01: One Year Ago, The Murder of Veronica Shocked Everyone

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Alex remembered the day he heard the news of Veronica's death. The tears that fell that night were too much to count. He remembered the pictures of Veronica's body. It was bloody, and bruised. One of her arms was detached. Tears rolled down Alex's cheeks.

Alex could see the mailman putting the mail in the mailbox through the dining room window. As soon as the mailman left, Alex went outside to get the mail. He expected his package, but instead there was an envelope. It was from someone named Mallory Cage. Alex had no idea who that was. He opened the envelope, not even waiting to go inside his house. Inside the envelope, there was a piece of paper folded to fit inside. Alex unfolded the paper, and looked at it. It was a letter. Alex read the letter.

"One year ago today, Veronica was found dead. She was a kind, and respectful person. She did not deserve what happened to her. To honor her, you and other friends of Veronica are invited to a gathering. If you do not wish to come, that is fine. If you do wish to come, the place is 5410 Crystal Drive. Hope to see you there."

At first, Alex was suspicious. He didn't know who Mallory Cage was. Why should he trust this? But then, Alex realized that he didn't know all of Veronica's friends. Maybe Mallory was a friend of Veronica's that Alex didn't meet. Alex decided to go to the gathering. For Veronica.

Alex got ready fast. He didn't know what time the gathering started, but it was already 2 P.M. and Alex was a hour from the place Mallory said the gathering was happening.

After Alex finished getting ready, he turned off all the lights, grabbed his car keys, and exited his house. He got into his car, and started it. Alex then drove off, on his way.


After parking his car, Alex exited it and walked up to the door. There are a couple of cars parked near the house, so it seemed Alex was on time. He knocked on the door, and it opened. Though, no one was on the other side.

Alex stepped inside the house, nervous.

"Hello?" Alex called out, as he saw no one in the living room. Then, he heard a noise. He felt something hit his head, and it went dark.


Alex opened his eyes to someone looking at his from his right. She was blonde, and the bracelet around her wrist had her name. Charlotte.

"Good, you're awake." Charlotte said, sighing in relief.

Alex sat up pretty quick. "Where am I?" Alex asked, to which Charlotte replied, "The bedroom of a house. Um, did you receive a letter like this? From someone named Mallory Cage?"

Charlotte held up a piece of paper and Alex read it.

"One year ago today, Veronica was found dead. She was a kind, and respectful person. She did not deserve what happened to her. To honor her, you and other friends of Veronica are invited to a gathering. If you do not wish to come, that is fine. If you do wish to come, the place is 5410 Crystal Drive. Hope to see you there."

"Yeah," Alex said. "It said the exact same thing." Charlotte nodded, and threw the letter behind her.

"I thought so. Everyone else did, too." Charlotte said. "Everyone else?" Alex parroted.

As Charlotte walked to the door, she motioned for Alex to follow her, so he did. She opened the door, revealing eight people in the living room.

A guy, whose bracelet said his name was Mason, said, "Hey, there's more people!"

A girl, whose bracelet said her name was Colleen, said to Mason, "Yeah, no shit."

Before Alex or Charlotte could say anything, a door busted open, revealing a bathroom. A blonde person, whose bracelet had a non-binary flag painted on it and said their name was Lassi, ran straight to a guy, whose bracelet said his name was William, and held onto him.

"Hey, what are you doing?" William asked.

"Protect me," Lassi said. "Protect me from them!" "Who?" William asked.

Two more people stepped out of the bathroom. The one on the right had a non-binary flag painted on their bracelet as well, and the bracelet said their name was Amethyst. The one on the left also had a non-binary flag on their bracelet, and their bracelet said their name was Kai.

"We didn't even do anything." Amethyst said. "Yeah," Kai said. "They just went on accusing us of kidnapping them when we literally woke up at the same time as them!"

"I still don't trust you guys!" Lassi said. "But you trust him?" Amethyst said, pointing at William. Lassi nodded.

Another door, the one next to Alex and Charlotte, opened, and two people stepped out. They both had non-binary flags on their bracelets. The bracelet of the one on the left said their name was Trey. The right one's bracelet said their name was Tamia.

A girl, whose bracelet said her name was Jamila, yelled to Tamia and Trey, "Hi!"

"Hi." Trey said. Tamia waved.

A girl, whose bracelet said her name was Aphrodite, said, "Okay, are we just gonna sit here or are we gonna try and get out of here?"

Alex didn't notice until now, but the windows were boarded up, along with the front door. He started to get scared.

A guy, whose bracelet said his name was Austin, said, "Yeah, we should get out of here."

A guy, whose bracelet said his name was Charlie, walked closer to Austin. Alex knew that Austin noticed, but Austin didn't say anything. 

A girl, whose bracelet said her name was Melodie, said, "How are we gonna get out of here? The windows are boarded up, and so is the front door. And I don't think we're strong enough to remove the plywood."

"I wouldn't try to escape if I was you." A voice said. "Where did that voice come from?" Jamila asked. Charlie pointed to a speaker on the roof.

"Who are you?" Mason asked.

"It doesn't matter right now," The voice said. "What matters right now is the game you guys are gonna play!"

"What game?" Austin asked.

"A deadly one." The voice replied. There were a couple of gasps.

"Okay, I'll explain how to play." The voice said.

"There are two teams: the Good Team and the Evil Team. In the Evil Team, there is a murderer. That murderer will kill one person each night or two if they kill the twins. The goal of the Good Team is to eliminate the Evil Team. The goal of the Evil Team is to eliminate the Good Team. Everyone has a piece of paper in their pocket, telling them what team they're in and what role they are. It will also say what you can do each night."

Everyone was shocked. They were serious.

"Well, have fun." The voice said.

Everyone took the piece of paper out of their pocket. Alex read his.

"Detective, Good Team. The Detective is given two or three clues each night to figure out who is on the Good or Evil Team."

"I'm gonna go to sleep," Kai said, entering the bedroom where Alex and Charlotte were.

"I need to fucking pee," Colleen said, entering the bathroom.

Everyone else stood in the living room, either reading the piece of paper or frozen in shock. Suddenly, the lights flickered and turned off.

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