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Chapter 3

Embry's Point Of View

When I looked up I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen. After a few seconds I felt defferent like I couldn't live without her. Right when I said it in my head I realized that I had imprinted on her. She saw I was staring.

"Hi, I'm Kimberly." She said

"I'm Embry" I said. Then she sat next to me. My heart raced even more than it usally do.

"Well Embry, why are you out here after dark?"

"Oh I'm just thinking."

"Do you want to be alone or not?"

"No you can sit here if you want to I don't mine."

"Cool, so are you ok 'cause when I came over here you looked sad."

"Yeah I'm ok, so who are you with or are you alone too."

"No, actually I live in Seattle and we're on break, but we're moving to LaPush so my brother and I decided to come to the beach. I ran ahead. He's kind of slow." She laughed. "Do you live in LaPush?"

"Yea I'm a senior in LaPush High school."

"Cool I'll be a senior in that school after break."

I was about to say somthing else when we both heard footsteps coming up the beach we both looked.

"Hey Dylan it took you long enough." She laughed

"Whatever, I got a text from mom she said it's time to go." He said

"Ok." She said

Her brother must have seen me cause he gave me weird look. Kimberly must have seen it too.

"So Dylan this is Embry." Then she wespired "Dont tell mom and dad" to her brother to low for a human to hear. "Dylan I'll right behind you, ok?"

He sighed and said "Alright." Then gave me the if-you-hurt-my-sister-I'll-kill-you look. After that he left.

"So it was nice getting to know you." She said.

"Yea you too, can I get your number you know so I can show you around LaPush more." I said

"Yea sure!" She smiled and gave me her number. Then I gave her my number. "So I geuss I'll see you later."

"Ok, bye."

"Bye" Then she left.

After that all I could think about was her. I went back home to go to sleep so I could tell the pack about her the next morning.

The next morning i woke up refreshed. I almost literally jumped out of bed. I went to the kitchen sayed hi to my mother told her i was going to meet Jake and Quil then left. I went far enough from my house into the forest, and toke off my shorts to phase. As soon as I phased I heard farmiliar voices

"Hey everyone, I have some news I need to tell you so can everyone meet up at Sam and Emily's place." I said

"Sure." Everyone said

Jake howled just incase some of our new pack members weren't in their wolf forms.

Everyone was already at Sam and Emily's place. Emily just made some muffins - man her muffins are good.

"So what's the big news?" Paul blurted out.

Then everyone looked at me waiting for an answer. "So of... imprinted." I said it stuttering.

Leah's Point Of View

Embry had just told us that he had imprinted. Everyone was shocked.

"Embry I'm happy for you man." Jacob said

"Yeah me too." Quil said.

Of course his best friends would be the one to congradulate him first.

"I'm so happy for you." I said after everyone else. To be honest I was happy for him but jealous too. I wanted to imprint so bad.

Breaking Dawn Part 3Where stories live. Discover now