know you only follow Jack around because he drags you around. So what happened?" He whispered in her ear.

Her body tensed as he touched her. "You don't know anything about me!" She yelled at him.

"Oh my dear but I do. Come with me and I can make all of your worries disappear." He cooed in her ear.

"Never! I'll never go anywhere with you!" She growled out to him.

Every second she talked to him, his nightmare sand slowly went down her body and wrapped around her to where she couldn't move. As soon as she couldn't move she realized he was stalling the entire time. She started to freak out. The Nightmare sand started to cover her eyes and she fell into a nightmare-filled sleep.

As (Y/n) woke up she saw she was in the same cage she was twenty years ago. She started to freak out. "No..." She started crying. There was a burst of evil laughter that surrounded the underground lair. Pitch came out of the shadows grinning evilly.

"She has awoken!" He laughed again. She tried to not look into his eyes golden eyes but with the control he had over her it was hard for her to look away. "Do you know why you're here?" Her silence was a good enough answer for him. "You are here so you can work with me. My nightmare sand will take a while to completely take control of you so you can do what I tell you. Do you understand me?" (Y/n) looked down and nodded her head quietly. "Good!"

"Jack please save me. I'm scared..." She spoke in her head.

Will Jack and the other Guardians save (Y/n) or will she be forced to listen to Pitch? Time will only tell.

Jack flew to the North Pole in a panic. "North!"

"What is matter Jack?"

"(Y/n) is in trouble... We split up to cover more ground and when I went to North America I found this!" He showed North (Y/n)'s staff.

North got worried. "Do you think that maybe Pitch got to her? North she never leaves this behind anywhere!" North looked at Jack and nodded.

"Probably Jack but we don't know where his lair is." Jack looked down worried.

"I have to save her North, she's my girlfriend!" North nodded in understanding.

"I understand Jack but without knowing where he has hidden her we can't rush anywhere!" North was worried as well.

Jack nodded in understanding. "Alright, you're right North... I just hope she can hold on till we find her." He left the workshop in hopes to find clues, as to where she may have been taken.

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