Chapter Three: Lunch With Friends

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Akai looked up as the bell began to ring. On her desk was a half completed poster. Tyrann raised an eyebrow when she placed it on his desk.

" This poster is the definition of ' going overboard'. ' You really need to stop making everyone else look bad. "

" Really? "

" No! Make them look bad for all I care! You don't need to go overboard to get a good grade is all I'm saying! "

Akai rolled her eyes, and prayed that the darkness in the front of the room would hide her blush. Without another word, she left the classroom. Ivy was waiting for her by the door.

" Sorry, I couldn't work with you. And sorry, Melinda called you an ' it. ' "

" It's fine, Ivy. I'm used to it. Anyway, what are you guys doing for your project? "

" 'Climate change ' like everyone else in the class but you. What are you doing for yours? "

" ' Testing for Harmful Chemicals in Water. ' "

The conversation died out as Akai pulled her Japanese notebook from her locker.


" Yoiichinichiwo sugoshite kudasai! " Ms. Popola called as the students left the classroom. Akai rolled her eyes at the passing students talking to each other. Suddenly the doors to the choir room opened and students rushed out the door eager to catch up to their friends.

All except for Mya who was talking to the teacher. When she came out, the expression on her face was a smile.

" What happened to you? "

" Ms. Devola said that she wants me to lead the class in warm ups on Wednesday! "

" How the hell did that happen? "

" She's singling out different students and making them sing on their own. Solo auditions are coming up and she wants her students to be prepared. "

Akai rolled her eyes, closing them in preparation for the flood of light from the cafeteria windows.

When they arrived, Ivy was already sitting at their usual table.

" Hey, so I just heard from the theater teacher that after the concert next week the theater department is going to be holding auditions for the next play. "

" What's it about? " Mya asked around a mouthful of food.

" It's the story of a group of Replicants who are scientists. And one day, when they're working in their lab they get transported to a fairy realm and have to solve a puzzle to get home. It's based on the- "

" The idea of the Multiple Origin Theory. That there are countless other parallel worlds out there. " Akai said, pulling a container out of her lunchbox.

" Right! I'm excited for it! We haven't done plays that are based on the Multiple Origin Theory before and this year we're supposed to be doing a bunch of them. Any of you guys interested in auditioning? "

" Yeah. Sure, I'll audition for it even though I'm not likely to get cast in it. If they'll even let me in the first place. " Akai said, taking a flyer from Ivy's outstretched hand. Then her holographic phone began to buzz.

Mom: Your father and I have to go to a big meeting out of town tonight.

Akai: When did you get another job?

Mom: It's different this time. We're going to a startup film company and asking if they want to hire us as permanent set decorators instead of working freelance. That way we'll have a steady income.

Akai: So you're going to a startup company instead of one of the bigger companies that will pay more?

Mom: Well, If it's a startup then they'll obviously be hiring for some positions. We're leaving in an hour. Make sure to tell Tyrann ok? "

Akai: I will.

Akai put her holo phone back in the pocket of her blazer and sighed.

" My parents are going out of town again. "

" What movie are they working on now? " Ivy asked, picking at the remaining food on her tray.

" They're not working on a movie. They're going to some startup film company and asking if they can sign on as their permanent set decorates. "

" So they won't be working freelance if they get the job? " Mya asked, once again around a mouthful of food.

" Stop talking with your mouth full. But yes. " Akai said, rolling her eyes at her friend's disgusting habit.

" Speaking of jobs, someone just asked me to cover their shift at the hospital. Said they had to go out of town cause their parents got sick. "

" Well, I have to work until close today at the movie theater. "

" Goddamn... I forget you two have jobs. " Akai said, looking away from her friends for a moment, hoping to hide her slight jealousy.

It was her luck that the bell began to ring signaling the end of lunch.

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