Chapter Five: Out to Dinner

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" I brought sunlight repellent just in case. The cans I bought advertised that it lasted for 24 hours but I don't trust it. "

" I wouldn't. Anyway we're here. "

Tyrann pulled up to the cozy little restaurant which was on the corner by the neighborhood department store Akai always shopped at despite the fact that it took 5 minutes to get there from her house.

It was an unimpressive building, painted a light tan that appeared to be white in the sunlight. The door that led inside was the usual glass doors most if not all buildings used to replicate the style of buildings in the old age. According to the old history, buildings in those days were tall, reaching to the sky with multiple glass windows and glass doors leading inside.

Once they were inside, Akai immediately regretted not bringing her sunglasses as the almost bright white lights of the place nearly blinded the two. Tyrann slid his sunglasses down over his eyes and then handed Akai one of the many backup pairs he always kept on him in case he broke his. Akai slipped them on, grateful for the fact that Tyrann broke his sunglasses so often out of anger.

A server came up to the two, a look of disgust on her face. No one could stop the Shades from going to wherever they wanted but that didn't mean that the Replicants couldn't treat them like shit.

" Right this way, please! " The server said, trying to hide her disgust with an obviously false smile.

She led them over to a small booth by the window being directly hit by the sunlight. She left with a smug look on her face believing that the two would burn and die from the sunlight. Another server stopped to talk to the girl and eventually the second server headed to their table.

" I'm sorry about her. She's a little prejudiced. Says Shades can't be trusted. If you want I can move you over to a table closer to the few shadows in here. "

" That would be great. Thank you! " Both Tyrann and Akai said at the same time. The two looked at each other for a moment before trying to hide the rapidly spreading blushes on their faces.

The server nodded and led them over to a table partly hidden in shadow from the bar counter and the few spots of sunlight that managed to reach the opposite wall.

" Will this work? " The server asked, gesturing to the table.

" Yes. Thank you again. '' Akai said, quickly before choosing to sit in one of the smaller pockets of shadow since her skin could handle more sunlight than Tyrann's could.

" I'm grateful someone has the decency to see us as just as human as they are. " Tyrann muttered partly under his breath.

" Speaking of being just as human...What was the old age like? You were alive during that time weren't you? "

" Yeah I was...I was born before the Legion War and when I was young I had these big dreams about joining the military and fighting for my country. And I accomplished those dreams. I joined the military and eventually by the time I was an adult I was the commander of a unit right here in the capital city. " Tyrann had a smile on his face as he spoke but that smile faded.

" And? What happened? " Akai asked, reaching out a claw to take Tyrann's. He shrugged it off.

" One day, during the Legion War....I met someone. She was the most remarkable woman I'd ever met. I let her join my unit out of kindness and the fact that she was incredibly smart and knew how to come up with battle strategies on the fly. We grew to love each other and started a relationship and one day when we were fighting some of the remains of the worn down Legion army- " Tyrann started to cry as he spoke. Akai reached for his claw again and this time he didn't shrug it off, but instead clasped it in his own.  " -an intelligent Legion was about to kill me when she threw herself in front of me and died in my arms....I ran away from the fight after that and ended up getting arrested later since my unit had been assigned to protect a government building. I was supposed to be in jail for 20 years however after about three years I was released on good behavior. Around this time the Project was getting off the ground and they let me sign up for it. When I did the procedure, I found out that I had been infected with the disease that turns people into the Legion. And that it had apparently been dormant in my body for three years. So I ended up becoming a Shade. And not being able to receive a Replicant because of it. "

" And then there are those few cases of souls who never received a Replicant for some reason or another and so are stuck. " Akai said quietly, wiping away the tears in her eyes.

" Sorry. I didn't mean to just spout out my whole life story. Especially in public. "

Akai looked around and noticed the few servers walking busily around getting to tables looking stressed as they ran back and forth across the restaurant.

" It seems like they are short staffed. And besides I'll bet that no one but me really cares. "

Suddenly the server that had helped them before walked up to their table.

" Sorry. We're a new place and we're short staffed. Anyway, what can I get you? "

The two casted a brief glance at the menu realizing that in all their talk they hadn't looked at the menu.

" Um ... .the Traditional Salad with Ginger Dressing...please... "  Akai said.

' The Traditional Salad as well...with the House Dressing and a cilantro lime rice bowl on the side. "

" And in the rice bowl? "

" Beans, carrot sticks, and rosemary.  "

" Ok then....And I almost forgot the drinks.... " The server laughed as he turned back around.

" Limeade please. " Akai said, handing the server her menu.

" Milk. "

The server took his menu and nodded. " I'll be right back. "

" I had no goddamn idea there were side dishes here! " Akai laughed.

" I looked up the menu while I was sitting on my ass watching incompetent people arguing over what issue to choose for their poster. Not your class. It was 3rd period. "

Akai laughed at that. But somewhere in the back of her mind she was thinking about the haunted look she always saw in Tyrann's eyes...and how she finally understood it.


The sun was still bright in the sky by the time the two of them headed to Tyrann's car. She looked at him expecting him to say something but he kept his mouth shut.

" She-She must have meant a lot to you. I'm sorry. "

Tyrann turned towards her, the look in his eyes the same haunted one she had always seen on him when he hid in the shadows. He pulled at the dark purple strands of hair that hung down slightly over his left eye, brushing them back.

" She meant everything to me. After she died, I didn't think I'd ever be able to open up to people again-. " He turned to look at Akai with a tired smile on his face as he unlocked the car doors. " But.... you remind me so much of her.... "

Akai didn't know what to say, so she got in the car and silently looked out the window as they drove on.

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