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Louis woke up to the feeling of someone caressing his face softly, as soon as his eyes fluttered open he realized just how much of a hangover he had. His head was spinning, his eyes burned, his stomach felt horrible and he just felt incapable of doing anything in general. When he finally processed where he was he heard what sounded like Harry and Marcel arguing, or just panicking, he couldn't really tell.

"I don't know Harry, I panicked!" He heard Marcel saying from another room. "Oh you panicked? You panicked and you just HAD to call mom? Marcel she's gonna be so mad!" Harry replied. "I prefer her being mad with us rather than not taking proper care properly of Louis! Harry, we literally never had a hangover, we have no idea what to do!" Marcel screamed at his brother back, a very shocking information for Louis which he could barely believe but was true, all of the triplets were against alcohol and never had to go through a hangover.

Their screams hurt the omega's head a little and he turned his face to Edwaard who was still caressing his face sweetly. "Edward?" he asked in a sleepy voice. "Yes, Kitten?" The alpha sweetly replied.

The omega looked at the room where the sounds were coming from, still hearing their rant "Is.. everything okay with Harry and Marcel?" he asked the long haired omega. Edward chuckled a little "They're just panicking about you love, it's okay, they'll relax and stop fighting eventually" The alpha explained sweetly.

Louis nodded at this but soon realized how bad of a mistake that was because his head started hurting even more. He groaned and Edward caressed his hair.

"How about we get a little food in you, huh? C'mon babe I'll promise it will help, and maybe my stupid brothers calm down when they see you, who knows?" As soon as Edward said that he picked the omega up, wrapped the boy around him and took him to the kitchen.

As soon as the brothers saw their boy they stopped fighting and greeted him with kisses and hugs. The omega let himself be fed because he wasn't in the best mood and honestly didn't have the strength to complain about anything, it was just one of those days. Louis felt incredibly weak that day physically and emotionally, but it wasn't because of the hangover he had a low spirit and he couldn't give a reason why. That made the boy feel like shit.

After Edward finished feeding the omega, he asked him if he wanted a bath, knowing the omega loved bathing himself and it may make him feel better, but Louis honestly didn't feel like doing anything.

"Baby but I know it'll surely make you feel better" The alpha insisted, trying his best to help his partner. Seeing the omega wasn't going to agree soon, the youngest triplet decided to change the subject to something that surely was gonna make the omega forget. A subject that he wanted to know about for a long time.

"Do you remember, that one time, at uni, you were very drunk, and you confessed your feelings to Harry?" The boy looked at Edward confusedly, "...W-What?"

"You know... that one night, at one of Zayn's parties, when you were so drunk that Harry had to make you puke, because you could barely see" The alpha laughed a little at his own comment as he continued telling the story, "and when he took you outside the campus.. so you could take some fresh air, you told him. You confessed your feelings for him" The alpha told leaving the omega frowning.

"And.. Why do you know that? The omega asked, making everyone in the room laugh a little. "Because that wasn't Harry, kitten, that was me."

(Next chapter will be a flashback I'll try updating soon, sorry for the short chapter!! I've been on a massive writer's block)

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