A Very Special Christmas

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This song does not go with any specific thing in the story I just thought about it cause Leah imprinted on Christmas.


Renesmee Point of View

Last night I got little sleep. I literally got one hour of sleep. I went to sleep at 1:00 then woke up at 2:00, so I went downstairs and got some water then went back upstairs and got on my phone until it went dead at 5:30. Then I decided to go back downstairs and watch tv (true story that is exactly what I did Christmas morning), and at 6:00 the whole family came in the house from hunting.

"Hey Ness what you doing up?" Emmett asked

"I wasn't really tired so I've been up since 2:00."

"Well since you're up let's get started on your clothes, hair, and makeup before Jacob comes to pick you up." Alice said as she dragged me upstairs.


Leah Point of View

It was like 7:00 I came over Emily's house- she and I kinda made up but I still can't stand to be in a room with her and Sam- Emily sent me to the store to get some ingredients for a cake. While trying to find some milk so I can leave this place I reach for the last carton of milk but a hand beats me to it. I look to see who it was, and I turn to face a guy. I look in his eye, and I can't explain how I felt all I know is that he has the perfect mixture of chocolate and light brown eyes. If this is imprinting then I know now what the guys mean. I'm just mad that I'm the last to imprint besides Brady and Collin.

"Hi, I'm Michael." The hot guy said

"Um hi, I'm Leah." I said

"Oh here you can have the milk I didn't really need it anyway. "

"Are you sure?"


"Well ok thanks."

After that run in with Michael all I could think about was him. When I got to the cash register. I handed all my food to the lady to ring up.

"That will be $29.37 ma'am." Said the lady

Right when I was handing the lady the money Emily gave me a hand reached over my head with $30 to give the lady I turned around to see Michael again.

"Thank you, and have a good day!" The lady said

It was an awkward silent walking out of the store.

"So uh thank you." I said

"Yeah no problem, but I want one thing in exchange." Michael said

"And that is..."

"Your phone number. "

"Oh okay, here let me see your phone. "

I gave him my phone and he gave me his phone to put each other numbers in. Then we said bye to each other.

I got in my car and drove back to Emily's house. As soon as I came in the house she took the bags out of my arms and ran to the kitchen.

"Hi to you too." I said

"Oh sorry, hey. What took so long?" She asked

"Oh I just got held up."

"Ok everyone in the living room watching the football game. Were gonna start opening presents in about 5 minutes."

I walked into the living room and sat on the couch next to Jordan and Seth. Then my phone rung I looked at it. It was a text message from Michael.

Michael: Hey

Me: Hi

Michael: Wyd

Me: Nothing much just watching the football game with my family.
What about you?

Michael: Actually the same thing

Me: Wow

Michael: Hey I gotta go but I'll see you later

"Hey Leah do you have change for what I gave you earlier for the food?" Emily asked as she came in the living room.

"Yeah here." I said handing her the money.

"Leah this is thirty dollars, and I gave thirty. "

By then all eyes were on me.

"Oh uh some else paid for it."

"Why didn't you pay?"

"Well I was going to but he offered."

"Wait he, it was a guy?"

"Uh yeah."

Just then there was a knock on the door. Emily got up to go answer it, but everyone eyes were still on me specially Sam like he was trying to see through my soul. Emily came back in with someone behind her I looked to see who it was and my heart stopped.

"Leah this guy, Michael, wants to talk to you."


I walked outside to the porch with him following close behind. "How did you find me." I said turning around

"I asked my mom if she new you or your family." He said looking down smiling

"So your stalking me?"

"Well- I - uh not technically. I wanted to find you to say Merry Christmas, and also to ask if you want to go out on a date with me?" He said looking down

"Oh. When?"


"Sure I'd love that."

He looked up with the biggest smile on his face. "Great, uh I got to go back to my family, but I'll text you later."

"Okay, bye."

"Bye Leah!"

I walked back in the house, and again all eyes were on me. I don't even think that they're watching the football game anymore. I felt like I'm in some kind romance show.

"Well Leah, do you have something to say." Seth said

"Not to you." I said

"Yeah Seth." Paul said

"Thanks, Paul." I said

"Yeah, she has something to say to us all. So who's that Leah?"

I saw that I could not escape no matter what I do. Even if I phased now and ran to north Alaska." Oh, him I just met him today. No big deal really."

"Wait was he the reason you took so long at the store, and the one who paid for the food." Emily said


"What did you do make out with the guy." Jared said then Kim hit him in the back of the head.

"Thank you Kim, and no."

"Wait so is he your imprint." Emily asked hopefully and I just sat there watching the game. "He is isn't he. Well he is pretty hot." Emily said

"I agree!" All the other girls said, and all the guys looked at them angry.

"Whatever, just please don't make a big deal out of it."

"Ok, ok now let's open some presents!"

"Woah!" Everyone said

For the rest of the day this was how we were. Opening presents and laughing, but I got the best present of all. I guess Emily technically gave it to me by sending me to that store in the first place. It was a very special Christmas. Although after Sam found out that Michael was my imprint he never once took his off of me. He looked like he was mad about something. I mean he should be happy that he isn't the only thing on my mind anymore. I wonder what's up with him though.

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