Character Info: Isamu Arakawa

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Name: Isamu Arakawa

Gender: Male

Race: Gestalt

Skin Tone: Tan

Eye Color: Blue

Age: 118 (18 in appearance)

Hair Style: Above the shoulders, has a few strands of hair that frame his face.

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Style of dress (off campus): Dark gray undershirt, red and white flannel long sleeve shirt, dark blue ripped jeans, plain white sneakers with matching laces, white pair of sunglasses on top of head.

Style of dress (on campus): Black long sleeve shirt underneath silver blazer with gold geometric accents, black pants, and black ankle boots with the tops folded over revealing the dark gray lining and inside. White pair of sunglasses on top of head.

Most Memorable Feature: Skin Tone

Personality: Laid back and calm, usually tries to calm people down before they can start beating up Akai. Tends to ask Akai if she can help him study because he refuses to do it on his own. Is one of the few people in the school to have the respect of Tyrann since he refers to both Akai and Tyrann by their names.

Strengths: Confidant, great at stopping fights

Weaknesses: Can't control anger, tends to wait until the last minute to do something.

School: Private Replicant High School

Class: Senior

Advisor: Grimoire Rubrum

Favorite Subject: Biology

Extracurriculars: Vice president of the school Math Club

Backstory: Isamu's parents divorced when he was a child and as a result he was never good at making friends until he got to high school where he stopped a group of kids from beating on a student who was different from the others. That's when he met Akai Bara, Mya Kirk and Ivy Thornton. He is scared of Tyrann because having his respect does not mean he trusts you and Isamu wants to stay in the good graces of the most terrifying person on campus.

AN: I apologize for all the character info but we're going to get to the story next time.

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