19 - Whispers of Change

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A few month has passed since the trio's trip to The Rainbow Creek. Since then, it became a weekly activity. They would go meet and pass the morning there. When Gray, Katie, and Jack went to The Rainbow Creek every week, they noticed the trees were like a big, colorful painting. The leaves on the trees crunched under their paws as they walked. The sun peeked through the leaves, making everything glow in a warm, golden light. The air smelled sweet, like the fallen leaves on the ground. The trees swayed, and their leaves fell, twirling in the air before landing softly on the ground.

Fall had quickly become Gray's absolute favorite season. The forest, usually green, transformed into a burst of colors—yellows, oranges, and reds. Every tree seemed to be showing off its new look, and Gray loved the vibrant and beautiful display.

The air during fall was just right for Gray. It wasn't too hot, like in the summer, or too cold, like in the winter. The temperature was just perfect. The air is chill, making it comfortable to be outside.

During fall, it started raining more often. The soft tapping sound of raindrops on leaves was like a calming song in the forest. The rain was like a friendly guest, making everything come alive. It made the earth smell even more like the ground after a good rain. The rain also made the colors of the leaves and the ground look brighter and shinier.

It was as if the rain was an artist, adding fresh touches to the forest. The earthy smell got stronger, and everything seemed more vibrant. The raindrops created a shiny layer on the ground, making it look like the forest had just been given a bath.

Gray liked how the rain made everything feel refreshed. It was like a natural shower for the trees and the ground. The forest seemed to enjoy it too, with the raindrops playing a gentle tune on the leaves. Closing his eyes, Gray would take in the cool, fresh air, enjoying the peaceful feeling that came with the rain in the changing season.

He also enjoyed the soft winds that whispered through the trees. The breeze carried the smell of fallen leaves, and it felt like nature was giving the forest a cozy hug. Gray would often close his eyes and take in the cool, refreshing air, enjoying the tranquility that came with the changing season.

Stars, on the other hands, has fainted even more, but it still remains visible, so Gray didn't worry about it too much.

The arrival of the new season also means that animals that lives in the forest need to prepare for the next season, winter.

Few species of birds has migrated from the forest, flying towards south in order to pass winter.

Sky and Wings aren't strong enough to fly all the way to the other side of the world, but they've lived many winter in the past, so they know what to do. Wings has gotten better, but he is still really weak. He need to stay in the nest to not get cold while Sky works really hard on the nest, she needs to make sure it will be strong enough to pass winter.

Gray is also preparing for the winter. He grabs a lot of leaves and sticks to make their tree hole warmer, as winter nights can be extremely cold. Katie, on the other hand, gather a lot of foods, they dug a hole inside their tree holes where she will put them. 

Jack, being the newcomer of the forest, does not have any experience on how to pass winter. He mostly observe Gray and Katie and mirror their action, trying to help.

As the three of them carried on with winter preparations, Gray's observations about Jack grew. Gray began to feel uneasy, beginning to suspect that Jack was not only experiencing the usual first-timer nerves.

Even though they were only collecting leaves and storing food, Jack seemed atypically tense and nervous. His eyes darted anxiously, as if tormented by some invisible fear, and his motions were characterized by a slight restlessness. Sensitive to the subtleties of the forest, Gray knew that Jack was not just nervous about winter coming.

One day, when Katie was out gathering supplies, Gray decided to gently broach the subject. Seizing the opportunity when it was just the two of them, he spoke with a genuine concern in his voice. "Jack," Gray began, "I've noticed you've been a bit more on edge lately. Is everything alright?"

Jack hesitated, his gaze flickering as if he caught off guard by the question. After a moment of silence, he offered a small, strained smile. "Oh, it's nothing, Gray. Just tired, you know? Getting used to everything." His words, though seemingly casual, failed to explain the uneasy feeling that lingered between them. Gray sensed that Jack wasn't being entirely truthful.  Deciding not to press further and adding pressure, Gray nodded, bringing the conversation to an end.

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