Decepticon Bios

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Oil Slick: Yes the character who appeared twice in Animated, had one line, and had screentime for about a minute is now a full fledged character in this series. Oil Slick was once an Autobot scientist looking for new new ways to turn the tide of the war. At one point in history the Decepticons begun to use biological warfare, namely Tox-En. So the Autobots needed something to level the playing field, and thus Cosmic Rust was born. However the creation of the epidemic came at a terrible cost: Oil Slick's body and sanity. The moment it was created he accidentally spilled some around his body and he became infected. In a desperate effort he got himself into a containment suit. All that remains of his original body is his head and his spark. The dome keeps his infected head safe from the effects of Cosmic rust. The lost soul found shelter in the Decepticons, but even then he still felt ostracised. The bitter and alone Decepticon only feels more welcome around his scientific companions Skywarp and Mixmaster. Now Oil Slick uses the disease that obliterated his body as a weapon against all the Autobots. He is close to finding a cure for Cosmic Rust, but he's missing one key ingredient. Too bad he doesn't know what it is.

Melee: His hand flail from his Animated toy. He also can send out bursts of electricity from his hands.

Weapons: The spikes around his hands can be shot out as a projectile weapon. The other canister can shoot out Cosmic Rust, Acid, Liquid Nitrogen, and other nasty chemicals.

Abilities: His suit is impervious to all chemicals, but it still susceptible to guns, missiles and lasers. He also has a "vehicle attack mode", which looks like he's doing a push up. In this mode he can knock an enemy instantly out of their vehicle form when he collides with them. He is a skilled martial artist. When you become a loner, your social options become limited.

Voice used: Mr. Freeze from Batman Arkham City.

Astrotrain: Having another triple-changer outside of Rumble is always welcome, and it comes in the form of Astrotrain. Megatron sees the value of this new Decepticon and makes him ferry cargo to and from Cybertron, but Astrotrain doesn't mind at all. He despises all Autobots. To him they are all beneath him and should not even be allowed to make eye contact with his Along with his pride comes a very cynical look on life and some of his teammates. He respects the higher ups but doesn't care for the lesser members. He likes to make fun of people, so naturally him and Thundercracker get along quite well. And just like his buddy he can be bit cowardly. When the going gets a little tough he heads for the hills. Despite this the Decepticons are glad to have him on the team.

Guns: Throwback blaster. this weapon fires with the iconic G1 blaster sounds that we all know and love. But this nice callback has some deadly effects on the target. It turns them into purple energy and their molecular structures become compromised. The purple masses dissipate into the air without a trace.

Abilities: Mass displacement. While his vehicle modes are of a regular sizes bullet train and space shuttle, the inside has enough room to store a small city! Decepticons travel inside him for sneak attacks and cargo deliveries.

Voice used: G1.

Ratbat: Ratbat is one sneaky creep. He watches everyone while he hangs down with a sly look on his face. He is sadistic and loves to scare people, which is Buzzsaw put him as the next in line to the command chain. He is cunning and silent, nobody can ever hear him coming. His personality is basically DOTM Laserbeak but with more development. Based on some of his parts it looks like he used to to turn into a keytar.

Melee: His fangs and claws.

Guns: Mini guns.

Abilities: Triple-jointed contortionist. He can bend his body in all sorts of impossible ways, making him the most effective spy on the team. He can do something as creepy as scrunching himself into a little mousehole and then flying out to attack. You just don't do that.

Voice used: DOTM Laserbeak.

Slugfest: Have you ever wanted to know if Slugfest was smarter than Beastbox? Well the answer is yes, but only by the slightest margin. Granted he still is pretty stupid. It doesn't help that he isn't that great a fighter and is really slow. He doesn't really have a specific function for the team either, he's just kinda there. Slugfest is always getting bullied by his pal Overkill, who is having the time of his life with it. Slugfest and Overkill were experimented on by Shockwave, which explains their beast forms. While they are more successful than Waspinator, it had an effect on their mental state. Both believe their beast forms to be their robot modes, with their robot forms being their alternate mode. This annoys everyone else. Slugfest has the most hilarious voice ever. His design is based off of AOE Snarl but with purple spikes instead of yellow.

Melee: Giant ax.

Voice used: Jack Atlas from Yu-Gi-Oh Abridged, particularly 5-Ds and the Bonds Beyond Time Abridged movie.

Overkill: Overkill considers himself to be the apex predator, and given his sheer might he can definitely hold up some of those claims. He is cruel and enjoys everyone's suffering, especially if it's Slugfest. He doesn't respect Buzzsaw that much and frequently questions his loyalty to Megatron, and anyone with half a brain can understand how horrible an idea that is. Like Slugfest the experiments made him believe his beast form is his robot mode and his robot mode is his alternate form.But it had an even larger effect on him, making him more monstrous and feral during battle. Autobots better watch out because Overkill is ready to show them why he is on the top of the food chain.

Melee: Claws

Abilities: Fire breath in his dino form.

Voice used: Zavok from Sonic Lost World.

The Dreads: Deep inside the darker parts of Cybertron lies a unique ghetto of monstrous Cybertronians. Among these are the Dreads, a group of mercenaries that work exclusively for the Decepticons. Led by the vile Crankcase, these three will act as bodyguards to Megatron and a major problem for the Autobots.

Crankcase: The leader of the dreads is a monster both literally and metaphorically. At first glance you would think he is a mindless brute, but looks are deceiving when Crankcase is involved. He is a member of the legendary Shadow core, and he has quite the resume to boot. He is a master of counter intelligence and espionage, and was an ex special ops agent. He is the full package, and a master hunter and tracker. He is cruel and sadistic, a true Decepticon. He is Bumblebee's true arch enemy. Long ago during the war he captured Bumblebee and a friend of his. The friend was brutally murdered by Crankcase, having his insides torn out and feasted upon by the dreads. While Bumblebee managed to escape it traumatised him for life. Now that Crankcase is here he will finish the job he started so long ago.

Melee: His Mechtech weapon has that claw thing that pops out. It's his preferred weapon of executions.

Guns: His SMG Mechtech weapon with the claw.

Weapons: Those spiked grenades they had in DOTM.

Abilities: Cloaking device.

Voice used: The Nega Duck from Darkwing duck.

Crowbar: Crowbar is the younger brother of Crankcase and is a complete psycho. He can barely hold still and gets a little too excited for battle. But in combat those urges go away and he becomes a dangerous opponent with skills that are on par with his brother. He can't wait to kill every Autobot in his way.

Melee: His "hair", which resemble dreadlocks, can be used like whips, tendrils, and constrictors. His preferred choice is constricting them with his hair. He just loves watching them get crushed to pieces.

Guns: Dual SMGs.

Weapons: The spiked grenades.

Voice used: Movie Starscream.

Hatchet: The attack dog of the group is a feral monster that both sides fear. But he isn't stupid, in fact his intelligence rivals that of Ravage. Good luck trying to put this beast down.

Melee: Claws and spiked tail.

Weapons: Rocket launchers. He can shoot out the spikes from his tail, and new ones grow to replace them.

Abilities: His nasal sensors can track targets from very far distances.

Voice used: The typical Welker monster.

The Coneheads: A secondary group of the seekers that are treated as second-class citizens. Back in Beginnings they were on board The Nemesis when the other Decepticons boarded The Ark. They were let behind because they weren't deemed important to Megatron. When the ship exploded everyone died... except for the three of them. Nobody knows how they survived or made it back home, but nobody cared to ask either. But hey they won't hold any grudges right? And no they are not the same Coneheads from the band Bisk and the Coneheads, it's just a name.

Dirge: The leader of the Coneheads is called the master of fear. Who calls him that you ask? Himself mostly. In reality he couldn't scare marshmallows. He is the most resentful that they were abandoned that, and has picked up a very sardonic attitude. When he tells you to jump off a bridge he means it, but he says it in such a way that you aren't sure. Other Decepticons like to call him "squid head". He is a coward, and as soon as a battle doesn't go his way he hightails it out of there. He is also a religious zealot, always saying the end is near and blah blah blah. But there is no way he could know that right? He is designed after his DOTM toy.

Melee: Arm blade.

Weapons: Homing missile launchers.

Abilities: Sonic breaker. This ability is only available in his jet form. He can damage any enemy or structure's insides with a sonic shockwave, making it risky to go near him in a dogfight.

Voice used: Jeremy Iron's voice

Ramjet: Ramjet is the bravest of the trio, but bravery is not a substitute for intelligence. He loves to attack enemies head on by colliding with them and headbutting him. Nobody would ever expect somebody as reckless as him to be so dangerous. People claim that he has collided with so many Autobots that his brain took a little too much damage. And I think they're right. He is designed after his G1 counterpart.

Weapons: Missile launchers.

Abilities: Extremely hard head and nose cone. He can take any damage from their and shrug it off, which is exactly why he puts the ram in Ramjet.

Voice used: Dr. Doom from the Fantastic Four: Rise of The Silver Surfer video game.

Thrust: Thrust is the only member of the Coneheads without a pointy head, and when you look carefully he kinda looks like Breakaway... a lot. That's because they are twins on the opposite side of the war. Thrust sees Breakaway as a coward, and that's hilarious coming from him. Thrust is a bully, but like most bullies he is a coward. Thrust takes coward to a whole new level. He likes to shoot at humans, but as soon as he sees something as much as a bazooka pointed at him he shrieks and flies away. He is afraid to even make eye contact with some people. It's embarrassing really. Hey look at those cute little duckies over there.... oh my god they're looking at you Thrust! Run!

Guns: Gatling gun

Abilities: Thrust shares both of Breakaway's abilities of overheating weapons and flying faster in a straight line.

Voice used: Firefly from Batman: Arkham Origins.

The Eradicons: The newest and most powerful combiner team in the series to date. These six warriors are creations of Starscream. They haven't been around long, but they know what they have to..... eradicate everyone. They're all actually really nice guys once you get to know them, except for Dead-end and Motormaster. Dead-end doesn't care and Motormaster, their leader, is pure evil. He leads the team through fear and violence. They've tried to reason with him, but do you really think it's a good idea to stand against Motormaster? I thought so.

Menasor: When you see the silhouette of those horns approaching you know Menasor is on his way. He is an amalgamation of FOC Bruticus and Combiner Wars Menasor. Like Superion he is one of the most successful combiners to date. Motormaster has nearly complete control over Menasor while everyone else's minds shut down except for Vortex. Vortex still functions to keep his boss in check. He is seemingly impossible to put down. It seems like nothing can stop him.

Melee: Giant black sword and Vortex's helicopter blades used like a buzzsaw and a shield.

Abilities: Bruticus's shockwave ability.

Voice used: Keith David's already intimidating voice in a ghostly tone.

Motormaster: Motormaster is our secondary antagonist and the darkest incarnation of the character to date. Motormaster have only one function that he cares for: Killing Optimus Prime. Motormaster has never actually physically met Optimus, but upon hearing his name something inside of him got him intrigued. Now he obsessed with taking him down, and proving that he is the true king of the road.This warmonger is fueled by obsession and Synthetic Energon. Everyone fears Motormaster, and it would be wise not to get in his way. What interested me the most about him is a question about how far someone would go to achieve a victory over someone they are obsessed with. He never cracks a joke and rarely smiles, and he fights like the personification of war. He can feel Optimus very close by, and once he finds him he's finished. Anyone who gets in the way be it friend or foe will also face his wrath.

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