Chapter Eight: History Lesson

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When the three of them arrived at the school, Tyrann quickly pulled her to his side, keeping a tight grip on her arm. Akai knew now that he was scared of losing her like he lost the girl he'd fallen in love with. And maybe that was why he kept her away from the other students as they walked the halls. She tried to guess what was going through his head and assumed that he was terrified of someone hurting her further. She already ended up burned, she didn't need to be beaten too.

When they arrived at the chemistry classroom/lab, Akai quickly moved to the chair next to Tyrann's desk in the deep shadows that made them practically invisible to all. She pulled out her holo phone as Tyrann tried not to shove the poster board off his desk.

Akai: Hey, Tyrann's making me stay with him in the chemistry lab all day, can you bring me my work for my classes?

Ivy: How bad's the burn.

Akai: Not that bad. Hurts like hell though. No peeling and disintegrating here.

Ivy: That's good.

Two minutes later, Ivy ran into the classroom carrying a stack of worksheets which she quickly set on the corner of Tyrann's desk.

" Here you go. Now I gotta run. " She sped off down the hall. Akai rolled her eyes, grabbing the first worksheet off the stack along with the textbook buried underneath it.

" What class is that for? "

" History, my second favorite. "

Tyrann rolled his eyes, and suddenly the teacher came in quickly noticing Akai despite the heavy shadows.

" Again? Do we need to send you to the nurse's office? "

" No. It was before we got here and it's honestly not that bad. "

" Ok then. What classes do you have today? "

" Honors Old Age History, Honors New Age Government, AP Algebra, and Sewing Skills 101. "

" Geez, I forgot you're an honor roll student. " The teacher laughed quickly, writing up a couple notes on a piece of paper. Akai laughed too and she noticed Tyrann roll his eyes. " I hope you don't mind running these to her teachers. I'll keep an eye on her. "

Tyrann quickly stood up and looked the chemistry teacher dead in the eye. He backed up, holding the notes out for Tyrann to take.

" You better.... " Was all that he said before he snatched the notes out of the teacher's hand and walked to the door. Akai rolled her eyes before she turned to the textbook.

The bell rang and the few kids that were in the classroom finally headed to their seats. Almost immediately a dozen more students came running into the classroom. The teacher shook his head. Akai silently laughed all her attention on the textbook.

The minute she started reading, she started getting lost in another world.

In 1997 the world changed forever. A mysterious Black Flower appeared in the Shinjuku district of Old Japan. From its center emerged white creatures that attacked anything in sight. These creatures were given the name Legion and eventually large military operations began to exterminate the Legion. But they just kept coming replenished by the flower who continued to produce them from its center and by the disease they spread turning humans into Legion. Finally one squad led by a captain who's name is not known, found the courage to attack the source of the Legion.

The Black Flower.

After a long, bloody battle, the squad emerged victorious and the captain disappeared never to be seen again. When the Black Flower was destroyed, it sent magical particles everywhere. Scientists began to collect these particles in order to study them and eventually came up with a theory called the ' Multiple Origin Theory. ' It stated that there were thousands of parallel universes and that the Black Flower and its Legion creations were from another world.

However the world was not at peace. The Legion still remained and continued spreading the unnamed disease among the remaining population. In an effort to counter this, the scientists used the particles (later named maso) to split a person's body and soul apart and then transfer that soul into a shell of their original body that had been given an immunity to the disease. However if someone got the disease before they were split then it would mess with their DNA and prevent them from getting transferred into a Replicant. These people were called Shades and alongside the Replicants they continued the fight for years until eventually all the Legion were wiped out. But victory came at a high cost.

All the other continents and countries had fallen in the war leaving Japan as the only nation left in the world.

The scientists had discovered that the particles from the Black Flower could be used to create greater technology and so the society now known as New Japan was born. Technology advanced rapidly but the scientists who became the first leaders of New Japan demanded that their new society mirror the way society used to look in Old Japan . They also decided to take inspiration from the United States of America, the first nation to fall in the war.

New Japan today consists of several major regions that were created out of the rubble from Old Japan. Each region comprises several smaller regions made from and named after the cities of Old Japan. Although each region has its own government, the larger region as a whole has a capital city that acts like the federal government of the long lost United States of America.
Several cities have sprung up in these smaller regions, their names taken from the cities that once formed Old Japan.

Akai felt something shake her and she looked up before her head could meet the edge of Tyrann's desk.

" Oh good, she is still with us. " The chemistry teacher laughed as Tyrann moved from behind Akai over to the chair behind his desk.

" What did I tell you about going to another plane of existence reading a textbook? " Tyann turned towards Akai as he spoke. The remaining few students left in the classroom glared at the shadows in confusion. Unable to see the Shades hidden in the darkest parts of the classroom the students only knew they were there by their voices. And it scared them to know that a Shade was watching them, possibly even two.

" ' If you're going to go to another plane of existence reading something, it damn well better be an actual book. '" Akai recited from memory counting off the number of times she'd heard him say it in the back of her head. She turned her attention to the worksheet she was supposed to fill out and began to write down the answers to the neatly printed questions.

" And...she's gone again..." The chemistry teacher joked.

" I think she needs to knock it off. I know we've adapted Old Japan's emphasis on good grades and studying but...this- " Tyrann gestured at Akai as she continued to write having somehow gone through all of the questions in a matter of a single minute. " -this is too much..."

" Alright, next class.... " They both rolled their eyes as Akai dug out her New Age Government textbook and practice quiz from the neat pile on the corner of the desk.

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