Part 25

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Diana pursed her lips trying to keep it together as she stood in front of her own daughter.

"Are you upset with me?" She then asked and it was silent for a few moments. "No." Pippa said and Diana realised that she was talking in normal English, no French accent.

"I think you are," Diana said when she saw the tears in the girls eyes. "You just don't want to admit to it." She stated and the tears started to well up.

"I think you never hated me, but I think you always refused to understand why I did what I did." Diana told the girl who now let the tears fall.

"I think you refused to believe what happened to your father and that you always tried hiding away your past." Diana stopped and bit the inside of her bottom lip.

"I think you should know that I never stopped thinking about you and that I love you so much." Diana now started feeling tears in her own eyes, her voice breaking slightly.

Suddenly Pippa leapt forward and hugged Diana who was frozen for a moment before hugging the girl back. "I love you too." She whispered and Diana's heart stood still as a smile made its way to her face.

"I'm sorry for what happened to your father- he promised he would come back, but" she wasn't able to keep talking.

"I know, you wrote it in the letter. I read it when I was seven, when I learned how to I mean. My adoptive parents and me where quite surprised on who my parents where, seeing as she is a muggle born witch and he is a muggle." Pippa chuckled.

"And you knew who I was because of the pictures I suppose?" Diana asked and Pippa nodded. "Duh, how else." She said sassily and the two giggled.

"So, what now?" Pippa asked and Diana shrugged. "Whatever you want, I can be present in your life and be the cool rich aunt, we can pretend this never happened and I stay as your teacher, or I can be present in your life as a parent figure, but I completely understand if you don't want that of course." Diana suggested.

"If I wouldn't have wanted you in my life, then we wouldn't have this conversation." Pippa chuckled and Diana bit her lip to stop the big smile spreading across her face.

"If I'm honest, I would love to have you as a parental figure in my life. I call my adoptive parents by their names, their like my aunt and uncle who take care of me if I'm honest." Pippa explained and Diana could burst into tears right then and there.

She managed to hold herself composed before hugging her again. "I love you so, so much." She repeated and Pippa chuckled a bit.

"As much as I want to continue this moment, you really need to go to potions, I'll write a note for you and if Snape dares give you detention, I'll have his head." Diana says, grabbing a small sticky note and writing.

Pippa Jane is hereby excused for the first ten minutes of her potions lesson.

-Diana Sardothien

She gave the note to Pippa who took it. "Thank you, I'll see you later!" She quickly left and Diana sat in her chair, before giggling and whipping away her tears.

Remi jumped down her shoulder onto the table and she smiled at him. "Hi Remi." She said and chuckled as he waved at her.

She jumped a little when she heard noises by her window and when she looked up, she saw her owl sitting at the window.

"Hello dear, you've got an answer for me I see." she said when she had opened the window.

He flew onto her shoulder and dropped the letter in her hands. She opened it up quickly.

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