jackson stoker.

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Winslow had slept the whole day and the whole night.

Calum and Luke were very happy she was getting the sleep she seemingly needed. But when they walked into her room and saw her talking to a nurse gently, awake, they were happy.

"Hello, Winslow," Calum greeted her. "How are you?"

Winslow shrugged her shoulders gently, her eyes flickering to Luke and Calum and then to her hand. She smiled at the two subtly.

"I got a hold of her social worker," Luke mumbled into Calum's ear. "He'll be here in an hour or so. He has some paperwork we've gotta fill out."

Calum nodded and sat down next to Winslow's bed. "Hi sweetheart."

"Hi," Winslow responded to Calum. Her voice was hoarse.

"How are you feeling?" Calum asked with a smile on his face. "Are you hungry?"

Winslow instantly nodded, her face slightly lighting up. "I am. What does this hospital offer?"

Calum widened his eyes at the sound of her making fully vocal sentences, and nodded. "Um," He choked. "We have a ton of things. I can bring you?"

"Yes," She whined, trying to get up. "I cannot sit forever, Dr. Hood. I'm tired—"

"Honey, easy," Calum insisted, bringing her fluids over so she could wheel it as they walked. "You're going to rip your IV out."

"Help me," She mumbled. Calum wasted no time grabbing her hand gently that she was offering and helping her up. He'd never realized, but she was at least 5'6 — he had never seen her standing up.

Luke had been watching this whole ordeal. He was surprised to say the least — watching her stand.

Calum took Winslow down to the food court and she tried to pick the cheapest things she could find. Unfortunately, she was allergic to some things, so she was careful with what she chose.

When they arrived at her hospital room, her social worker, Mr. Jackson Stoker was at the door. Her shoulders dropped.

"Winslow." Jackson greeted Winslow as she pushed past him, her eyes narrowed and face in an annoyed look. "You got kicked out of another foster home, did you?"

Winslow got up on her bed gently, putting her food in her lap and looking up at Jackson. "He raped me." She stated plainly. "It was not my fault."

Calum and Luke exchanged glances.

"Never is, right?" Jackson grunted out. "What are we going to do now? The hospital visit is going to cost the state a lot of money, Winslow. Where are you going to go after this? No one wants you."

Winslow didn't say anything. Instead, she grabbed her sandwich and opened it while listening to his ramble. Jackson grabbed the clipboard from the end of her bed and said. "Where are you going now?"

"I don't know, Jackson," Winslow hissed.

"We have no where to place you, Winslow," He hissed back. "Every single foster parent sends you back. You're running out of options fast, Winslow. What do you have to say for yourself?"

"Nothing," Winslow snapped. "I told you that Lennox and Megan were the worst foster parents you've sent me to so far. I told you multiple times over and over that it was a bad decision. It's not my fucking fault you send me to the worst places imaginable. It's always my fault. Why can't it be yours now?"

"I have tried my best—"

"And it's not enough!" Winslow cried. "Maybe you should work on the foster care system before you start blaming the children unfortunate enough to be in a similar situation."


"Mr. Stoker," Calum finally spoke up, having enough of Jackon's bullshit. "Maybe it's time you leave."


"Come back tomorrow." Luke spoke next.

Angrily, Jackson grabbed his things from the chair and stomped out of the room, muttering a simple "goodbye" to Winslow. He disappeared down the hallway and everyone exhaled.

Winslow looked down at her food and mumbled. "Please leave. I want to be alone."

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