Diana walked into the kitchen having heard shouting, Crookshanks on her heels, following her around. I'm the kitchen she found, Harry, Snape and Sirius.Harry yelled at Sirius to stop when the man raised his wand, yet he wouldn't listen. Diana already felt bad, but there was one way to stop this in an instant.
"Sirius, sit!" She yelled and he immediately sat down on the ground. Harry and Snape seemed quite surprised and so did the Weasley family, Pippa and Hermione with the scene they found as they had just opened the door.
"Cured!" Arthur announced. "Completely cured." But he then too saw what was happening and his smile fell slightly.
"Are you two out of your goddamn minds? Threatening and shouting? This is not school, where you just get away with some detention!" Diana stormed over to them and Sirius got up.
"Can you stop doing that?" He asked her glance shot towards him. "Don't you even start with that, I don't want to know what had happened if I didn't! You're both acting completely immature!" She said.
"Snape, you can disappear right trough the front door and Sirius, get your ass upstairs I don't need to see you until dinner this evening!" She pointed her finger at both of them.
"Are you giving me time-out?" Sirius asked. "Act like a child, get treated like a child, now go!" She said angrily.
"You do not tell me what to do, Potter." Snape snarled at her and she huffed and rolled her eyes. "Acting like you want to be in this household- or maybe you do, as it belonged to bloodsupramists... and isn't that what you are? A bloodsupramist? A traitor?" Her voice raised slightly.
His mouth opened to say something else but she put up a finger. "Do not say another word, leave the kitchen." She threatened and then pointed to the door.
He just narrowed his eyes and walked out, muttering curse words and having his wand clenched in his hands.
"Wow, good going Willow-" but Diana cut Sirius off. "You do not even start, go upstairs." She demanded and he put his hands up defensively and then left the room.
Then, she took a deep sigh and turned to the remaining people in the room. "Arthur, wonderful to see you are alright." She greeted with a smile.
"Yes, isn't it?" Said Molly, leading her husband forward to a chair. "Healer Smethwyck worked his magic in the end, found an antidote to whatever that snake's got in its fangs, and Arthur's learned his lesson about dabbling in Muggle medicine, haven't you, dear?" She added the last thing with a warning look at her husband.
"Yes, Molly, dear," he said meekly.
They had a cheerful evening that night with Arthur back.
"You had to use the sit trick?" Sirius and asked Diana who just shrugged. "It was the first thing that came to mind, haven't used it in a while now." She chuckled.
After dinner, Diana sat in the living room alone, reading a book with Crookshanks on her lap. He suddenly jumped of her lap and sat on the ground, watching her with an intens stare.
She looked back at him with interest. "What are you up to?" She asked with a lopsided grin. He meowed and walked towards the door and she chuckled and turned back to her book.
He meowed again and she looked up. "What?" She asked as he sat by the door. He stood up again walking out of it. Moments later he returned meowing again.
She sighed and walked towards him. Contently he walked towards the front door and stood there, waiting for her to open it.
"I don't think Hermione would want you outside, love." She said and he just meowed impatiently.
"Fine, but I'm coming with you just to make sure." She said and opened the door. They walked outside and he waited for her. When she was close he bolted and she gasped and ran after him.
"No! Bad Crookshanks! Come back!" She yelled as she followed. He turned into an empty, dark alleyway. It was a dead end and he looked at her.
"Why did you run?" She asked as she walked over to him in quick paces.
Het eyes grew wide when the cat, suddenly turned in a human. She took a step back and looked the man in front of her up and down.
"That's impossible." She whispered as tears filled her eyes. "You're supposed to be dead." She said in disbelief.
"Diana-" he started but she put her hand up and he stopped talking. "Give me a moment." She said and he shut up and let her think for a while. She turned her back to him and chewed on her lip in thoughts.
Then suddenly she whipped around and had a furious look on her face.
"Regulus Arcturus Black! What do you think you are doing suddenly appearing out of nowhere and making me believe you where dead? What is wrong with you? Asking me to marry you and then disappearing? You left me without an explanation- well sort of, and now you suddenly are here?" She snapped and he opened his mouth again but she continued.
"Not to forget you told me you would come back and I had hopes for more than a year! For more then a year I thought you would come back to me but then Voldermort eventually died and you weren't there!" She started tearing up and brought shaking hands up to wipe the tears away.
Slowly he took her hands in his to stop them from shaking. "Mon amour, I am so sorry." He said with a shaking voice as slowly tears streamed down her face.
"Let me explain everything and clear it all up." He whispered and she slowly nodded. He sighed before his story started.
Authors note:
And that, that is what I'd like to call a cliffhanger.
Alright I am so sorry but I just needed to do it, but because I am nice the update will be tommorow instead of next week so you'll don't have to wait to long.
But hey, Reggie is back guys!!!
Now check out my other book because y'all are reading this but I think it'd be better if you read the other one first.🔫😀

Lost in memories || Harry Potter || R.A.B
FanfictionDiana Potter, though a year younger, had the best bond with her brother James. They where best friends. And I'm saying 'where' because the oldest of the two died at only 21. She was so young, but already dealing with more grief then a person can ha...