1- The Starry Sky

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At night, the stars shone brilliantly in the sky above the dense forest of Trap Forest. Gray, a small wolf with light gray fur and piercing green eyes, sat beside his mother and gazed up at the celestial spectacle. He loved nothing more than watching the stars twinkle and dance in the sky above him. Every time there were stars outside, Gray's mother would take him out of their hiding spot to bask in the wondrous beauty of the night sky.

Tonight, however, was different from any other night. The stars were all unusually bright, and their light shone with an intensity that seemed to light up the entire forest.

"Mother," Gray said, turning to his mother, "why are the stars so bright tonight?"

"Ah" Gray's mother also looked up in the sky "It means that tonight is a very special night," she replied, her voice soft and reassuring.

Gray looked at her with a puzzled expression, and his mother continued, "It could be that something terrible is going to happen, or it could be an exceptionally peaceful night."

"What does peace mean?" Gray asked, his curiosity piqued.

"Peace means a time of calmness without any kind of violence," his mother explained. "It's a state of being that we all hope for, but one that is all too rare in this world. If you have the opportunity in the future, Gray, you must bring peace to this world."

Gray nodded thoughtfully, his mind racing with the possibility of a world without violence or disorder. As the night went on, the stars continued to twinkle and shine brightly in the sky. Gray's mother stayed awake, admiring the beauty of the starry sky. She remembered the many times ,when she was a little wolf, she had gazed up at the stars, each time hoping for a better future for her family and the other creatures who called the Trap Forest home. As she sat there, lost in her thoughts, a shooting star suddenly streaked across the sky. Gray's mother gasped in amazement.

"Look, Gray! A shooting star! Quick, make a wish!" Gray looked up to see the star shooting across the sky. He closed his eyes and made a wish, hoping with all his might that it would come true. After a few minutes, Gray opened his eyes and looked back up at the sky. The shooting star was gone, but the rest of the stars continued to shine on.

"Did you make a wish, Gray?" his mother asked, smiling down at him.

"Yes, I did," Gray replied, his eyes still focused on the sky.

"What did you wish for?" his mother asked.

"I wished for peace in the world, just like you said,"

Gray replied, a determined look on his face. His mother's smile widened.

"I'm sure your wish will come true one day, Gray. Just remember to work hard towards it, and never give up hope."

After hearing these words, Gray leaned against his mother, feeling a sense of warmth and security. As he closed his eyes, he could feel the soft, gentle rhythm of her breathing, and he drifted off to sleep, dreaming of a world filled with peace and harmony.

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