02: Someone Killed Them, And The Only Person I Can Think of Is...

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Everybody panicked, to say the least. Everyone was screaming and running around, scared. Alex heard a door open, then another door open. A loud scream then hurt Alex's ears.

"Who was that?" Charlotte asked. "No idea." William responded.

The lights turned on. Colleen was now out of the bathroom, with the door open. The bedroom door was open as well.

Alex entered the bedroom, slowly and scared. There, on the bed, he saw body of Kai. A scream escaped him, which alerted the others and they all rushed into the room. The sight was horrible.

A knife was deep in Kai's chest, and there was blood all over the bed. Alex felt like throwing up, while Lassi did throw up.

"Oh, my god." Tamia said.

"Who would do this?" Melodie said.

"Kai died from the murderer. They were killed in their sleep." The voice said.

"Fuck." Colleen said under her breath.

"What do we do when someone dies?" Charlie asked.

"Excellent question! I give you an hour to find clues, and when that hour is over, you use the clues you found to find the murderer." The voice said.

"Okay," Austin said. "When does the hour start?"

"Right now!" The voice said. Everyone walked around the room, looking for clues. Austin crouched down and looked under the bed.

"Nothing?" Alex asked.

"Nothing." Austin said, standing up.

"This room is fucking empty." Aphrodite said.

"Maybe there's some clues outside the bedroom?" William said. Everyone walked out to look for clues in other rooms.

"There's probably no clues in the bathroom since Colleen was in there." Mason said. 

"Yeah. And that other room in the kitchen probably doesn't have any clues in it because the door's closed. If they exited that room and closed it, then we would have heard more noise." Jamila said.

Everyone looked around the living room, except Charlie. He stared at the bathroom, zoned out.

Charlie came back after Austin asked him to help him look for clues.

Alex and Charlotte looked for clues together. They started in the kitchen. The only thing they saw was a knife missing. Then, they looked near the dining table.


They looked around the couches. Nothing.

"Okay," The voice said. "The hour is over. Everyone gather at the couches and share what you guys found."

Everyone gathered. Austin and Charlie sat on one couch, while Lassi and William sat on the other one. Everyone else stood.

"Okay," Alex said. "What did everyone find?"

"What did you and Charlotte find?" Trey asked.

"Nothing," Charlotte said. "That's why he's asking everyone else what they found."

"Me and Charlie looked for clues together," Austin said. "And we know what we found? Nothing." 

"Charlie?" Alex said.

"Yeah," Charlie said. "We found nothing."

Alex exhaled, and asked everyone, "Who else found nothing? Raise your hands." Everyone else raised their hands.

"Shit." Alex said. "How are we supposed to find the murderer with no evidence?" Amethyst asked.

"And...what happens when we don't find the murderer?" Charlie asked.

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