Part 12: Farewell for now Optimus Prime

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Around the same time at the Decepticon's base, Soundwave has his visor over his face. Some audio waves are flowing across of it. After finishing the session he reports to Megatron.

Soundwave: "The plan was successful. Optimus took the bait as planned."

Megatron: "Excellent work from everyone. When he flies away the rest is up to Shockwave."

Scream: (obnoxious) "Or better yet blow him out of the sky before he can even leave Earth. Only an idiot would give Optimus ample time to build up a new army from Cybertron."

Megatron: (snarling) "Hold your tongue Starscream! I grow tired of your tone. Another word from you and I shall make you wish you were never born."

Scream: (pretentious) "Hmph! If you wish not to hear the truth then very well."

Megatron goes to the monitor to inform Shockwave of the final part of the plan.

Megatron: "The invasion is a mere breath away. Optimus is heading back to Cybertron. You know what you must do."

Shockwave: "Yes my liege. The hovercrafts are in their final testing phase and will be ready just in time. Hundreds of thousands of Vehicons are awaiting deployment the pillars are ready, and I have one more surprise for you."

Megatron: "A surprise you say. So what is it?"

Shockwave: "Having learned that the Aerialbots are now on Earth we decided that Devastator wouldn't be good enough to stop him. So we decided to create a six member combiner team."

Megatron: "I do not need another uncontrollable monstrosity to add to my repertoire."

Shockwave: "We figured out the problem with our combiner and fixed it. It will be controlled dominantly by the sub faction's leader and gets supporting control by one other member."

Megatron: "So what you are saying is that you've patched up the problem, and yet the Autobots have perfected it."

Shockwave: "It is a major step in the right direction. I have named it Project Eradicon."

Megatron: "A new combiner team is always welcome, however I do not believe that we need it at this very moment. Devastator will do the job until then."

Shockwave: "Very well. They shall be reserved in the lab until you decide otherwise. Shockwave out."

In Shockwave's lab Knockout is leaning against the wall with a look that subtly mocks Shockwave. Shockblast is in the other room working on a security drone.

Knockout: (complacent) "The big M said no to your little science project? That bites."

Shockwave: (stoic) "It matters not. Optimus has taken the bite as planned. We must prepare everything for his capture."

Shock: "All security and capture drones are ready. Vehicons are also ready at any time."

Shockwave: "Excellent work."

The Insecticons are one floor below, but they can hear everything thanks to their mutations giving them heightened hearing.

Kickback: (perverted) "C'mon man, put your finger in mah butt!"

Knockout: "Looks like the prisoners are getting rowdy again."

Shock: "Perhaps some shock torture will silence him."

Shockblast enters a code that electrocutes Kickback, but instead of silencing him it just makes things worse.

Kickback (moaning) "Oh yeahhhhh, right in the butter sauce!"

Shrapnel: "Why don't you give me the electricity and I'll blast you all sky high high!"

Bomb: (annoyed) "Both of you silence yourselves!"

Knockout: "Nice to know Bombshell shares our feeling."

Shockwave: "They are nothing to us. Come, we have work to do."

Knockout: -sigh- "Yes herr commandant."

Back on Earth Megatron is approached by Overload.

Megatron: "This better be good Overload."

Overload: "Overload heard about your nightmare."

Megatron: "And?"

Overload: "I too have seen the galaxy man."

Megatron: (flabbergasted) "You... have?"

Overload: "Yes, if it's all the same to you we should discuss this privately."

The two go into an empty room, and Overload turns the lights off, and instead light candles. The two sit as he takes Megatron's hands in his claws.

"What are you doing?"

"An el siance, perfect for getting yourself free of weeds."


"You have had a vision from the force, a bunch of neutral spirits creating composite figure telling the future.

"A spirit?"

"Yes, el spirit world is real. Overload has developed a close tie to the spirits, becoming able to visit whenever he chooses."

"So he was a spirit?"

"Not him, but what the vision itself was the spirits. The man himself does not exist yet.

"So if what you're saying is true, then why has he visited us?"

"Overload doesn't know, but he does remember him saying to stay strong and he shall make it through."

(getting up) "This is ridiculous, all I'm hearing is absolute nonsense. But it's my fault for expecting anything different of you. I have far more pressing matters to attend to."

Megatron storms off, leaving Overload alone with his thoughts.

"Be strong Megatron, Overload is rooting for you."

Thundercracker, Skywarp, the Coneheads, and Astrotrain watch Megatron pass by. Dirge as usual spouts a snide remark.

Dirge: (malignant) "That parasite looks like hes in a hurry."

Skywarp: "Can the insults, Dirge. I can see why he left you to die."

Dirge: "How dare you insult a pristine individual such as I!"

Ramjet: "Pft, my ass has more pristine value than you."

One of the automatic doors closes behind Thrust, spooking him. He screams and cowers behind Ramjet.

Ramjet: "What the heck are you doing?"

Thrust: (shaking) "I'm afraid of doors!"

Ramjet: "I know I'm crazy but even that's too crazy for me."

Thrust: "My dad died facing off against a door!"

Dirge: "Foolish fool! You can't be scared of everything, least of all your own shadow."

Thrust looks down at his shadow, making him have complete mental breakdown.

Thrust: (freaking the F out) "My shadow... IT'S SO DARK, STOP FOLLOWING ME AHHHHHH!" (runs out)

Skywarp: (leaving) "Idiots."

Thunder: "Hey Astrotrain, why does Megatron keep that cloak on his head? Splicer fixed his head up a few days ago."

Astro: "Maybe he likes looking like a hobo."

Thunder: "Heh, he's got the shotgun too. The reference writes itself."

Astro: "Filthy hobos, ruining everything."

Thunder: "They really are the main cause of every problem. Hey, want to go make fun of some mentally handicapped people?"

Astro: "Duh, of course I'll go. That's my third favorite thing to do."

Back at MECH headquarters Silas and Mr. Attinger return to resume their work. Attinger shows Rollbar off to him.

Attinger: "He's still right where we left him. Excellent."

Silas: "This is an Autobot, not a Decepticon. You should be nicer to him."

Attinger: (sharply) "That doesn't matter. He's a murderer, they all are. They give you a false sense of security, and you wind up trusting them. When you least expect it they kill you."

Attinger leaves Rollbar and Silas alone.

"So you're in on this too huh?"

"Not as much as he is. I'm still unsure of what to do anymore?"

"Is what he's doing really ok? My pod had a bad crash landing. There was no way I could control it."

"I believe you, but I can't free you. If that happens we'll be both dead."

"But they torture me, you can see for yourself."

(looking away) "I know... it's complicated."

"You know we are here to protect, not destroy."

"Look, I'm conflicted enough at it is. The least I can do is reduce the amount of pain you're going through."

(grateful) "Really? Oh thank you so much. I knew there had to be good people on this planet."

Silas secretly lowers a few of the drills and lasers to ease Rollbar's pain. It seems that fate is giving him a fighting chance. Now Rollbar can heal even more of his body, at least the parts that weren't stripped from him in the experiments that is.

Back at The Ark, the Wreckers are working on a special ship for Optimus. The Ark itself has several smaller ships that were pretend pieces on the ship. They took the guise of additional thrusters or cargo holders. Each sub ship can house up to five Autobots. The ship is nearing completion, and Optimus is getting his supplies from Wheeljack. Everyone is understandably concerned about his departure.

Prime: "How is progress for the ship?"

Road: "Ten minutes at best."

Prime: "Excellent work Roadbuster. What about him?"

Road: "Been working on him since we first arrived. He could have been a big help had Topspin not driven us into this solar system's asteroid belt."

Topspin: "I said I was sorry!"

Silver: "I guess he's really leaving, and we only just got here."

Jetfire: "It's a sure shame isn't it?"

Tailgate: (lights cigar) "Such is life."

Break: "Well we're doomed."

Fire: "Future doesn't look too bright baby."

Jolt: "Man this ain't cool."

Ratchet looks away in disappointment. This sudden change in his leader has given the medic a cut to his spark that no knife could ever reach. The inner pain has become some new form of torture. Optimus begins to say his goodbyes, starting with the humans.

Prime: "Spike, Carly, Chip, you've all shown me that age is never a hindrance to bravery. Your accomplishments are inspiring. I shall think of you while I'm gone."

Spike: "Gee Optimus, I've never been so complimented in my life."

Carly: "I have."

Chip: "I wonder why."

Prime: "Ace, Tyrone, Agent Fowler, as a fellow soldier I salute you. You've put your lives on the line for us, and I am forever in your debt. I wish that Alan was still alive to see this."

Ace: "You're really leaving aren't you? It's a shame because you always tell the best war stories."

Tyrone: "You're an animal on the field man, I'm going to miss taking down Decepticons with you."

Fowler: "You sure about this? I got a bad feeling in my gut."

Prime: "I have to. I'm sorry that there can't be another way."

Optimus moves on to the Autobots. He starts with the younger members.

Prime: "Bumblebee and Sideswipe, you've both had to grow up sooner than you should. I've watched you become fine warriors. I'm proud of you."

Side: "I know right? I'm awesome."

Prime: "Tomahawk and Jolt, while I've only met you recently it looks like you are both great soldiers. I'm fortunate to have you on our side."

Tomahawk: "It's a pleasure to soar the skies for you sir"

Jolt: "Finally somebody approves of me!"

Prime: "Tailgate, you always were my favorite artist."

Tailgate: "That is the highest honor any artist could get. I wish you luck on your voyage."

Prime: "Blaster, make sure to keep your music down to a reasonable level."

Blaster: (smiles) "Sure thing big O. Kick some tailpipe while you're gone." (shakes hands)

Prime: "Aerialbots, good luck. Be strong Silverbolt. As for the rest of you, give him more respect."

Sling: (crossing fingers) "Ok I promise."

Prime: "Dinobots, you're all welcome additions to the ranks and good friends, especially you Grimlock.

Grimlock: "We never did get to that wrestling match."

Prime: -smirks- "Perhaps it's best that they don't see your crushing defeat."

Grimlock: "Pft, yeah right."

Slag: "Me Slag not missing anyone."

Snarl: "Are you crying Swoop?"

Swoop: (wiping his eyes) "No, I just flew into a dust storm recently that's all. I got something in my eye." -sniff-

Sludge: 'Me Sludge ready to leave."

Snarl: "But you aren't the one leaving Sludge."

Sludge: "Me Sludge get confused too easily."

Prime: "Wheeljack, Perceptor I thank you not only for your inventions, but your friendship as well. I could not have gone this far without you."

Wheel: "Back at you."

Perce: "I told myself I wouldn't tear up, but it's no use."

Prime: "Wreckers, keep on wrecking."

Leadfoot: "It's what we do best."

Road: "It's the only thing we do best."

Leadfoot: "Well excuse me for being optimistic."

Strangely enough Optimus completely ignores Ironhide, Jazz, and Mirage. He instead makes his way to the jilted Ratchet.

Prime: "Ratchet, I-"

Ratchet: (dismissive) "Save it, I don't' want to hear it."

Prime: "I know how you must be feeling."

Ratchet: (snapping) "Now you don't! You're just abandoning us on a whim.... abandoning me. You're going alone with no game plan."

Optimus puts his hand on Ratchet's shoulder to comfort him.

Prime: "I'm not abandoning you, I will return one day. And who said that I would be going alone?"

Everyone is surprised that Optimus is not going alone.

Prime: "Ironhide, Jazz, you're with me."

Jazz: "A road trip huh? Sounds great?"

Ironhide: "Not that I'm refusing or anything, but why us?"

Prime: "Jazz is the best pilot around, and I need the extra firepower if we're spotted."

Ironhide: "Alright then we'll grab our belongs."

Mirage: "If I may interrupt, who will lead us in your absence?"

Prime: "You will Mirage."

Mirage: (baffled) "Me?"

Prime: "Yes, Ironhide is going with me and we lost Longarm, so that makes you next in line. I have complete faith in you."

Mirage: "I will honor your wishes and lead to the best of my ability. It is an honor."

It's now time for Optimus to leave. He, Ironhide, and Jazz all enter the ship, and Optimus says one final goodbye.

Prime: "I promise I will return, and when I do we're going to get our planet back. I will see you all again soon enough."

Bee: (pleading) "But we need you!"

Tomahawk: "Way to sound clingy."

With that, Optimus and the others fly away in the ship, and disappear without a trace.

Break: "Yeah.... he's not coming back."

Silver: "What makes you say that?"

Jetfire: "It's the old 'my lady is in trouble and I have to help her' excuse. That one never gets old."

Airraid: "So how long do you bet it will be before we all start killing each other?"

Break: "I give it a week."

Wheel: "A month."

Leadfoot: "Two hours."

Sludge: (taking out his hammer) "Now."

Slag: "Yay he's going to kill us!"

Sludge: "Just kidding."

Sludge accidentally trips over his own hammer and falls face-first on the ground.

Tomahawk: (sarcastic) "Things are looking up already."

But little did each side know that what happened next would forever change the rules of the game.

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