New School

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Renesmee's Point Of View

Today I am going to school and can't wait. As I felt the sun shine on me through the window. I got up stretched. Then I looked at the clock on side of my bed it said 6:00 which meant I only had an hour and 30 minutes before school starts. So that meant I had 30 minutes to wash up and hour for Aunt Alice to my hair and makeup.

I went to my bathroom took a shower, brushed my teeth, and washed my face that was 30 minutes exactly. When I came out the bathroom I saw my bed made up and clothes laid neatly on my bed. I put on the clothes then walked over to the full length mirror to look at myself.

I was wearing a white dress that came to my knees with a black belt and leather jacket with white shoes to match. I was happy that Alice had picked out something not to flashy or plain for me to wear for my first day. As I was admirring myself in the mirror I heard the door open. I turned my head to see Alice in the doorway with a grin on her face. Without saying a word I sighed and sat down at my makeup desk.

"So Ness ready to start school?" She asked.

"Yes!"I sayed excitedly

We kept talking while she did my hair and make up. When she was done I looked in the mirror. I had on light pink lipstick to match my normal color lips with mascara and light touch of blush. My hair was down and she curled it a little bit since it was natrually curly.

I walked to the living room of my family little cottage. I grabed my bookbag and went out the door to head toward the main house.

When I got in the living room I saw my whole family and Jacob in there.

"Hi Renesmee!" My family said

"Hi." I said. Then I saw Jacob staring at me.

Jacob's Point Of View

When I saw Renesmee walk in I couldn't help but stare she was so beautiful. Right then and there I knew I had fallen in love with her. I was finally pulled out of my thought when she called my name.

"Uh Yeah Ness?" I asked

"Why are you staring at me?" She asked. Oh man I have to think fast.

"Uh no I wasn't staring at you I was staring at your uh.... bookbag yeah it looks cool." Nice save Jake. I heard Edward give a chuckle low enough for only me to here.

"Oh well thank you." Yes she bought it.

"Well honey are you ready for school?" Bella said

"Yes lets go!" Renesmee said excitedly. "Hey Jake you wanna come with?"

"Sure" I said

We got in Edward's volvo. Me and Ness were just talking about what happend after I left last night. We finally arivied at the school and Renesmee got out.

Renesmee Point Of View

"Renesmee," My dad said as soon as I got out.

"Yes" I said

"Well I wanted to tell you if the human smells are to much for you to handle then call home, ok."

"Alright dad."

I told everyone bye as I headed into the school. I walked in the office to get my schedule

"Ecuse me miss," I said

"Yes darling, what is it?" The lady at the desk asked me.

"My name is Renesmee Cullen I'm new here, and I came to get my schedule."

"Yes dear let me print it out for."
She walked to the printer and pulled out a piece of paper."Here you go."

"Thank you." Then I walked out of the office.

Since I still had 5 minutes till my first class I decided to go to homeroom so I could get a locker. As I walked in the classroom the class was half full, and all eyes were on me. I didn't look towards there direction cause I really didn't like all the attention. When I got up to the teachers desk I asked her for a locker, and when she handed me my locker nunber and combination I walked out of the class to put my books away.

As I closed my locker the bell rung. So I started to walk to class with my books in my hand when I bumped into someone making me drop all my books.

"Sorry." The boy said as he picked up my books and handed them to me.

"Oh it's ok." I said

"Hey, your Renesmee Cullen,right?"

"Yeah, how did you know?"

"Well you look like a Cullen, oh sorry that was supposed to be a compliment."

"No, it's ok I get it."

"So what's your classes."

"Oh um... Social Studies, English, Reading, Science, then Math."

"No way I have all those classes too."

"Oh I'm Zack by the way."

"Well it's nice to meet you Zack."

We headed towards Social Studies, and greeted the teacher. Zack took his seat while I was trying to find a seat to sit in when Zack asked if I wanted to sit in the seat next to him.

"You know you could call me Ness." I said sitting next to him.

The teacher started class as I sat down. All through class the teacher was giving a boring lecture about something, but I wasn't really listening because me and Zack were talking.

The class finally ended and we headed towards lunch. When we got into the lunch room we sat at a table with a group of his friends.

"Everyone this is Ness." Zack said

"Hey." They all said

"Ness this is Corinne, Jade, Reagan, Brian, Charles."

"Hi." I said

All through lunch I was either talking to Zack or the other girls.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Skip to End of the Day~~~~~~~

Zack and I were walking out of the school side by side.

"Ness do you want me to walk you to your car?" He said

"No it's ok I have an overprotective father maybe some other time when my dad isn't here." I said. He laughed.

"Ok, well see you tomorrow."

"Ok, bye."

As I walked to the car and got in I was thinking of how great my first school day was.

"I would't call myself overprotective, thats Jacob." Dad said driving down the road.

"What no I'm not!" Jacob said from beside me.

"Actually both of you are." I said. They both groand. I laughed as well as mom.

"So how was your first day at school sweetheart." Mom said

"It was cool, but can I tell you more about it when we get home I am really tired."

"Ok honey."

With that I closed my eyes letting sleep take over me.

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