Part 14: Elita-1 and The Resistantance

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Megatron now focuses on who will and won't be going to the attack.

Megatron: "I want all of you except for the scientists to go into action.

Astro: "Ah crap, guess that means I'm going too."

Thunder: "When we're done we can set fire to the homeless, my treat."

Astro: "Deal."

Mix: "Hey buddy, uh I'm a scientist too. Do I count?"

Megatron: "You form Devastator, therefore you come."

Mix: "Well alrighty then. Constructicons, prepare to do the thing!"

Oil: "Enjoy your combat, I shall return to the labs."

Overload: "Overload will soon show them his danky Piplup."

In a surprising miracle Optimus, Ironhide, and Jazz make it safely to Cybertron, albeit having to fly past security drones in order to survive. The reach a completely desolate city, one that was a former Autobot city. They search the area immediately after exiting .

Jazz: "Home sweet home. I can smell the happiness the air... except the for the Shockwave taking over part.... that really is a downer."

Ironhide: "Remind me to never make you our tour guide."

Jazz: "Hey, you're just jealous of my tour guide swagger."

Ironhide: "That hurt my audio receptors, I hope you know that."

Jazz: "We can add that to my ever growing list of talents."

Optimus grabs his flight gear from the inside of the ship along with some other tools. One of them looks like it is a flare gun. Optimus is preparing to shoot it into the sky.

Jazz: "Are you sure about that Optimus? We might get spotted."

Prime: "That's the idea. This wont be detected by Decepticons because the lighting was designed to to be detected by Autobot frequencies. So unless they've been working on Autobot frequencies we are in the clear."

Optimus shoots the flare into the sky, and an Autobot insignia appears in the clouds. Now had this been a few weeks ago Optimus and company would have been in the clear. Shockwave is on top of everything, and after the insignia disappears from the sky the energy signal gets picked up by Shockwave.

Shockwave: "He's finally here."

Knockout: "How do you you?"

Shockwave: "Call it a feeling in my processor."

Shock: "How shall we proceed?"

Knockout: "I say get him now, and then we don't have to worry about him."

Shockwave: "No, we must let him lead us to Elita. And once that's done we will catch them like animals."

Meanwhile the three Autobots are walking the empty city, searching for any signs of life.

Jazz: "They really let this place go."

Ironhide: "Gee, I wonder why Jazz."

Jazz: "Cancel that negativity and have some fun. Just look around, we're home, sweet Decepticon-run home."

Ironhide: "It's finally happened Optimus, he's lost it."

Prime: "We can worry about that later, someone is coming. Be ready for anything."

Off in the distance there is some dust kicking up, and there are three bikes making their way to the trio. The bikes are pink, blue, and purple. They circle around until the pink one speaks. To their surprise the voice is female.

PinK: "Alright busters, hands in the air!"

Prime: "Do as they say Autobots."

Jazz: "Well this is a delight."

Purple: "Wait a minute, I know that voice."

Jazz: "I must be hearing things, because I could have sworn I heard my lady."

Purple: "Firestar,they're friends!"

Pink: "How do you know?"

Purple: "I know the voice of my man anywhere."

The three bikes transform into Autobots that Optimus and Ironhide have never seen before. Jazz is heavily acquainted with the purple one to say the least. The robot modes of the three female Autobots surprise Optimus and Ironhide. They are all no more than nine to ten feet high. The pink one looks like she has scoliosis, with strange proportions. She has two wheels that act as her feet and legs simultaneously. The blue one turns into a unicycle robot, and one of her arms is the seat of her motorcycle mode that acts like a gun. The purple one is also a unicycle, but the other wheel makes her hand.

Purple: "Jazz: "I can't believe it!"

Jazz: "Moonracer, sup baby?"

Moon: "I've missed you so much! Who are your friends?"

Jazz: "The guy with the guns is Ironhide, and the big guy is none other than Optimus Prime."

Pink: "That's Optimus Prime??! I'm fangirling right now!"

Moon: "Keep it together girl. I should introduce myself. I'm Moonracer, and these are my sisters Firestar and Beta."

Fire: "Hi."

Moon: "Beta can't speak because her vocal processors were damaged."

Prime: "It is a pleasure to meet the three of you."

Moon: "Back at you. Look it isn't safe here, we'll bring you to our safe house."

Jazz: "Lead the way sugar."

Firestar, Beta, and Moonracer lead them to a seemingly abandoned warehouse. The door opens and the six drive in. They are greeted by a blue female Autobot that looks like she turns into some sort of motorbike. This is Chromia, the rough houser of the group.

Chromia: (rough) "Ok you got some explaining to do here. Inviting strangers into our compound. They might be Decepticons!" "

Ironhide: (transforming) "I never thought I'd be labeled a Decepticon by you Chromia."

Chromia: "Ironhide? What are you doing here?"

Ironhide: "To bash some heads with my girl."

Chromia: "Good to see you haven't changed."

Ironhide: "Likewise. So what is this place."

Chromia: This is our humble abode, at least for now. I've had to deal with some young and uncoordinated soldiers. They're more worried about breaking a nail while I'm more worried about not breaking enough Decepticon heads."

Prime: "It's good to see you again Chromia, who is the teal Autobots with the flames round her legs?"

Chromia: "That's Flare-up, she's not exactly a people person."

Flare: "I heard that!"

Fire: "She didn't mean it Flare-up."

Flare: (eyes rolling) "Sure she didn't."

Chromia: "Oh relax, it's just a joke."

Flare: "Easy for you to say. So you're Optimus huh? That's great."

Fire: "You should be more excited Flare-up. Optimus is here to save the day!"

All of a sudden a white Autobot with some traces of blue comes right out of the wall. This is Smokescreen, the only male member of the team and the youngest at that. Just one look into his innocent eyes tells you that he is destined for greatness one day.

Smoke: (smiling) "Hey guys I'm back!"

Jazz: "Whoa a ghost!"

Smoke: (taking out his cannon) "What? Where?!"

Flare: "He means you."

Smoke: "But I'm not a ghost.... at least I don't think I am."

Smokescreen looks and sees Optimus Prime with Ironhide and Jazz. His eyes widen with such wonder and excitement. He starts jumping up and down in joy, blazing past everyone like the Roadrunner if he had a nice coke snort to start his day.

Smoke: (fanboying) ""Oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh you're Optimus Prime. THE Optimus Prime! I've been your biggest fan since day one! You're the greatest leader of all time and I want to be Prime like you when I get older! (calming down) Keep your composure Smokescreen, you don't want to scare him away."

Ironhide raises his eyebrow at Optimus, implying that he thinks Smokescreen is a nutjob. Optimus has different thoughts and decides to converse with the young Autobot.

Prime: "I'm pleased to meet you Smokescreen. Tell me, how where you able to walk through the wall just now/"

Smoke: "You actually spoke to me.... (snapping out of it) See this thing on my wrist? It's a phase shifter, technology used by the ancients. As far as I know this is the only one left in existence. Best part about it is that it can't break. Now I can do magic tricks."

Smokescreen puts his hand through one of his arms to show off.

Smoke: "Pretty cool huh?"

Prime: "Very."

Jazz: "I've never seen Optimus so social like this in a long time."

Chromia: "It's the kid, he just makes you want to be around him."

Optimus finishes talking with him and joins up with the others.

Prime: "There is something about Smokescreen that I haven't seen in someone in a very long time. Honesty, integrity, heart, and innocence."

Flare: "He's lucky he's cute."

Fire: -giggles-

Chromia: "He may not look it, but he's very resourceful in a fight. He can improvise in any situation and actually thinks on his feet."

Ironhide: "Impressive."

Moon: "We're just glad you guys are back."

Chromia: "Where have you guys been all this time huh? We've all aged up and you don't look like you've changed a day."

Prime: "We crashed landed on a planet and was in stasis for millions of years."

Chromia: "Sounds believable."

Now the big arrival happens. The one that Optimus has been waiting for in what felt like a thousand eternities. A purple Cybertronian car pulls into the garage. It transforms into a tall, purple, female Autobot with a head shaped like a star. This is Elita-1, the leader of Cybertron's Autobot resistance and Optimus's love. Just by hearing her commanding voice one can understand why they are such a powerful force of nature.

Elita: "I want a full status report of everything today, and I don't want any distractions this time Firestar."

Firee: "You got it."

Elita: "Furthermore I...."

Elita and Optimus finally see each other. Even after all these years their flame is still as strong as ever. She rushes into his arms, clinging tightly to him.

Elita: (emotional) "I thought I had lost you all those years ago!"

Prime: "There is no force that will ever be powerful enough to keep me away from you."

Elita: "What happened to you? It's been millions of years, we lost contact with you."

Prime: "My ship fell into a wormhole, and we were in stasis on another planet for millions of years. Now the war has reached this planet."

Flare: "Ugh!"

Moon: "What is it Flare-up?"

Flare: "All of you have boyfriends and I don't. You have one, Elita has one, Chromia has one, heck even Smokescreen kinda has a girlfriend."

Smoke: "I do?"

Flare: "Isn't it obvious?"

Smokescreen looks around to see Firestar smiling at him, but then turns his attention elsewhere.

Smoke: "It must be Beta!"

Fire: (screaming) "WHAT?!"

Smoke: "It can't be Firestar, we're bffs."

Fire: "I can't believe this."

Flare: (whining) "I'm just hopeless, I'll never find someone."

Moon: "You'll find someone i'm sure."

Elita: "Now Optimus, while I'm happy that you're back. I must ask why. You left to strategize and now you're here."

Prime: "I came as soon as I heard your distress message."
Elita: "I never sent one."

Prime: "....What?"

Back on Earth, the Autobots are going about their day until they get some massive blips on their radar.

Perce: "Excuse me, but I do believe we're in big trouble."

Mirage: 'What is it Perceptor?"

Perce: "We're being invaded by a large number of Decepticons!"

Mirage: "How many?"

Perce: -gulps- "Too many."

Everyone steps outside and sees Megatrons, Soundwave and his ten minions, a Skywarp clone, Thundercracker, Astrotrain, Splicer, Waspinator, the Coneheads, the Dreads, Sideways, and the Constructicons all ready for a fight."

Side: "Aw crap."

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