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"Would you like to come live with us, omega?"

When Louis heard that question leave Marcel's lips he automatically grabbed the alphas face, jumped on the boy wrapping his legs around his hips and started kissing him as if his life depended on it. The kiss got more intense and more heated with every second. He started caressing the alphas curls when they finally pulled away from each other just to make out again seconds later.

When the omega decided he had pleased the alpha enough he moved to face Harry and wrapped his arms around the alphas neck, as soon as Harry hunkered down to Louis level they started kissing with the same amount of passion but much more softly and delicately. Louis loves this, he loves that he has 3 alphas who are so similar yet different from one another and can give him everything he likes. 

When the omega pulled away, making Harry frown, he turned to see Edward grinning cheekily "Pup, is it my turn yet?", the omega rolled his eyes at the alpha "Oh shut up", and before Edward could reply Louis grabbed the alphas cheek and stood on his tiptoes for being able to kiss him properly.

The kiss was full of love, it was sweet and lasted longly. Every time the omega pulled away for air the long haired alpha left tiny pecks on the corner of his lips and once he could breathe properly they would just continue, as if they hadn't already kissed for like 15 minutes.

Edward finally pulled away and admired how adorable his omega looked, with his red cheeks, swollen lips, shy smile and his fringe all messed up. It felt like they could stop time everytime they looked at each other, it was like magic.

"So I'll take this as a yes I s-suppose?" a startled Marcel asked and Louis nodded while smiled. Edward wrapped his arms around him and hid his face on the crook of his neck where all his scent was, "I have been waiting for this moment since the first time I saw you Kitten" Edward admitted while he got lost in the heavenly scent of his boyfriend.

Harry and Marcel gave each other a weird look Louis couldn't understand, but he let it pass and chuckled, "What do you mean dumbass? Harry 's kitchen?" Louis asked the boy confusedly.

Edward smirked at this "Little one, you don't really think that was the first time we met, don't you?" he asked, making the omega frown,"Um, yeah! Of course I do, because it was" Louis replied confusedly.

"I thought you would've noticed by now Kitten" Edward simply replied as if it weren't a big deal but the omega just kept getting more and more confused with every second.

Harry frowned at Edward's reply and got closer to the alpha, "The hell are you talking about Edward?" Harry interfered. Marcel, knowing this could end badly, put his hand on Harry's shoulder in an attempt to calm him down, "Harry, let's just focus on the fact that we are gonna finally live with our omega, okay?" This made Harry's frustration even worse.

He turned to look at Marcel "So you know what he's talking about, huh?", the youngest alpha sighed "Harry you're seriously not gonna start a fight now just when our omega agreed to live with us." Marcel said angrily, surprising himself. Ever since he met Louis he had this protector-alpha-moments were he just felt the strong need to desperately protect the Louis from any threat or anything that could make him feel any negative emotion, in this moments he would be able to even rip someone else's throat for the blue eyed boy.

The omega rolled his eyes at the alphas' alphaness and decided to interrupt; the almost confrontment "Hey, stop it! You don't need to get all territorial and alpha-y for everything please, I actually wanted to hear what Edward wanted to say" he said, turning to look at the still grinning omega. He was unbelievable, their brothers could be killing each other and he still wouldn't take his eyes off the omega.

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