Part 7

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Christmas, such an amazing day. Diana had always loved it. Except for that one Christmas. But she didn't like thinking about it.

It was Christmas 1984. Family's saw each other after long times, houses smelled like food and sweets, mistletoes hung hidden in the house. Except for Diana, she didn't celebrate Christmas this year.

Christmas Eve would always be something between her, Dorcas, Pandora, Barty, Evan and Regulus. It stopped when three of them became deatheathers.

Christmas morning she would first celebrate with James, Lily, Remus, Sirius, Peter, Marlene, Mary and later on Harry and someone else of course. The next day she would visit Alice and Frank with of course Neville.

Well, not anymore. First it was Marlene who died. A while after James and Lily had died, together with Harry. Voldemort had died, but who cared? Not her. then, to top it off Alice and Frank where tortured to insanity, Neville was 'killed'. She was so don't with everything.

Peter was also killed, by Sirius in fact, who went to Azkaban for that, the betrayal of Lily and James and killing 12 muggles. Serves him right, Asshole. He was lucky to be in Azkaban, if she had found him before the ministry, she would have killed him on the spot. Well, maybe death would have been better then Azkaban.

Dumbledore had told Diana to not go to Remus. Appareantly Remus had told Dumbledore he didn't want to talk to her, he didn't want contact.

And she had went searching for Mary, though she never found her. Regulus had already died years before. Barty and Evan where deatheathers. Pandora has her own family to celebrate with and Voldemort had murdered Dorcas personally.

After that, she celebrated Christmas with someone else, but when she couldn't take care of her anymore, she had to give her up.

Such an amazing Christmas. She sat in front of the fireplace, tears streaming down her face as she held her wand in her hand. She could do it, she could obliviate herself right here, right now. And she would.

She pointed her wand at herself when suddenly someone knocked on the door. She wouldn't open. But something inside her, told her to do it.

With a sight she stood up and walked to the door, whiling her tears. She opened the door to see her muggle neighbour. "Hi, I noticed you didn't have guests and you are home alone, do you want to celebrate Christmas with me and my family?

That day, Aurora— her neighbour, had saved her. If she hadn't come knocking, Diana wouldn't be here, she wouldn't know about Neville or Harry being alive. Aurora became a good friend and their still in contact, she was surprised when Diana had communicated with an owl but just shrugged it of.

After a year of living in a muggle town Diana got over herself and started living in the Potter manor. But at least three times a month she would meet with Aurora and she would celebrate Christmas with her family.

But not this year, she had sent a letter she wouldn't come this year, though still sent presents her way.

A few days before, Diana had gone shopping in Hogsmeade. She bought Harry some Quiditch gloves from good quality, she has her own experience with bad quality, its itchy and after a week you can buy new ones.

She bought Neville a book about plants because she noticed he love biology. She had also bought a shit ton of chocolate frogs for him because she knew he collected the carts.

She bought some sweets for Hermione and Ron. And while she would never admit it to anyone, she bought some sweets and dungbombs for the twins and the four Slytherins she helped out a while ago.

Some would say she was playing favourites, but she sent every other hogwarts student a chocolate frog, it had cost her a lot of money, but she was filthy rich from lots of inheritance from her father and her brother, though Harry got most of James' money of course.

Though maybe it was a little favour to a few students, but two of those where her family and two others their friends. And maybe, just maybe she favoured the other six a bit. But who cared, she didn't put her name on the presents, it wasn't like anyone would know.

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She absolutely enjoyed her Christmas at hogwarts and loved watching Harry goof of with his friends. It was just a few days after now and she was taking a midnight stroll through the castle.

Not only she was walking through the castle. Harry was also taking 'a midnight stroll' you know, just on his way to the forbidden section of the library like any other person does.

He had halted when he saw Filch, scared he would see him, but he didn't, he walked right past him, Mrs. Norris did look his way suspiciously though.

He had to hold in his laughter when Snape also marched right past him. He was almost at the library, when he saw professor Sardothien walking his way. He ignored it, she would walk right past him anyway.

He kept walking when suddenly, when he walked past her, it felt like the cloak was pulled of, though it was quite gently. When he turned around, his professor stood there, cloak in hand, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"This is wrong, you know?" She looked at the cloak, then the Harry. "I'm sorry professor, I should t have walked around the halls after curfew." Harry apologised, if he admitted he was wrong, maybe she wouldn't take away the cloak, if she did, he might just cry.

"No, not that." She said and he looked up in surprise and confusion. "What do you mean?" He asks. "I mean, that it is wrong you have the cloak. Tradition says the oldest potter gets it when they turn seventeen, though you are eleven." She points at the cloak she's holding in her hands.

Harry raises his eyebrows. "A-at least that's what James always said." She says quickly. "You knew my father?" Harry asks with widened eyes. "Of course, he was a moron truly, but one of my best friends. You look a lot like him, you know. You have the same smile, and your eyes-" Harry nodded, cutting her of.

"Their my mothers, I know." He says. "Yes, that to, but they have those same mischievous glint." Harry wasn't sure but he thought he saw a tear make its way down her face.

She then handed back the cloak. "See you another time, Harry." She turned around, and walked away.

Shorter chapter then normal, but I'm tired and need sleep.

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