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Harry got out of the house, reviewing in his mind if he had everything prepared for his beloved boyfriends birthday. He thought that he was doing pretty good for the moment, you see, he had already planned going to the boy's house and waking him up with his favorite breakfast and in the afternoon taking him on a date (that was actually his secret birthday party that the alpha had organized in less than a week). The alpha couldn't be more anxious, he wanted everything to be perfect and for his omega, sorry, soon-to-be omega to have the best time.

Harry opened the door, left the omegas breakfast on his bedside table and started completely attacking the boy's neck with the most intense kisses as he kept whispering "Happy birthday baby". Louis slowly started waking up smiling at the goofiness of his alpha.

"Good morning, alpha"- The omega greeted the alpha making the poor harry's stomach go crazy like everytime the omega called him that.

"Look what I brought you"- Harry said, getting the breakfast he had previously prepared for his boy and showing it grinning, knowing that the omega would love this.

"Oh my god, Haz! My favorite!- the omega happily exclaimed as he looked excitedly to the Yorkshire tea and pancakes his boyfriend had prepared.

Now it was louis' turn to attack Harry's face with very intense kisses, and of course Harry didn't complain because this is just the kind of reaction he wanted.

"Love you so so so so much"- the omega kept repeating as he was now hugging his alpha.

"Well you're gonna love me even more later"- the alpha said grinning like an idiot looking at his omega as he always looked at him, as if he were the most beautiful thing ever.

"Is that so?"- the other boy asked in a teasing manner.


"And why is that alpha?"- Louis replied in a very seductive way, knowing the effect that name had on him and how he could use it in his favor.

"Are you trying to seduce me to get me to tell you the surprise I have prepared? Because if you are, please do continue, it's working"- the alpha replied half joking half serious to the blue eyed boy. As Harry had already expected Louis started blushing madly and giggling while he was trying to cover his face on Harry's chest.

"Don't act so innocent, babe, you knew perfectly what you were doing"- Harry told Louis with the goal of getting him more flustered. Which he obviously achieved, when his boyfriend was nearly dying of a" blushing attack" as Harry called it, the alpha decided it was the perfect time to tickle the boy to death.

"Stop, stop, stop! Have mercy please!!"- the omega replied desperately between giggles trying for his crazy soon-to-be alpha to stop.

"Only if you admit that you were in fact trying to seduce me to tell you my surprise"-the alpha vaguely replied.

"I was! I was! I wanted to seduce you to know your surprise! Please stop Hazza!- The alpha immediately stops tickling the poor boy to death, not only because he did what he told him to, but also because of the nickname that he didn't regularly call him and that Harry absolutely adored (only when Louis used it though).

"Good boy"- Harry finally managed to say just to then leave a soft kiss on the brunette's lips.

"Harry, please, I have morning breath!- the omega exclaimed after realizing what the alpha had done and taking both hands to his mouth.

"I couldn't care less"- he said just to take his boyfriend's hands from his face and giving him a slightly more intense kiss.

After a short snogging session and the omega finally eating his breakfast the couple laid on the couch, with them hugging together and Louis on Harry's lap.

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