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When Winslow finally woke up, the sun was coming up — which had her realize she'd been asleep for more than 12 hours.

"Fuck," Winslow mumbled, rubbing her head as she looked around the hospital room. Her eyes scanned the charts, the nurses outside, and the voices.

Winslow could feel her back beginning to bother her, hurting her lower back, making her wince. She swung her legs over the bed and gently tried to touch the ground.

That's when she realized she had an IV in, one she'd forgotten about.

Rolling her eyes, clearly annoyed, she hit the call nurse button.

A moment later, a nurse walked in with an expression that read concern but also relief.

"I need to pee," Winslow said fast, not bothering to wonder about the nurses expression.

"When did you wake up?" The nurse asked.

"A moment ago. I have to pee, ma'am."

The nurse blinked a second. "Do you know what time it is?"

"It's early! Ma'am, please, I have to pee—"

"Oh!" The nurse laughed nervously. "I'm sorry. Let me help you."

Finally, the nurse helped Winslow to the bathroom and closed the door behind her. When Winslow was washing her hands, she heard nurses outside.

"Page Dr. Hood. He'll wanna know that she's finally awake. He's been asking since Monday afternoon. It's Thursday."

Winslow burst out of that bathroom faster than someone could register.

"It's Thursday?" She gasped. "And no one told me? I was knocked out Monday!"

The children she walked to school on a daily basis walked alone to school Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

What if one got hurt? Did they wear jackets? Did Harriet make them breakfast?


"Get me out of this gown, please, I have to go help the kids." Winslow begged softly, as nicely as she could.

"Dear, calm down," The nurse said softly.

A minute later, after Winslow had tugged at the strings behind her, on the gown, trying to take it off — her angel walked in.

Calum Hood in purple scrubs, looking like he's just left a surgery, looking concerned and nervous. He exhaled a breath of relief at the sight of Winslow.

"Sweetheart," He breathed. "Stop, stop— stop tugging at your gown, you're gonna rip out your IV,"

His hands flew to her wrists, as gentle as he could. "Breathe with me."

He was exercised breathing techniques with Winslow, and she was following. After 5 minutes, he had gotten her to calm down enough.

"You've been asleep for 3 days, because an irresponsible doctor, gave you too high of a dosage of sedation. We have taken care of him now, and he won't be bothering you."

"I need to go," She said quickly. "The kids. In the home, they don't have anyone to walk them to school."

"I had my friends who are doctors do it for you. They have just now dropped them off." Calum reassured.

Winslow's shoulders relaxed, and she let out a sigh of relief.

"Are they warm?" Winslow asked. "Are they wearing jackets?"

"As snug as a bug in a rug." Calum confirmed. "You don't have to worry, honey, I got it sorted out."

Winslow let the sides of her lips lift up into a small grin. "Thank you."

"Of course. Wanna take a walk with me?" Calum


The two walked out of Winslow's hospital room, and Calum ended up in his office — saying he had to take off his cap and put his glasses on so they could walk.

Winslow examined his office. It was cozy. There was a couch with a bookshelf next to it, and a desk near the back middle of the room. Books about being a doctor, photos of him and his family, and another trinkets.

"Whose that?" Winslow asked, pointing to a photo of Calum, kissing a girls cheek.

"My sister," Calum smiled. "The other women kissing her cheek is my mom."

"They're pretty." Winslow said.

"Very." He smiled.

Winslow turned her attention to Calum. "What are their names?"

"My moms name is Joy, and my sister is Mali-Koa." Calum smiled again. "My mom lives in Australia, where I'm from, and my sister is in London."

"And you're in California?" Winslow asked, raising her eyebrow. "Quite boring, no?"

Calum laughed. "A little."

"Who is that?" Winslow asked, pointing to a photo of Calum where he's got his arm around a blonde guy, ruffling his hair, with a graduation gown on.

"That's my best friend, Luke. He's a doctor here, but he's moving to a different hospital soon." Calum said with a bit of sadness in his voice. "I believe it's in Washington."

"I'm sorry." Winslow frowned.

"It's okay." Calum said, "Let's go for that walk."

Calum and Winslow found themselves in the food court, ordering whatever Winslow had at hard. Seeing as she hadn't eaten since Monday.

"I need to talk to you." Calum said as they sat down on a bench, in the food court. Winslow lifted her eyes mid bite.


Calum inhaled. "The reason your side hurt so bad on Monday is because your appendix is inflamed."

"Which means?" Winslow raised an eyebrow.

"Which means that sooner or later, it's going to burst. And it looks like it'll be sooner rather than later." He explained, "Which means... I'm going to have to go in and take it out. Through surgery. If you consent, of course."

Winslow's eyes lifted and she leaned back in her chair. "What'll happen if I don't?"

"Don't what?"

"Don't consent."

Calum signed, rubbing his hands together. "Well," He started. "It's fatal. And you'll be in intense pain. Your appendix bursting is insanely dangerous."

"Fuck," Winslow rubbed her face, mumbling under her breathe. "Why is everything going wrong?"

Calum frowned and grabbed Winslow's hand. "You're going to be fine. It takes barely any time to get it out, and once it's out, you'll feel so much better."

Winslow looked at Calum. Looked down at her hospital socks.

"Fine. You can do the surgery," She said. "But I want the foster kids to be walked to school every single day."


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