03: Some People Love, And Some People Hate

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Austin and Charlie finished making the brownies, and served them to everyone. After eating their brownies, Austin and Charlie sat on the couch together, exhausted.

"I'm still kinda hungry." Charlie said. "Yeah, the brownies weren't enough." Austin said. 

"I'll cook breakfast in the morning." Austin and Charlie said at the same time. "Or," Austin said. "We can cook breakfast together."

Charlie smiled, and Austin returned his smile.

"Hey, Austin and Charlie," Lassi said. "Can you guys make more of these?"

Austin and Charlie groaned. "We're tired as fuck, Lassi." Austin said.

Lassi pouted, to which William chuckled.

"Well, I'm gonna go to sleep." Austin said, getting up. "I'm gonna stay up for a while." Charlie said.

"Alright," Austin said. "Good night, and be careful!" Charlie nodded, and Austin walked to the bedroom and entered.

Charlie smiled.

Lassi got up and closed the bedroom door, then went to Charlie.

"Lassi, I'm not gonna make more brownies." Charlie said.

Lassi sat next to Charlie. "I don't want more brownies. Mason gave me his, and I'm kinda full."

"Then, why did you come to me?" Charlie asked. "You and Austin need to confess your feelings to each other already." Lassi said.

"We already did." Charlie said.

The people at the dining table suddenly exploded with chatter. Throughout it, Charlie heard "finally" a lot of times.

Charlie looked confused, until William, from the dining table, said, "You guys kinda make it obvious that you like each other." Lassi, along with people at the dining table, nodded in agreement.

"Wait, when?" Lassi asked. "When we were cooking." Charlie replied.

Lassi nodded, and got up. "Well, that's good. We thought it was gonna take a long time."

Lassi went back to the dining table, and sat where she sat before. Next to William.


Austin woke up. He got out of bed and walked to the living room, and what he saw was something he never expected to see in this house. 

An abundant amount of happiness.

Charlie was in the kitchen cooking, while Alex, Charlotte, Amethyst, William, and Lassi were talking to him. They were smiling and laughing, but their laughs were drowned by Trey, Tamia, Jamila, and Melodie playing tag.

The only people who didn't seem happy were Mason and Aphrodite, who were sitting at the dining table.

"Austin!" Charlie yelled, waving. Austin smiled, and went to the kitchen to help Charlie cook. Alex, Charlotte, Amethyst, William, and Lassi looked at each other and smiled.

As Charlie and Austin were getting closer to finishing the food, more people went to sit at the dining table. The last people, of course, were Austin and Charlie.

While going to an empty chair, Austin passed by Aphrodite. His arm touched hers.

"Hey!" Aphrodite said to Austin. "What?" Austin asked.

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