3- A New Friend

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The hunter was nearby, circling the tree where Gray was hiding in the hole. Gray's heart raced as he tried to keep still and silent, afraid that any movement or sound could give away his position. Suddenly, the hunter spotted the tree hole and peered inside, his eyes locking onto Gray. Gray's fear turned to terror as the hunter smiled and aimed his gun at him, slowly moving his finger towards the trigger.

"Ahhhh!" Gray sat up suddenly, his body covered in sweat. It was just a nightmare. He took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down. As he looked around, he realized that he was still in the tree hole, and it was already morning. The memory of what had happened the night before flooded his mind, and he couldn't help but think of his mother.

"Are you ok?"

A small voice broke through Gray's thoughts, causing him to turn around. Standing behind him was a little white wolf, about the same size as him.

Gray felt a twinge of fear at the sight of the wolf. "Who are you, and why are you here?" he asked cautiously.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not going to hurt you," the wolf said. "My name is Katie, and I'm hiding here from the hunter."

Gray relaxed a little at Katie's reassurance. He looked at her, taking in her snow-white fur, blue eyes, and long tail. As he did, he suddenly realized that the wound on his leg didn't hurt anymore. He glanced down at his legs, and saw that the wound was wrapped in a leaf. The bleeding had stopped.

"Did you do this?" Gray asked, surprise evident in his voice.

Katie nodded. "Yes, when I ran into the tree hole, I saw you lying there with a badly injured leg. If I didn't stop the bleeding, you would have lost too much blood and died."

"How did you do it?" Gray asked, staring at his bandaged leg in disbelief.

Katie smiled, "I learned it from my owner,"

"Your owner?" Gray asked, still staring at his leg.

"Yes," Katie nodded. "My owner was a skilled healer, and he taught me everything he knew. He used to say that it was important to help others in need, no matter who they were or where they came from."

Gray listened intently, feeling a sense of admiration for Katie's owner. He had never met a wolf who had an owner before. He had always thought that wolves were meant to roam free in the wilderness, without anyone to tell them what to do or how to live. But hearing about Katie's owner made him wonder if there was more to life than just survival.

"Thank you so much. I owe you my life." Gray said, touched by Katie's kindness and skill.

Katie shrugged. "It's just what any wolf would do for another. We have to look out for each other in these dangerous times."

Gray nodded, feeling a newfound respect for Katie. "So, what brings you here? Are you alone? Where is your owner?"

Katie's expression grew solemn. "That's a long story..."

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