18 - A Glorious Morning

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''Gray, wake up, it's morning!'' Katie's voice pierced through Gray's dreams, gently pulling him back to reality.

He slowly opened his eyes, seeing the soft light filtering through the leaves above. Katie's face hovered above him, lit by the gentle morning light.

"Morning already?" he mumbled, rubbing his eyes and realizing the peaceful forest had replaced the vivid dreams of the night.

Katie nodded, her eyes filled with excitement. "The forest is calling; you don't want to miss it. C'mon, let's go! "

Gray reluctantly rose from his makeshift bed, with a stretch and a yawn, the previous night's magic still hung in his thoughts. He glanced beside him. The diary calmly lies beside him, its golden letters seem to fade a little, as if the magical glow dimmed with the morning lights. Gray stared at the diary, curious about its mysteries. However, he did not have enough time, as Katie called him, urging him to come out: ''Gray! Let's go!  ''

Gray shook off the thoughts about the diary and joined Katie as they ventured into the forest's heart. 

''So, where are we going?'' Gray asked

''The rainbow creek, of course, nothing is better than starting a day with some fresh water!'' Katie replied

''Where is Jack?''

''Oh, he wasn't in the tree hole this morning, I suppose he is already out there. You know him, he loves exploring so much that he can't even stop for one second.'' 

As they were talking, a chirp of a little bird echoed from the tree above, it was Sky. However, her chirp sounds less lively and energetic compared to other days. 

''Hi birdie, are you okay? '' Gray asked, concerned

''Oh, Morning, Friends, glad to see you guys here,'' Sky said, gracefully landing on a nearby tree branch.

''Where is Wings, why isn't he with you?'' Katie asked.

"He's sick; it's been a few days. Don't worry, he will be okay soon. I told him to rest in the nest until he feels better," Sky explained.

"Oh, I hope he gets better soon. But what happened?" Gray asked.

"I don't really know; it's probably due to the weather turning a little cold. You felt that wind yesterday, right? It was freezing cold. Well, '' Sky said, with an awkward smile ''I guess I'm going to sing alone this morning."

''You can come with us to The Rainbow Creek, if you want. '' Katie suggested

''I would love to, but Wings is waiting for me at the nest, I don't want to leave him behind like that, he needs me to take care of him. Well, I'll see you guys later, have a great day!'' 

''You too!'' Gray and Katie said at the same time.

With that, Sky gracefully jumped off the branch and soared away, quickly disappearing into the forest.

Later, Gray and Katie arrived at the creek, and to their surprise, Jack was already there, waiting for them.

''You are finally here! I've been waiting for y'all forever! Why are you guys so slow!'' Jack exclaimed with energy.

''Jack, I have one question, how do you wake up so early? I am barely even awake,'' Gray said with a yawn.

''Maybe you wouldn't have trouble waking up if you slept sooner!'' Katie chimed in with a grin.

Jack chuckled, his enthusiasm undeterred. "Early bird catches the worm, Gray! Plus, the forest is a whole different world in the morning – alive and filled with energy!"

Katie playfully nudged Gray. "He's got a point, you know. You're missing out on the magic of the sunrise."

Gray couldn't help but smile despite his fatigue. "Alright, alright, I'll consider waking up earlier. But for now, can we just enjoy this beautiful morning at The Rainbow Creek?"

Jack clapped Gray on the shoulder. "That's what I'm talking about! Let's make it a morning to remember!" 

The trio settled by Rainbow Creek, the sound of flowing water providing a soothing soundtrack to their morning. They found a comfortable spot on a large flat rock overlooking the clear, rippling water. The sun kept rising and shining warmly on everything.

Gray, still shaking off sleepiness, leaned against a tree trunk. He gazed at the sparkling water and enjoyed the tranquility of the forest. Again, he thought about his mom; he missed her company and kept memories of her warmth deep in his heart.

As they relaxed, the three took turns lapping up the crystal-clear water with their cupped paws. The freshness was invigorating, giving them an even more magical morning.

While they chatted away, laughing as well as enjoying the serenity that surrounded them, time seemed to slow down. Jack told them how he had been exploring lately; Katie was amazed at the different types of plants around them; Gray couldn't deny the enchantment lingering in this place despite a haze from sleep.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, its rays hit the water at the perfect angle to create a dazzling spectacle. A living canvas of colors emerged from it; beautiful rainbow effects were moving across its surface. All three fell silent as they marveled at this scene of natural beauty before them.

In that moment, Gray felt a sense of unity, a appreciation for the simple joys the forest offered. Luna was right, life is a collection of these small, yet beautiful moments, and that's what makes it so unique and special. The memory of his mom softened into a warm, comforting presence, and the Rainbow Creek became not just a simple place, but became where memories were made, where friendships deepened, where magic endure.

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