22- The Southern Twilight

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"Katie, hold on," Gray's voice trembled as they went through an unfamiliar part of the forest. "I think we've gone too far. This doesn't look like any area we know. The dense leaves overhead blocked out most of the sunlight, casting the forest floor into shadow. The air felt heavy, along with a chill that sent shivers down their spines. Branches twisted together overhead, forming a tangled maze that seemed to swallow any hint of daylight.

''You should go back, you look too tired to explore here'' Gray said.

''What about you?'' 

''I 'll continue exploring a bit, then I'll come back'' Gray said as he was about to dive in the forest

"No, I can't just leave you here alone," Katie protested.

Gray turned around and placed a reassuring paw on her shoulder, "We'll go back together then. It's not safe to be in an unfamiliar area, after all, especially at dawn.''

Katie, glancing around nervously, replied, "But what about Jack? We can't just leave him outside."

Gray took a deep breath, "I know, Katie, but we won't help Jack if we get lost too. We need to go back and rethink a plan.''

''What if he is in danger? We can't do this to him''

"Jack is smart, there's no way he would have gone this far. Let's go home, rest, and figure out a better plan. We'll come back with a clearer mind and plan later."

 Gray and Katie reluctantly turned back, retracing their steps through the unfamiliar part of the forest. Exhaustion weighed heavily on them, and the realization that Jack might be lost in this strange territory fueled their worry.

Once home, the duo found solace in the familiar surroundings. They decided to rest and regain their energy before dealing with the mysterious part of the forest again. In the comfort of their home, Gray and Katie found a moment to gather their thoughts, pouring over the few clues they had about Jack's disappearance.

Rest proved essential, and as the sun climbed higher in the sky, they felt a renewed sense of determination. Gray suggested seeking guidance from Sky and Wings, the wise birds known for their knowledge of the forest. These birds, perched on a high branch, were believed to have insights into the secrets of the moonlit forest.

Approaching Sky and Wings, Gray and Katie explained their predicament and inquired about the unfamiliar south area they had encountered. The birds exchanged mysterious glances before sharing hints about the forest's mysteries:

"I have only flown over the southern part of the forest once, only once," Sky begin to talk slowly ,"and what I saw was shrouded in darkness" Sky chirped, her voice is deep, carrying some sort of ancient wisdom. 

 ''Legend said that it is the most unsafe and unstable part of the forest. ''Wings continued'' We call it the Southern Twilight. Every brave travellers that have attempted to go into the forest, specially at night, were never seen again, no one knows what happened to them, or what is happening in the forest.'' 

Gray and Katie looked into each other's eyes, worried, feeling the weight of the pressure falling upon them.

Shivering, Katie asked: "Are you saying that..."

"No, it is just a legend that our parents used to tell us when we were young to scare us from going too far into the forest," Sky reassured, landing gently on Katie's shoulder. "Plus, Jack is not dumb, he would never go into that part of the forest. There's nothing and no one to help him there."

Gray was about to say something but Wings cut him off: ''You two looks too tired, go back and get some sleep, your eyes are red and you are barely even awake. If Jack is out there, he will come back sooner or later. We can't find him like this. He could be anywhere in this vast forest, and it's too big of a search zone for just the four of us. Just go home and get some rest.''

Later, at night, Gray looked up into the sky which is covered by grey clouds. A storm is going to start. It is fall, so storms and rains are much more common. Wind started to pick up. But Gray wasn't paying attention at all that. He is lost in his wonder, thinking about what Sky and Wings said.

"Katie" Gray said tentatively, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Gray?" Katie replied softly.

"Do you think that the legend has some truth to it? I mean, there is a reason why Sky and Wing's parents told them to not go there.'' He waited a moment then, softly, said '' Imagine that's why he disappeared..."

"Let's not think about that, Gray. I trust the birdies: if they said Jack wouldn't go there, then he wouldn't." 

Their conversation trailed off into silence.

"I'm worried, Gray." Katie finally broke the silence

"Me too, Katie", Gray replied, his voice filled with exhaustion, "We should get some sleep first though, if we don't, we might die or be very sick. You know it better than me." Gray said

"You're right, let's sleep." Katie softly agreed.

"Good night?"

"Good night."

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