23 - Back from the Storm

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Under the heavily raining sky and the thick clouds, the freezing wind howled, slashing through the air with its icy breath. Leaves were rustling violently, ripped away by the fierce wind and the downpour, and branches were shaking as if they were going to break free and fall to the ground. Ominous thunder can be heard in the distance, reverberating through the darkened forest. Puddles were formed quickly, turning the usually solid ground into a soggy mess.

Autumn nights are usually relaxing and serene, but this isn't one of them. This year's weather was unpredictable, and harsh, and occurred way earlier, signaling an earlier transition from fall to winter. Gray and Katie don't know any of this though: they were asleep in their little shelter.

In the middle of the storm, a solitary figure can be seen amidst the chaos. It was one of a wolf. Its dark silhouette contrasts with the momentary lightning flash that illuminates the entire forest. Despite the ferocity of nature and the freezing cold, he calmly and slowly walked forward. With each step forward, he became weaker and weaker. Shivering, his fur wasn't ready for such frosty weather and his red eyes were filled with anguish.

He slowly walked into Gray and Katie's refuge.


As dawn broke and chased away the night, the rain still remains. The sky, covered by thick light gray clouds, blocked the sunset. Jack was lying on one side of the shelter, with some leaves as blanket. Katie was beside him, touching his forehead in order to get his temperature. Gray was on the other side, facing a wall.

''How is he?'' Gray asked Katie worriedly

"Severe fever, probably from freezing in the cold yesterday night." Katie murmured, "He's resilient though, probably gonna be fine soon, maybe after two or three days."

Gray's mind wandered. Was he lost in the depth of the forest? Did he wander into the Southern Twilight alone? Where was he? How is he still alive after all these days? How is he so weak? Did someone or something in the Southern Twilight get him? He have a million more question, trying to overwhelm him, but he pushed them aside and did not ask a single one. He was aware that Jack's health was priority and his questions will weaken their effort to help him feel better.

"Jack, how are you feeling?"

Jack's voice was a hoarse whisper, barely above the pitter-patter of the rain. His eyes slightly opened, revealing pain and exhaustion.

"Nothing, just... dizzy, and..."His voice trailed off weakly.

He was too tired. Two days of walking outside plus a thunderstorm didn't do any good to him.

Jack's response instantly sent a pang of compassion into Gray's heart. His friend was sick and suffering, but Gray can't bear it. He doesn't want to see anyone sick, not Jack, not Katie, no one. Gray was suffering even more.

He didn't show it. Jack didn't need to see it, nor did Katie. That feeling belongs to him alone.

"It's okay buddy, just rest, you'll be fine." Gray said, trying to be positive and supporting.

"You should try to catch a nap, you didn't sleep for two whole days. We should get you some fresh berries too meanwhile, it should give you some energy." Katie suggested

"Thank you" Jack said faintly

Katie's soft and reassuring words reminded Gray of his own mother. Memories were flying through his mind. When he used to get sick, his mom would always comfort him with her soft and soothing voice. It was his sanctuary and the only thing that gave him hope and strength to fight the illness. His mom would always be near when he needed her , cheering him up, brining him food and taking care of him. There is something she can do that others can't. Only his mom can give him the comforting and safe sensation and calm him down. She would often tell little Gray that "everything will be okay", and Gray still remembers that sentence to the present moment.

"Gray, can you go get some berries?" Katie pulled him back to reality.

Gray stood there for a moment in stupor, his emotions were overwhelming him, they were taking control. The pain of the loss of his mother is still there, deep down in his heart. And right now, it is doing everything to break free.

Gray held it down.

"Sure thing, I'll be right back." Gray assured them with a soft voice, masking his inner turmoil and forcing a smile to Katie. 

Katie instantly understood Gray's emotions. 


They looked into each others eyes for a brief moment, exchanging understanding glances. Katie was about to say something else, but Gray stopped her. They both know that helping Jack is priority. He looked outside, then looked at Jack. Katie gave him a light nod.

Gray slowly took a step outside, then looked back at Katie

''I'll make sure he is okay'' Katie said, reassuring Gray.

He turned around and finally ran outside.

"Everything will be okay" he murmured as he ventured outside, into the rain, under the gray sky.

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