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Louis felt himself waking up a little, instantly
remembering where he was. He was so tired though, so he didn't open his eyes. His first instinct was to search for Harry to cuddle him, so he lazily moved his hand until he touched the alpha, who was facing him and grabbing him by the waist in the left side of the bed, Louis found this a little weird because he knew Harry normally slept on the right, but he couldn't care less, he only wanted the warmth and the heavenly smell of his soon-to-be-alpha in that moment. The omega turned to Harry and dug his face in his chest, hugging him with his hands on his back.

Wow, he smells absolutely amazing, the omega though, as the magnificent scent relaxed every inch of his body. He heard the alpha purr a little when he did this, he couldn't see him but he knew the alpha had a smile on his face.

A few moments later, Louis heard some familiar steps, he could tell they were two people.

"What the fuck" "Edward?"- he heard two people say, so he anxiously opened his eyes only to gasp when he saw Harry and Marcel in the room. If Harry was there- who? Oh no, not again. He slowly moved for the alphas chest, just to see Edward grinning, as usual.

The omega gasped when he saw him, "E-Edward?" "What- What are you?" "When?", The omega kept trying to make full sentences as he looked at the alpha with a confused frown. He immediately stopped talking when he heard the alpha chuckle, although he found his laugh beautiful and he absolutely liked much more than he was ever willing to admit, he had to stay annoyed at the alpha, so he didn't smile, instead he looked at him with a are you gonna explain yourself? face.

"Kitten, I'm sorry to startle you, just wanted to cuddle for a while"- Edward now, softly said to the omega, really wanting for him to smile back at him, but he didn't.

"I go to prepare breakfast for two seconds, and when I'm back, you are in bed, with my boyfriend!"- The alpha possessivebly said looking at the long haired alpha as if he had killed somebody.

Marcel sighed at this,"Harry, please stop shouting, it's bad for Louis", he told his brother clearly worried for the startled blue eyed omega.

"When he stops pretending to be me to be with my boyfriend I'll stop shouting!", Harry angrily told his baby brother. Edward raised an eyebrow at this, "Who said I pretended to be you?", he arrogantly said, making his brother even angrier, "Well!, you-", both were cut by Marcel "Please stop! Now! look at Louis you ashholes!", the youngest triplet said while he hugged the little omega from behind. Louis was covering his ears, while holding back tears, he hated fights like this, it reminded him of his biological father.

Both brothers went silent at this sight, "Baby", Harry tried to start to say.

"No", the omega replied, sliping from Marcel's comfortable arms (even though he didn't want to but he had to get out of there) and runned out of the bedroom, leaving the tree triplets heartbroken.

The omega started crying a little bit as he went to the kitchen, hoping he could distract his thoughts with something, anything. To his surprise he found Anne and Robin cooking, they sadly looked at him when he entered the kitchen. Anne went to hug him.

"Oh, precious boy, what's wrong?", the alpha got a little worried as she didn't get a reply "What's wrong love?" she repeated as he kept hugging the boy tightly. Louis didn't reply and just kept sobbing to her chest. When the omega finally could breathe, he gently separated his face from he alphas chest and tried explaining to her, "screaming, the were- they w-were screaming", he tried saying so that Anne and Robin could understand.

"Who was screaming, darling?", the alpha softly asked the crying boy in her arms. "fighting, they were screaming and fighting", the omega said in between sobs. "Are the triplets fighting, baby?" Louis nodded at this, "It's about you isn't it?", he nodded again, "And it's not really the triplets it's just Edward and Harry fighting while Marcel screams worriedly am I right?" The omega looked at her with a frown in his face after this "How- How could you-" Louis tried asking, with a small smile in his face, trying to figure out how this alpha could be so smart.

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