24 - The Endless Rain

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Gray immediately felt the weight of the storm pressing down on him as he stepped outside.

Lost in his thoughts, he wondered where his mom had ended up, but also where he will end up.

Emotions are like the weather, it is unpredictable and uncontrollable. Sometimes it stays for eternity, sometimes it is gone in an instant. Sometimes it is storming, raining, or freezing, but other times it is sunny, warming, or cloudless.
Right now, Gray feels neither of these. It isn't storming, or sunny. It's somewhere in between

And that scares him.

When Gray woke up from his thoughts and memories, he was already at the creek. The usual rainbow was absent, but the water is clearer than ever. The river's flow created a gentle melody, contrasting with Gray's emotions. 

Gray stared at the clear water, admiring it's purity. For a moment, he let himself to get lost in the cloudy atmosphere. Finally he remembered his mission. "I am only here to get some berries, I don't have much time to deal with these memories... Jack is still waiting." He reminded himself firmly.

Motivated by these thoughts, he scanned his surroundings for materials before spotting a fallen tree. He chose two large leaves. "Perfect", Gray thought. He carefully washed them in the water, watching as the dirt and dust getting carried away.

Gray folded the leaves into each other with precision, creating a small, box-shaped container. It was a technique that his mother always use. The memories of her and her genius crafts brought a bittersweet smilt to his face.

Once satisfied with his creation, he turned his attention to the nearby bushes. Gray began picking the berries, one by one, carefully placing them into his makeshift container. Each berry he picked seemed to lighten the weight on his heart, if only a little.

As he worked, his mind wandered back to his mother. Tears began to fall down.

"Are you okay?" a voice asked from behind him.

Gray turned to see another wolf, slightly older than him, looking at him with concern. His fur was gray, but with a soft, earthy brown tint to it, his green eyes held a gentle kindness. Gray wiped his tears with a quick swipe, feeling an unexpected surge of trust. "I... I'm not sure," he admitted, his voice shaky. "I miss my mom. She... she passed away not too long ago."

The older wolf nodded sympathetically and sat down beside Gray. "I'm sorry to hear that. I know how it feels and how hard it can be for you. Do you wanna share some of your thoughts, maybe you'll feel better." 

Gray hesitated, unsure if he was ready to bare his heart to a stranger. But something in the older wolf's calmness and kind eyes encouraged him to open up. "She was always so strong and kind," Gray began, catching on memories. "She taught me almost everything I know, like how to make this container." He showed the leaf container filled with berries beside him. "But now, she's gone, and I don't know, I feel so lost..."

The older wolf listened intently, his gaze never moved away from Gray's face. His quiet presence comforted Gray.

"Wow, it sounds like your mom was an amazing wolf," the older wolf said softly, after Gray had finished speaking. "It's clear she taught you well."

Gray nodded, feeling a suddent rush of a variety of emotions"I just don't know how to move on without her," he admitted. "Sometimes, the memories are too much to bear."

The older wolf reached out, placing his paw on Gray's shoulder. "I get it, but it's important to remember that your mother is still there, somewhere in you," he said gently. "Every lesson she taught, every moment you shared, they're all a part of you now."

Gray's eyes brimmed with fresh tears, "It's just so hard sometimes...".

"I understand," the older wolf said with a soothing voice "But you don't have to do it alone. Talk to someone that cares about you, wheather its your friends or me, and share your memories with them. Sometimes, speaking your heart can bring peace."

Gray nodded, feeling a glimmer of hope within him. "Thank you," he whispered, his voice choked with emotions. "I needed to hear that."

The older wolf smiled warmly, "Whenever I feel overwhelmed, I find that connecting with nature helps," he said. "There's something soothing about the natural world. Why don't you try putting your paws in the water? Feel the flow of the creek. It really helps, trust me."

He slowly approached the creek and dipped his paw into the water. The chill of the creek seeped into his fur and his skin, travelling up his arms. The coldness then went deeper, into his bones and spreaded throught his entire body. Gray was surprised, but he welcomed it, letting the chill take him away. He closed his eyes and imagined his fears and uncertainities getting washed away by the fresh water. For a moment, he felt lighter, as if the current was bringing him up, higher than any clouds and rains. He felt peace.

He loved the sensations.

After the magical moment, Gray finally opened his eyes. He smiled.

"Thank you!" He said.

"You're welcome, just remember, there is always a part inside you that holds peace. You just needs to wake it up."

Gray nodded. Feeling warm in his chest despite the ligering chill.

"I'm Gray" Gray introduced himself.

"Bob" the figure replied.

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