Chapter One: To School

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" Will you get out here already?! "

Akai stared at the waiting black car in her driveway.

" Give me a minute! I'm spraying on my sunlight repellent! " Akai yelled back from her front door.

" You can spray it on in the car. Let's go! "

Akai rolled her eyes, shouldered her bag and locked the front door carrying something in her claw that looked a white spray paint can. She opened the passenger door and stepped inside the car. Immediately a voice came from the back seat.

" Why do I have to sit in the back? "

" For the last time, the front seat is for people who don't whine like a bitch, Sunshine. "

" I'm your sister. The front seat should be my spot. "

Akai rolled her eyes at Tyrann and Kaine's fighting as Tyrann backed out of her driveway and started down the road to the school.

" If I stop whining about sitting in the back, can you not make me nauseous with your driving again? Kaine asked.

" You do drive like a goddamn manic. " Akai said, claws braced against the dashboard for the turn into the street the school was on.

" Any more complaints? " Tyrann said from the driver's seat.

" I'm getting a ride with Nier-san because I can't stand your driving. " Kaine said, smirking from the back seat.

" Nier-san isn't here today. He and Nier-kun had to take Yonah to the hospital again. " Akai said, spraying on her sunlight repellent as she talked.

" Damn it! " Kaine groaned " So I have to put up with my brother's driving on the way home too. "

Tyrann rolled his eyes ignoring the comment.

" Can you hand me that when you're done, I forgot to apply mine. "

Akai tossed him the can and ducked her head to avoid hitting the roof of the car as they went over a speed bump into the teacher's parking lot.


Akai grabbed the binder out of her locker just as Mya ran up to her holding something behind her back.

" Mya? "

Mya took out whatever she was hiding behind her back. It was a jersey for the school's soccer team.

" I made the soccer team! Now what about you? Did you make the track team? "

Akai reached into her locker and pulled out a uniform.

" Stockings and armbands? That seems like a weird addition to a track uniform... " Mya waited for Akai to say the one thing they both knew.

" It's just for me.... "

A growl formed in Mya's throat but she wisely didn't say anything. The bell rang and the two headed off to class.

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