6- The Rainbow Creek

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"We're here," Gray said as they emerged from the thick woods. The wet grass squished beneath their feet, and the humid air clung to their skin. The creek was not far away, and the sound of its clear water flowing could be heard in the distance. There was a rattling sound as a breeze stirred the leaves of nearby trees.

"This place is beautiful," Katie said, looking around in wonder.

As Gray drank from the clear stream, he felt his weariness dissolve away, replaced by a renewed vitality. Katie drank from the same stream and felt the same rejuvenation.

"The water here is amazing," she said, echoing Gray's earlier sentiment. "It's like it fills your whole body with energy."

Gray nodded in agreement. "My mother and I used to come here all the time when I was younger," he said, his voice softening with nostalgia. "The water was always so clear and pure. I wish I could bring her here one more time, just to see it with her again."

He paused, lost in thought for a moment, before snapping back to the present. "But I'm glad I can share it with you, Katie," he said with a small smile. "It's still as beautiful as ever."

The events of the previous day played through Gray's mind once more, from the terrifying sounds of footsteps to the moment when his mother was tragically killed, and to his discovery of the hollow tree. He couldn't help but wonder if things would have been different if he had listened to his mother's advice. Was it his fault that she had lost her life? Lost in thought, Gray didn't notice Katie's playful antics in the creek. However, after some time, Katie noticed the pained expression on Gray's face and grew concerned.

"Gray? Are you okay?" Katie asked, noticing the pained expression on his face.

Gray shook himself out of his reverie. "I...I'm fine, thank you," he replied unconvincingly.

"Are you sure?" Katie persisted.

"Well..." Katie said finally, her voice trailing off into a thoughtful silence.

After a few moments, Gray spoke up, breaking the quiet.

"What are you doing?" he asked, curious about Katie's previous activity.

"Come and see!" Katie beckoned him over to a spot in the creek where a collection of vividly hued stones shimmered under the water. As the sunlight reflected off of them, a mesmerizing rainbow effect was produced, filling the surrounding area with a stunning display of colors."

As Gray gazed at the colorful stones beneath the water's surface, he couldn't help but feel grateful for the moment of beauty and wonder that Katie had shared with him. The vibrant colors seemed to dance and play, creating an enchanting scene that captured his imagination. It was as if the stones were alive, breathing with their own unique energy and magic.

Katie watched Gray's face light up with delight, glad that she could bring a bit of joy into his day. She too was struck by the beauty of the rainbow creek, feeling a sense of peace and serenity wash over her. As they stood there, watching the stones shimmer and sparkle, the worries of the day seemed to fade away, replaced by a sense of awe and wonder.

"It's so beautiful!" Gray exclaimed, his spirits lifting instantly. The creek always had a way of bringing him joy.

"It's a rainbow creek!" Katie declared proudly.

"Rainbow Creek...," Gray repeated softly.

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