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He couldn't believe it, he was in his arms, Louis was in his arms. Not in the circumstances that Edward would have dreamed of certainly, but he was in his arms. The alpha carried the poor boy to the bathroom, hoping he could make him puke and make him feel better, because right now, he was alone, drunk, acting ridiculous and Harry was nowhere to be found, so he was basically forced to interfere.. right?

When he finally managed to take the boy to the bathroom, seeing the omega didn't plan on collaborating a lot and just kept going on and on about how happy he was for "Harry" being at the party he made Louis kneel in front of the toilet.

"Kiddo, can you try to puke for me, please?" the alpha asked desperately. Louis gave him a funny look "Kiddo? I'm not a kiddo.. you're a kiddo!" He said in his usual drunk voice and the alpha would've found it funny if he wasn't trying to make sure he got home safe and sound at the moment.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry Louis but you really need to puke if you want to be able to function properly, alright?" The long haired alpha explained in a sweet tone, really trying his best to help the boy out. The only reply Edward got at first was a quiet whine from Louis.

"Please, Lou?" Edward insisted, "B-but... H-harry.." He finally got the omega to reply, and the curly head boy had to hide how much it hurt another name coming from the omegas mouth for when he was referring to "him".

"What?" Edward replied, figuring that he had to answer to the name, because at that moment, at least for Louis, he was Harry. "I.. I can't" The omega replied, making the alpha frown "You can't puke, Lou?" He asked and the boy shaked his head.

"Do you want me to help you, Kitten?" Edward asked a little smugly, while he smiled looking at the boy's socks who had a cat print. Louis was so gone that he barely blushed at the new nickname from "Harry" but nodded his head shyly.

Edward eventually made the boy puke, cleaned his face and took him out to the street, figuring it wouldn't be the best idea to drive Louis to his dorm yet without taking some fresh air.

So, there they were, 2:30 in the morning, sitting in the middle of the street. They were both looking at each other from time to time and didn't say a word, until the omega broke the silence. "Thank you, Harry" Louis' comment just made Edward feel like a dagger went straight to his heart, but instead of confessing that he wasn't actually Harry and never wanted to be, he faked a smile and moved a strand of hair out of the boy's face.

"You don't have to thank me, Louis" He simply replied, and Louis just looked at him intensely as the alpha removed the strand of hair out of his face carefully.

"Harry.. I like you.. a-a lot" the boy just blurted out of nowhere, making Edward almost faint. "You.. you what?" The alpha replied incredulously. "I like you Harry! Goddammit I like you so much!" Louis said leaving Edward speechless for the first time in his life.

They stayed a few minutes like that, just staring at each other, not having a clue what to say.

"Tell me.. tell me this tomorrow" Edward said suddenly. "What?" Now it was the omegas turn to be confused. "Tell me this.. again tomorrow please, at uni.. and we'll talk" The alpha reply, knowing as much as he loved Louis, it wasn't his place to interfere between Louis' feelings for Harry.

Louis just blinked at this, "...What do you mean? Why can't we t-talk about it now?" he ended up saying and Edward just sighed, taking a few minutes to make up an excuse. "Because.. I don't want to talk to you about something so important as you're feelings when you're in this state, I wanna make things right" The alpha said, praising himself in his head for being able to come up with believable excuses so fast.

"For now let me take you home, okay?" He said sweetly as he gave the blue eyed boy a warm hug and he nodded.

The day after that night, Louis ended up confessing his feelings again, without noticing, he just did what "Harry" told him and mentioned his feelings for him the next day. That day, they discovered that the feeling were mutual and started dating, that day was the beginning of all their story, little did Edward and Marcel know.. that they just had to wait a little longer to be part of it.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2023 ⏰

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