winslow hawksley.

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The buzzing of the hospital ambulance entrance was ringing in Calum's ears like his alarm clock every morning.

"We have a rape case coming in!"

"16 year old, teenage girl!"

"—Foster father—"

"What in god's name is going on?"

Calum Hood, the head of the neurosurgery department, grabbed the clipboard from the nurse's hands as she extended it to him and read quickly.

"16 years old," Luke Hemmings spoke, walking by Calum as they followed the gurney. "She was raped by her foster father. Laceration on her lower abdomen, bruises on her whole body — old ones mostly. Being investigated."

"Are you head?" Calum asked, glancing at the blonde.

"Head of the case, yes." Luke nodded firmly. "I need you to be the assistant, though. She needs an evaluation ASAP."

The loud sobs of the teenager drowned out the next words Luke said. Luke and Calum walked into the hospital room where one of the bullshit excuses for a doctor held down the thrashing teenager.

"What the hell is going on here?" Luke shouted. "Why are you holding down the patient— Get the hell out of here!"

"Dr. Hemmings, I was just trying to—"

"Get out!" Luke shouted once again, causing the doctor and nurses to fail about — leaving 3 of Luke's most trusted nurses and assistants, himself and Calum.

"I want her on a relaxer, stat," Luke ordered, walking beside the girl where she cried. "Hi honey, my name is Luke, you're going to be okay. You're safe here."

Calum stood on the other side of the girl, and her green eyes finally hit Calum's like a wave. The tears filling her eyes and falling down tear stained and blistered cheeks like a waterfall.

Calum spoke with a small smile, "Hi love. My name is Calum, what's your name?"

It took the girl a few minutes to speak, but she didn't answer Calum's question. She mumbled. "Are they here?"

"Who, hun?" Calum asked, raising his eyebrow.

"Megan and L— him." She lowered her voice on the last word, like saying his name might break a curse over the 5 people in the room. Blinking and alarmed eyes stared at Calum. "My— My foster parents."

Calum shook his head. "I don't know, do you want me to find out for you?"

"Don't let them in here," The tears were back. "Please—"

"Hey, hey, hey," Calum quickly stopped the tears. "No one is getting in or out without mine and Dr. Hemmings permission. I can promise you that."

The light brown hair girl inhaled sharply before saying. "Winslow." She whispered. "Winslow is my name. W-Winslow Hawksley."

Calum let a bright smile enter his lips. Winslow. "It's a beautiful name. Do you have a nickname you'd like me to call you?"

She shook her head.

"Alright love. Can I check the cut on your stomach, honey?"

The question was risky waters. He didn't want to make her any more uncomfortable than he was sure she already was, but the cut might be infected — that would just cause her more unneeded stress.

Although stress was definitely on top of her today.

"No," Winslow spoke quickly. "No, please, don't."

Calum's lips turned into a small frown. "I'm so sorry love, but I need to see if it's infected or not. I don't have to do it now, but I need to do it soon."

Tears entered Winslow's eyes again. But she nodded. "Soon."

Calum confirmed with a nod, and before he could speak, a nurse walked in. Winslow visibly got tense, so Calum spoke. "This is nurse Jeanette. She has been a nurse since before the ice age. She's going to give you some relaxer. Is that okay?"

Winslow's eyes flickered between Jeanette and Calum before she nodded silently.

Calum felt a tap on his shoulder, and he turned to see Luke. "Can I talk to you for a moment?"

Calum nodded, turned to Winslow and said. "I'll be right back."

Luke and Calum stepped out of the room and Luke sighed, looking down at the clipboard through his glasses.

"Her social worker's not answering any of the calls we make," Luke's voice lowered slightly. "Both of her foster parents were in on it. Which means she cannot go back, under any circumstances, even if the man responsible is put behind bars."

"Does she have any family?" Calum asked.

"Her father gave up his rights after her mom died in 2019. Even before that, she's been in foster homes. Since she was 7. She has no grandparents on file, no aunts or uncles — she's an orphan basically."

Calum felt the anger rise in Luke from a mile away. Luke always hated working with social workers and the foster care system, they had no regard for the child's well being and stuck them anywhere they saw fit.

"The poor girl needs someone she knows," Luke rubbed his temple. "What did she say to you?"

"Told me her name. Winslow Hawksley. That's literally it." Calum said, exhaling. "She's very timid. And shy."

Luke nodded. "Understandably so. After this relaxer enters her system, I'm sure she'll be easier to talk to. We should probably also get her some food after examining her."

"Agreed." Calum said with a nod. "I'm gonna try and get to know her a little. See if she can provide me with any names of someone who'd be willing to take her."

"I wish you luck, mate."

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