All the Questions

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Sorry I havent updated in a long time my computer caught a virus, and my phone stopped working for some reason. I just got them fixed. Anyway here is the next chapter.
Renesmee's Point Of View

When I got home nobody asked any qeustions about school after I told them I was tired- even though it was a lie because I didn't want to tell them about the guy I met- so I just told everyone goodnight and went to my room at the cottage.

Jacob's Point Of View

When Renesmee left without talking to me first I knew something was up because she always talk to me before she goes to sleep. So I told everyone I had to go on patrol.

When I reached the cottage I didn't bother using the door instead I just went to Ness room. I saw the window open which she never do so she must have known I was coming to talk to her or she left it open from the last time I was here. I looked through the window to Ness on her bed on her phone. She hadn't notice me yet so I went to the other window closer to her bed. When I looked in I saw she was texting some guy named Zack. The wolf inside of me got furious so I climed through the window landing on the floor. I think I scared her cause she jumped. When she realized it was me she relaxed a little.

"Jacob what are you doing here? It's almost 11 o'clock." She said

"I know, I came to talk to you." I said


"About school."

"Oh, well I'm pretty tierd I'll tell you later."

"Ness I know your not tierd cause you were just on your phone. I know your also hiding something."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are come on Ness tell me." Finally she realised that I wasn't giving in.

"Fine," she sighed "Well school was awsome. I made friends. There are you happy now."

I knew I had to get her to tell me about this guy. "What are your friends name?"

"Oh um I know one of the names are Zack then there're 3 other girls and 2 other boys."

"Why is Zack the only name you remember?"

"Cause he was the first person I met."

In my head I knew I shouldn't say this because it would get me mad but I just have to mess with Ness. "Or is it because you like him." I said it smirking like it was a statement not a question.

"Shut up Jake, I do not" She laughed. I hope she really doesn't cause I really like her.

"Whatever you say. I got to go I'll see you in the morning, bye."

"Bye, Jake."

I went home when I saw my dad light off in his room, but Rachel's light was still on. I opened the door slowly to see her and Paul having a makeout session. Rachel and Paul both looked up. When they looked up I just shut the door and started walking to my room when I heard her door open. I turned around to see Paul walking out the house and Rachel looking at me.

When Paul was out the house she opened her mouth to speak but I stop her.

"Look Rach let's just forget that me walking in on you and Paul happend, ok."

"Fine, but I still want to talk to you."

"About what?"

"Honestly I don't know but I feel like I haven't been spending time with you or dad since I came back home."

"I know you haven't cause you been spending time with Paul."

"Yeah but that's gonna change the only reason I came back home is to spend with my family and that has not happend yet."

"Ok but I'm tired so lets talk tomorrow, and hang out with dad first cause he's missed you a lot."

"Yeah I've missed you both."

"Yeah missed you too. Well I'm 'bout to go to sleep, night Rach."

"Night Jake."

That little talk went better than I thought. I am happy that my sister is home and I hope my other one will come home soon.

I went in my room and practially fell on my bed and went to sleep. Dreaming of my one true love.

Hoped you liked this chapter.
Again so sorry that I haven't updated in so long.

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